Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 304 Gale Magister and Water Sword Master

Chapter 304 Gale Magister and Water Sword Master

"Father was worried that some people that Athena met would be inappropriate, so he refused Athena's request to come over."

Ya Longjing glanced at Sabo calmly.

Of course Douglas understood that Arnold must have been dissatisfied when he failed to bring his disciples to Athena for dual cultivation.Let Athena and his disciples meet again, maybe something will go wrong, and the gap between Athena and Arnold will be troublesome.

"Didn't that girl blow up your palace?" Douglas also knew the true temperament of his lover quite well.

"Father was so annoying that he didn't sleep well for several days." Ya Nongjing replied with a wry smile.

When Ya Nongjing mentioned his sister, she was also terrified in her heart. If she were to change herself, she would definitely not be as resolute as her father, and would be able to withstand Athena's stalking.

"Ha ha……"

Douglas laughed loudly, and the person next to him finally couldn't help it, and said coldly: "Have you laughed enough, old man? You really think I'm transparent when I don't talk, right?"

The one who spoke was the Great Magister Gale, Pullman, the dean of Xuefeng College.He has a dry and thin appearance, but his eyes are extremely energetic, and anyone who looks at him can make that person feel like a light on his back.

"Ah, so you are here, I'm sorry, I didn't see you. You can't blame me for saying hello to you now, right? And Zeze's brother is also here. It's been a long time since I haven't seen you, and you still look so young." Douglas pretended to be I saw the two of them and greeted them enthusiastically.

Pullman rolled his eyes again, so there are two big people sitting here, and a great magister and a sword master, it's a ghost if they can't see it!
The dean of Brunei College, Bo Lianze, looks like a middle-aged man. If you haven't seen Bo Lianze, you can't believe that Bo Lianze, one of the seven great sword masters, is so young.In fact, he is not young anymore, at least two hundred years old, but his water element battle energy seems to have a maintenance effect on the body, making him look abnormally young.

"Pretend, just keep pretending." Pullman and Douglas didn't have much to say, and asked directly, "Why, is there any entanglement between that little girl of Athena and Arnold's disciple?"

Pullman was sitting next to Douglas and Yanongjing when he was talking just now, could he not see the eyes that Yanongjing quietly rolled his eyes?
"I said it's fine if you are impatient, can you stop gossiping? Forget about gossip, can you keep your voice down?" Douglas really wanted to slap him.

Douglas usually likes to tease Pullman, and it's fun to watch him always be teased with anxiety.But this time Douglas was pissed off by Pullman's loud voice, and Saab was sitting not far away, so keep your voice down when you f*ck gossip!

"Dare to do it but are afraid of being told?" Pullman said in a bell-like voice.

Douglas figured it out, this bastard did it on purpose, to avenge him for deliberately treating him as a transparent person just now.

"The younger generation's affairs are handled by the younger generation themselves, so don't meddle in it."

Bo Lian was afraid that the two would fight here. They were shameless and he still wanted his old face. The chairman of the exchange match was fighting on the rostrum and smashed all the signs of the chairman. He couldn't please him, so he had to Relief for the two.

The two of them are almost 500 years old together, and they are still fighting back and forth, like little children.

In fact, they only listened to the conversation between Douglas and Ya Longjing, while Pullman and Pauline had roughly guessed the entanglement between Athena and Sabo. After all, they also knew Sabo's character.

"Let your little girl stay away from him, and keep herself clean." Pullman saw that Douglas was almost angry with him, so he said slowly.

"Nonsense." Douglas said angrily.

"Okay, tell me honestly, what kind of tricks are you going to play this time, and what kind of genius is hiding? The earth magician in the previous session was really powerful, and even a few warriors from Bo Lianze's family were defeated. She's pissed."

"Hey, you have the word 'Man' in your name. Why are you so impatient? You'll know after a while, so you're in a hurry to ask?" This time it was Douglas' turn to roll his eyes.

"My name is 'Man' so I can't be impatient? You have 'Lars' in your name, don't you come out of the toilet!" Pullman blew his beard and stared.

On the other hand, Pauline sighed. He was used to the two people arguing non-stop when they met, and the content of the quarrel was seriously inconsistent with their identities. What kind of words were heard by the people next to them!Hastily raised his hand and set up an enchantment made of fighting spirit on the rostrum for sound insulation.The faint blue vindictiveness enveloped the chairman too much, and he really couldn't see anything more if he didn't look carefully.

"Okay, okay, I don't have the same knowledge as you. The academy established by a great magister is actually famous for fighting spirit. I don't know how to embarrass you, but I have the nerve to play word games with me."

Douglas launched the ultimate kill.

In the college opened by the dignified magister, I didn't expect that the students' magic skills were so-so, but the grudge students all learned well. This has always been a pain in Pullman's heart.

Whenever Douglas talked about it, it drove Pullman to death.

But I didn't expect that this time Pullman became quiet when he heard Douglas's words, and the corners of his mouth raised a look of embarrassment, and even Pollyn couldn't help being curious.

"It seems that Pullman has a good seed of a magician in his hands this time?" Pollyn asked.

"The game is about to start, watch the game and watch the game." Pullman continued to change the topic with an inscrutable and weird smile.

"haha okay."

Pauline and Douglas responded respectively, both of them looked inscrutable, and they seemed to be full of confidence in their students.

On the other side, all the participating teams had arrived, and the auditorium was full.There were too many people at the scene, but each of them whispered a word to each other. It was noisy enough to gather together in the huge square. The sound array reduced the noise a lot.

Livia came back after drawing lots and told everyone: "We are in the fourth group."

Coleridge had heard that the exchange competition lasted for two days, but he did not expect that there were so many participating schools!
He only heard of Landis Academy of Magic, Xuefeng Academy, and St. Wen Academy from what he heard every day, and he thought that there were only these three academies in the entire human continent.Even if there are other academies, there are at most two or three. Even the Dalk Academy is the first time Tarena has heard of it when she came here to step on the field.

Looking at the group arrangement today, there are more than 40 colleges popping up!

(End of this chapter)

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