Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 311 Xiao Wu's Battle

Chapter 311 Xiao Wu's Battle
Ophelia was about to leave the table to find the representatives of Landis School of Magic and give them a surprise, or to give that idiot a surprise. It must be a surprise for her to appear suddenly!If he feels very regretful and wants to watch the beautiful snow scene with her again, it is not impossible to consider reluctance to accompany him to watch it again.

Thinking of the wonderful white snow scene, where she can enjoy the snow and the beauties at the same time, she couldn't help screaming in her heart, she couldn't control the power of the prehistoric!
As a result, as soon as he got up, he found that some people who shouldn't be there were moving faster. Yuan Feiwu was already entangled by someone, and he rushed out of the auditorium.

Sabo, who was just about to come over to strike up a conversation, was taken aback for a moment, this beauty is quite "lively".

I wanted to see if I could lure her here while her brother wasn't around, and let his brother know that his sister had been spoiled under him before, and see if he could still act like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water!He likes this kind of revenge method the most!
But as soon as he set off, the beauty ran away like a rabbit.

Sabo was not discouraged, and quietly followed Ophelia, looking for other opportunities to strike up a conversation.

What Ophelia saw on the audience stand was a man dressed in dignified clothes, passing through the crowd and stopping Yuan Feiwu, followed by two tall men who looked like bodyguards.

When Yuan Feiwu was stopped, he still looked at the person with a smile on his face.

He recognized people immediately.

It's Eddie, the prince of the Tost Empire.

This is the home court of Xuefeng Academy, and it is not surprising that the princes of the Tost Empire are watching the battle here.In other words, it is strange that no one from their royal family came.

But the problem is, for "Yuan Feiwu", this is the first time seeing Eddie!
"็ Hello Who are you?"

How could Yuan Feiwu be seen through, and smiled as if nothing had happened.That smile is like a skill, with its own charm effect, making Eddie feel as if he is tilting everything, except for the smiling face that makes his heart beat faster.

"It's exactly the same, you two brothers and sisters are so similar!" Eddie continued to murmur incredulously while clutching his beating heart.

Lester was not happy when he saw the idiot appearing, so he hurriedly stepped forward, frowned and asked, "I'm asking you something!"

"Lester, go ahead first, I'll be here in a while." Yuan Feiwu hurriedly pushed Lester away.

Yuan Feiwu's words were still very majestic, and the representatives of Landis School of Magic were all sent away by Yuan Feiwu without saying anything nonsense.

I can't go without sending them away, with them here, the identity of "Yuan Xiaowu" will definitely be revealed in a second!Rao Yuan Feiwu, the ancient demon god, couldn't accept this kind of result!What is black history?This is called black history!
"Hello, I know your name is Yuan Feiwu, and I have known you for a long time! My name is Eddie, the prince of the Tost Empire. A few months ago, your sister accompanied Princess Athena as a guest. At that time, I learned that she had A brother who looks the same as him. When I saw you, I couldn't help coming over to say hello!"

When Yuan Feiwu dismissed everyone, Eddie had already calmed down.He really misses Yuan Xiaowu too much, seeing Yuan Feiwu who is exactly the same as Yuan Xiaowu at this moment, he can't help himself.

After calming down, he felt that he couldn't let himself continue to lose face, so he quickly introduced himself and stretched out his hand to him.

Suddenly, like a flash of lightning, the other hand rushed in and grabbed Eddie's hand firmly.

Fuck, Yuan Feiwu is still standing still, where did the hands come from!
Eddie was stunned for a moment, and looked at the owner of the hand, only to see a red-haired man with an extraordinary appearance but somehow made people feel a little silvery, looking at him viciously.

"Hey, what do you want to do to my brother-in-law!"

Big... big brother-in-law?Eddie's head faltered a little.

Another troublesome guy came... Yuan Feiwu smiled wryly, it was Adam who came!
Adam gave Eddie another warning look, and then turned his head to look at Yuan Feiwu beside him.

"I went a long way, it looks more like it up close!"

Adam was also greatly amazed, and almost subconsciously touched Yuan Feiwu's face with his other hand.This is his reflexive action, an action without any thought at all, he instinctively wants to gently touch this exquisite work of art that is not like all the human world.

Even if Eddie's mind is down at the moment, he can't turn a blind eye. A guy who looks obscene and silver stretches out his hand to molest his goddess. No, the brother who wants to molest his goddess, how can he succeed!
The Earth Warrior's strength exploded to the extreme, and his other hand came first to grab Adam's half-stretched hand and pull it back in front of him.

Adam was very upset when someone hindered his actions, and Eddie was even more upset when he saw Adam wanting to molest someone who looked like his goddess. Both of them were angry at each other, so they just grabbed each other's hand.Seen from a distance, the two looked like psychopaths, crossed each other's hands, held each other's hands, and looked at each other "affectionately", as if they wanted to swallow each other into their stomachs, full of passion.

"Presumptuous! What do you want to do to Xiao Wu's brother!" Eddie was the first to say angrily, and the two bodyguards behind him were already gearing up and preparing to do it.

If it weren't for this being the venue for the exchange match, he would have to maintain his image as a prince, he would have beat up this wretched man a long time ago!

"Damn it, Xiao Wu is called Xiao Wu by you, a bastard who doesn't know where he came from? If you call my fiancee like that again, I'll turn your head off!"

Adam is much hotter than Eddie when he squirms, and his face is a hundred times more ferocious than Eddie's. It can definitely scare children of any race to tears.

Eddie was kicked back a few steps by Eddie, and lost all the strength of his hands, and was pinned down by Adam limply.

He wasn't frightened by Adam's expression, he was frightened by Adam's words.

Xiao Wu...has a fiancé?Why didn't you tell him?No wonder, no wonder he wanted to show his heart to Xiao Wu several times, but she evaded it lightly.

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu, are you really willing to entrust your sister to this person? He doesn't seem to be trustworthy!" Eddie couldn't help complaining to Yuan Feiwu, his words choked up.

"No, I don't have a fiancé or anything." Yuan Feiwu said firmly.

He never left any room for misunderstanding this kind of nonsense.

Eddie's eyes lit up as soon as he heard it, and he confronted Adam again, relying on the strength of the earth warrior to suppress Adam's hands again.

"Damn it! You lied! You almost cheated me!"

"Cheat wool, who else can Xiao Wu marry besides me!" Adam continued to develop his self-confidence without knowing where it came from.

Yuan Feiwu watched them continue to quarrel over a fictional character, and couldn't laugh or cry. He really didn't know how to solve these misunderstandings, so he could only continue to stand aside and smile wryly.

"Why can I only marry you? It turns out that Xiao Wu has been harassed by a prodigal son like you in Northway. It is so pitiful! I will write a book as soon as I go back, and ask King Alexander to marry me Xiao Wu." , from suffering!"

"Did you beep——" Adam became angry when he was called a prodigal son, and swear words flew out.

He wasn't angry at being called a prodigal, but depressed.It's fine if he really harassed Xiao Wu, it's because he was so depressed that he couldn't see Xiao Wu again after meeting him once in Ophelia's dormitory!He also wants to be a prodigal son, but he is depressed if he can't do it!


Happy Lantern Festival!
I wish everyone a happy reunion, whether it is family, friendship or love... or the figure after the new year

(End of this chapter)

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