Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 313 Airborne Captain

Chapter 313 Airborne Captain

In the first match, the winners of the first group and the third group faced each other, and Xuefeng Academy played against Tubenluo Academy.

"The competition mode is a team battle, please prepare for the competition!" said the referee.

As soon as Xuefeng Academy stood on the competition stage, the cheers erupted from the auditorium detonated the audience, and Ophelia covered her ears with both hands to feel better.

"Come on for your Xuefeng Academy." Adam said coldly.

His voice was not too loud, but it was just enough for Eddie, who was two rows away, to hear him.

Ophelia also came today and found out that Eddie was sitting not far in front!
In fact, it should have occurred to him earlier that, of course, a character like Eddie would have to sit in the VIP seat here.It's just that I didn't expect it to be so close!
"Are you talking nonsense? Is it possible that I want to cheer for other academies? If Xiao Wu's matter is not for Miss Ophelia's sake, I will never end with you!" Eddie turned his head and said unhappily.

He is still brooding over what happened yesterday!Thinking of the place where Yuan Xiaowu lived had such a big pervert staring at him, he felt restless and couldn't sleep last night!

"Aren't I afraid that you will forget your own position!" Adam laughed extremely annoyingly, "I will let my brother-in-law see clearly how you cheered for his competitors, so that he can understand that I am actually It's with him! I've been cheering for my brother-in-law behind my back!"

Eddie gasped!What a sinister bastard!

He thought that Yuan Feiwu would not be such an unreasonable person. As the prince of the Tost Empire, of course he had to cheer for the pride of the Tost Empire. This was an understandable behavior.However, he doesn't have a deep relationship with Yuan Feiwu, what if he really cares about this and tends to support Yuan Xiaowu marrying that wretched man?The two siblings depend on each other without father or mother, Yuan Xiaowu is so well-behaved, she must listen to his brother!
Seeing that Eddie was in deep conflict and frowning, Adam smiled happily, so loudly and arrogantly.

It is usually at this time that extreme joy begets sorrow.

Ophelia on the side couldn't stand the childish behavior of her perverted brother, so she kicked him hard off the stage, causing him to roll around in pain.

Now the whole world is quiet.

Representatives from Tubenluo College also played, and they were the original team they had seen in the group stage.A few middle-level warriors acted as a human wall in front, and the beautiful female magician stood behind.

The Tuben Luo Academy team is obviously a team that focuses on a great magician. It is obviously impossible to choose a confrontational battle. The single-handed big magician has no advantage.

However, Xuefeng Academy doesn't take their opponents seriously at all, and they can compare them however they want. As long as it's not the other two famous schools, they don't think there is any other academy that can shake their position as the overlord.

If the opponent wants a team battle, let's do a team battle!

The students from Xuefeng Academy also stepped out and lined up with four team members. A man with light blue hair stood behind him.

The two sides are actually in the same formation!

So to say……

"The sixth man is here. Could it be a magician too?"

What Yuan Feiwu said, Leicester has always kept it in mind. Yuan Feiwu said that the biggest opponent in this exchange match is the sixth person of Xuefeng Academy, so it is definitely him!So Leicester has been paying attention to this person, and he looked at him as soon as he came on the court.

The sixth person was hiding behind the others, obviously a magician's position!
"Xuefeng Academy looks down on the opponent on the surface, but it doesn't underestimate the opponent at all tactically. This should be the strongest lineup." Yuan Feiwu said lightly.

Livia was worried about the prospect of the Landis Academy of Magic last night, and Douglas didn't give her any good advice, but his words of comfort still made her believe in Yuan Feiwu.It's because I believed in Yuan Feiwu that I got such a field, right?

Otherwise, bringing a few masters from the sixth grade would make her feel uneasy about the gap in strength!
Now hearing Yuan Feiwu's simple but sharp comment made her fall into deep thought again.This guy clearly has a vicious vision, why did he put together such a team?
I really can't see through this kid.

"Game start!"

As soon as the referee gave an order, the voice of the beautiful magician's chanting came out quickly.

Level 6 magic lava falling rocks!Even the audience at the scene knew that she would use this big spell in her hand!
When the falling rocks constantly erupting lava roll towards the opponent, whether it is attacking or disrupting the opponent's formation, the effect is very outstanding!
Before the beautiful magician finished singing, the warriors in front of her remained motionless. Their task was to protect her from completing her magic.

In just a moment, the beautiful magician finished singing the level 6 great magic, and a huge falling rock appeared out of thin air, crashing towards Xuefeng Academy.

Seeing the rolling stones constantly erupting lava with frighteningly high temperatures, several warriors of Xuefeng Academy frowned.Although they have all reached the level of earth warriors, it is impossible to use their bodies to resist a level 6 magic.

"I didn't tell you to move."

Just as they couldn't help but want to hide from this terrible rolling stone, a cold voice came from behind.

Grass!Still not moving, you fucking want us to die, don't you!

They are all upset!

Originally, there was no such person in their team. It was nearly a month before the exchange match that the great magister Pullman put this person into the competition team, and specified that he should be the captain, and everyone obeyed him unconditionally. Otherwise get out of the representative team!

It's fine to parachute someone who is so cool and annoying, TM has never seen him come to train!I really don't know what he was thinking. I really think that I have some strength so I don't take the exchange competition seriously?

For the first time, they questioned the decision of the great magister Pullman. They did not doubt that the people brought by the magister Pullman were not strong enough, but there were heaven and man outside the sky, and there were people outside the sky. There were all kinds of amazing geniuses in the three colleges. Young talents who can be regarded as dragons and phoenixes among the people do not think of themselves so highly.This kind of self-righteous and supercilious person is really not qualified to be the leader of Xuefeng Academy.

Now that they are playing together for the first time, in principle they still have to listen to the captain's orders, but they are very resistant in their hearts.

Moreover, the level 6 big magic has rolled in front of the TM, and they are not allowed to dodge. Is this to send them to death?It doesn't matter if you lose, but it's really hopeless to be defeated by a stubborn SB.

Several warriors of Xuefeng Academy saw that their captain really didn't intend to let them dodge, so they secretly stimulated their fighting spirit and prepared to attack with all their strength, to see if they could smash against this falling rock.

Suddenly they felt a chill coming from behind, and then a bone-piercing cold wind swept across their backs. Fortunately, they had already activated their fighting spirit shields, otherwise they would have been shivering in embarrassment.

Three swish, swish, piercing sounds.

The rolling stone stopped not far in front of the warriors.

They opened their eyes wide, and suddenly there were three bowl-sized ice thorns on the rolling stone, which were inserted into it, and when it rolled to contact with the ground, it got stuck!
"Frozen land."

The chants behind them started again, and following his chanting, the warriors of Xuefeng Academy saw that the ground under their feet suddenly froze!The icy direction seemed to have a goal long ago, and it quickly condensed towards the falling rocks.

The following scene silenced the people on the stage and all the audience.

The high-temperature lava falling rocks were actually frozen!Ice freezes into a puck!The hot lava, the manic flames, all kept their appearance at the moment before they were frozen, buried in the ice!

It all sounds very long, but in fact it is only a matter of a moment.

Several warriors thought back and forth in their hearts, and suddenly heard the order from the person behind them, quickly pulled back their thoughts, and set off immediately.The falling rock no longer erupts lava, they can rush directly from the direction of the falling rock, and get close to the opponent as fast as possible!

This is much more convenient than dodging this lava boulder and fighting back!Also more domineering!
(End of this chapter)

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