Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 310 The Dark Horse of Group 3

Chapter 310 The Dark Horse of the Third Group
"Game start!"

Dalk's warrior stood guard in front of Linda and Charles, while Richard and Barton stood a few steps in front, and a few low-level small magics slammed at each other crazily, regardless of whether the opponent's warrior entered the attack range, anyway, their mission was to harass.

The people from Landis School of Magic knew at a glance that it was exactly the style of play they used when they competed with them!
"It's still the same?" Lester said disdainfully.

"This set is considered a very powerful move in ordinary colleges, and there is basically no opponent."

Nangongfeng folded his hands on his chest and crossed his legs, as if he was commenting on something not popular.

Nangongfeng was right. Although Linda and the others had dropped out of Landis Magic Academy, they were hard to come by in ordinary academies.Such four together can really sweep the general academy.

"Well, without her." Yuan Feiwu added.


As soon as Lester finished speaking, a huge boulder larger than a person was burning with flames, rolling towards Linda and the others, erupting crimson lava while rolling all the way!Just looking at it from a distance, you can feel the heat wave blowing on your face!
"Level 6 magic lava falling rocks? Isn't this the trick of the great molten magister Arnold!"

Richard and Barton standing at the front screamed and were about to dodge immediately. Arnold, the great magister, was nicknamed the melting, precisely because most of his fire magic was in the form of liquid!This is his personal comprehension of magic characteristics. Liquid flame magic cannot be used casually. The temperature and power are much stronger than ordinary flames!
If you are burned by this thing, you will have to peel off your skin if you don't die!
Not far away, Linda and Charles were chanting magic, and they had to stop chanting and get out of the way when they saw the lava and falling rocks rolling over.Fortunately, although this lava falling rock is powerful, it is not fast, and it is easy for people who are a little further away to dodge it.

But after easily dodging the lava and falling rocks, Linda and Charles couldn't see any happy expression on their faces, and their faces suddenly turned pale.

This is a level 6 magic, and the singing speed is faster than my level [-] magic. What does this mean?It means that the opponent is at least at the intermediate level of a great magician!
The representative of Dalk College, who was thrown into a panic by a lava falling rock, hadn't come back to his senses. Several warriors from Tuben Luo College had rushed out and quickly came to Richard and Barton.Just as they were mentally prepared to be pressed on the ground and rubbed vigorously, they were ignored by others and they just skipped it.

Damn, although they harassed them with small magic in front, they are still high-level magicians. It feels a bit lonely and cold to be ignored like this!
But then seeing the four warriors pass them two, beating Linda, Charles, and the middle-level warriors who made up the numbers like they were pinching chickens, the two of them didn't feel lonely and cold anymore, and they were only lucky.

At this time, the beauties of Tubenluo College had finished singing, and countless fist-sized flaming meteors suddenly fell from the sky, flying towards Richard and Barton.

Another level 6 magic!
Heartbroken, Richard and Barton rushed out of the competition arena desperately. That was the fastest way to escape the flame meteors. There was naturally a protective barrier to block the flame meteors when they jumped out of the competition arena.At this time, surviving is more important than looking for opportunities to fight back!Get out of the way of any victory or defeat!
Level 6 magic, the two senior magicians resisted with their bodies, that's not bravery, it's courting death!
"Tuben Luo Academy wins!"

Linda quickly conceded defeat, and if he didn't admit defeat, he would be beaten out of shit. He was just a magician, and his body was usually pampered and delicate, so he would yelp in embarrassment after being punched casually.

After the referee pronounced the verdict, Linda and the others hurried off the stage. The performance just now was too embarrassing, and it would be torture to stay on the stage for one second longer.When they got down, they found that Richard and Barton were being treated by the medical staff of the exchange match. Before running down the competition stage, they were hit by a flame meteor several times and were seriously injured.

Linda and Charles wiped the blood off their faces and sighed deeply. They knew that this exchange game was over for them.

"It's really ruthless." Silas shrugged.

"Indeed," Coleridge agreed.

Of course they were talking about the beautiful mage, who actually used lava and falling rocks to disrupt the opponent's formation, and a few warriors got close to the mage, and the victory was already decided.There is no need to seriously injure someone with a flame meteor.

"It's just to save's very cruel." Yuan Feiwu said slowly.

No one knew what Yuan Feiwu meant, including Livia.However, if someone can say that someone is cruel and merciless, while smiling like a flower that is about to bloom, Livia is considered to be very knowledgeable.

But when the game continued in the afternoon, everyone knew what Yuan Feiwu meant.

In the third group of competitions, when many teams met Tuben Luo Academy, as long as they couldn't stop the beautiful magician from singing the first spell, they all readily surrendered.Those who are afraid of death even rush out of the competition arena without saying a word.

They knew very well in their hearts that even if they were against the three major academies, although their strength was much higher, they generally would not be ruthless.It's not like that beautiful woman who greets people casually with level 6 magic, who dares to make fun of her own life!
The game in the afternoon of the three colleges is basically a replica of the game in the morning. St. Wen College and Xuefeng College both send one person to play team battles with others. During the game, everyone else piled up in the corner as spectators.

The performance of Landis Academy of Magic was a bit disappointing. Like Xuefeng Academy, they played one against the others and piled up seeds in the corner.However, Lester, who went up to single out the other five, was not strong enough, and it was a bit difficult, and it was safer to have to make up Silas to help occasionally.Of course, not wanting Leicester to consume too much or get injured is also one of the reasons.

But Coleridge was excited in the afternoon game.Yuan Feiwu applied not to play, but Tarena actually agreed. Anyway, these rubbish can't make Tarena understand Yuan Feiwu's depth, so it doesn't matter.Coleridge took Yuan Feiwu's place and ate melon seeds.

This matter means a lot to him!

In the future, he can add a thick stroke to his graduation resume: in the college exchange competition, he appeared as the main force of Landis Academy of Magic... It is completely true!No lie at all!

If one accidentally wins the championship, it can be changed to: In the academy exchange competition, he appeared as the main force of Landis Academy of Magic and won the championship in the end... yo!So powerful and domineering that he has no friends!
A healing water element magician participated in the exchange competition as the main force of the academy and won the championship. He just wanted to ask, who else? !

It was not until the evening that the group competitions were all over.

In fact, the qualifying teams have been determined a long time ago. In the four groups, there is a certain team with the best points. Among them, the third group of points ranked first, of course, Tubenluo Academy.However, in other competitions, the strength is almost the same and you have to play slowly, so let them play slowly. It is rare to perform once in the exchange game, and you cannot deprive them of their rights.

Representatives from all parties left the scene one after another after the competition, and people from Landis Magic Academy also planned to add some food to the canteen of Xuefeng Academy as a small celebration banquet.

Livia said that there was nothing worth celebrating for qualifying from the group, so she left first.She was worried when she left. Seeing that the strength of this exchange match between St. Wen College and Xuefeng College was much higher than the previous ones, she needed to go to Douglas to discuss countermeasures.

It doesn't matter to the others, anyway, they can eat more happily without Livia who keeps a straight face all day long.

While walking, Yuan Feiwu was stopped for no reason.

"It's so similar! It's so similar!"

(End of this chapter)

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