Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 309 The Mysterious Sixth Person of Xuefeng Academy

Chapter 309 The Mysterious Sixth Person of Xuefeng Academy
"What kind of foreign aid are you asking for, don't talk nonsense if you are impatient." Douglas pouted Pullman's face, and then said slowly, "Shortly after finishing the exchange game four years ago, Ta Lena suspended school for some reason, and came back only last month Classes at the academy, and I am currently in the sixth grade of the Landis Academy of Magic. As a student of the Landis Academy of Magic, don't spit blood, be careful that I will tear your mouth!"

"Suspended for four years? The daughter of the dignified Prince Richardson, suspended for four years for no reason?" Pullman was the first to not believe it.

And Douglas also heard that Pullman had gone to find out about Tarena, otherwise he would not have known that Tarena was the daughter of Prince Richardson.Because Prince Richardson does not like to deal with outsiders, Pullman must have not met his daughter, and may not even know that he has a daughter.But it's not difficult to know Tarena's identity, just ask any student of Landis Academy of Magic back then.

"As you said, the daughter of the dignified Prince Richardson, can you still accept my tricks to make her graduate three years later?" Douglas asked rhetorically.

Makes sense!
In fact, people don't need a stage like the exchange game to show themselves. It seems that they have really suspended school.

"How old are you?" Pauline said suddenly.

"24 years old." Douglas laughed.

Listening to Douglas' laughter, Pullman and Pauline's faces were not very good-looking.

There is an age limit for the college exchange competition, which happens to be under 25 years old!It happened to be a year away from breaking the rules!

I didn't expect that there was such a heavy weapon hidden in Douglas' team!

Landis Academy of Magic easily won the competition, one by one, no one could do anything to Lester, even Ophelia expressed his appreciation for Lester in a rare way.

Before the audience could wait too long, it was Xuefeng Academy's turn again.

Their opponents did not lose their minds, and chose the team battle very correctly.The result was exactly the same as the battle at St. Wen College. A junior earth warrior went up and wiped out all the opponents.The only difference is that they didn't all jump off the stage at the beginning like St. Wen Academy, but just stood on the edge of the competition stage as spectators.

When everyone turned their eyes on the stage, Nangongfeng's eyes were on the sixth person of Xuefeng Academy who was under the stage.Looking around, he has light blue hair, and his tall and straight figure is set off by the school uniform of Xuefeng Academy.But the five sense organs can't see clearly, he can clearly see it, but it feels hazy, and it's impossible to recall his appearance when he looks back. This feeling is very strange.

"Feiwu, that sixth person is very strange." Nangong Feng turned his head and said to Yuan Feiwu.

"Yes, he should be the biggest opponent in this competition." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

Nangongfeng nodded slightly. He also trusted his partner unconditionally.So far, he hasn't seen Yuan Feiwu make a mistake in judgment.

Of course, Douglas and Pauline on the rostrum would not miss the opportunity to observe the strength of Xuefeng Academy. The one on the stage was one against five, and they would know the strength of the one with a little movement of their hands.Their eyes scanned the other people, and finally they all looked at the sixth person in the audience.

Why can't you see his people?

It seems that the whole person is an illusory phantom, just like a person who appears in a dream. After looking at it again and again, he can't engrave his appearance into his mind, and he forgets it when he turns his head.

Douglas and Pauline turned their heads and tried to get some clues from Pullman, but when they turned their heads, they saw Pullman standing there with an inscrutable look in the morning, revealing an annoying sneer, as if he was pointing at them. Said: Come on, come and ask me... I will never say anything f*cking, I'm so anxious to kill you two bastards!

Seeing this expression, Douglas and Pauline simply didn't bother to ask. We are both old friends and old rivals. We don't know each other well enough to know what color underwear we are wearing today!How could it be possible to ask the exit and satisfy that impatient and successful heart!
The three famous schools have all appeared, and the audience who are a little bit more knowledgeable knows that today's competition from the three famous schools can only see the performance of one of their teams.Because their strength has seriously outstripped that of other academies, there is no need to dispatch other people!
The audience will not be disappointed. After all, what is really exciting must be the semi-finals on the second day. Today can only be regarded as a warm-up.At that time, all the elites from the three famous schools will come out, which will be the real climax of the exchange competition!

At noon, the game entered the break time.In the whole morning of the game, I didn't see a high-level magician, and the few intermediate-level magicians who appeared were not as powerful as a junior warrior.After all, the magic power of low-level magicians is too small to pose a real threat.

As soon as the show opened in the afternoon, everyone saw the appearance of a real magician of a certain level.

And as soon as they appeared, there were four!

Dalk Academy is here!

The four of Linda stood up on the competition stage with arrogance, and they were very ambitious in their hearts at the moment!After all, until now, no real high-level magician has appeared. You must know that magicians below the intermediate level are really useless, but high-level magicians have already undergone qualitative changes!If a high-level magician is allowed to wreak havoc on the arena, even high-level warriors can't handle it!
What's more, their Dalk Academy drew the third group without the three major colleges, even luck is on their side!
"How shameless! I broke my promise to participate in the exchange game!" Ophelia yelled directly in the auditorium, attracting the surrounding crowd to watch.

Of course, Adam would not take it seriously if his skin was extremely thick, but Ya Rongjing, who was next to Ophelia on the other side, was very thin-skinned, and was very embarrassed by these gazes.

But he was still curious, and asked Ophelia why it happened.

Ya Nongjing, who understood the ins and outs of the matter, smiled, and said: "Talena made this bet on her own initiative and planned to target the Landis School of Magic. The four of them are the unlucky ones who were used. But I didn't expect that even the instigator turned to Landis in the end." Tees School of Magic, they can say that they lost everything because of Tarena, it wasn’t their bet that they decided to lose, so it’s understandable not to admit defeat.”

"Who told them to hang out with Tarena when they knew there was such a bet? It's too much!"

Ophelia would not understand such a person.

The opponent of Dalk Academy is also a little-known academy, Tubenluo Academy, and both sides unanimously chose a team battle.

Of course, Dalk Academy, which is dominated by mages, is not suitable for confrontation. In addition, Linda and the others have worked hard for a period of time before the tactical cooperation, of course, they have to show off on the biggest stage in Star Luo Continent!
The four of them brought a middle-level samurai with soy sauce, so confidently took out their staffs and posed for each other, trying to make the audience shine.

The eyes of the audience are bright, but not because of them, but because of their opponents.

A tall beauty from Tubenluo College stood on the competition stage, her snow-white skin made people salivate.The other four members, who looked like warriors, lined up in front of her, staring fiercely at Linda and the others.

The beautiful woman Wanwan took out a magic staff with all kinds of charming expressions, and looked at Linda and the others with powerful eyes.

Another magician!

I didn't see many magicians all morning, but I didn't expect five to appear at the beginning of the afternoon!
(End of this chapter)

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