Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 314 Despicable Sneak Attack

Chapter 314 Despicable Sneak Attack

"Advanced element of water element, ice element physique!"

On the other hand, Bo Lian gasped, unexpectedly seeing the legendary physique!
And according to the performance of the team member on the competition stage, even if he has never heard of the magic of Frozen Earth, but to be able to freeze level [-] magic, at least level [-] magic must be above!This is a great magician level magician!And it is likely to be high-level!Otherwise, it would be impossible to completely restrain the opponent's magic of a similar level!
"No..." Douglas squinted his eyes and couldn't help but shook his head to refute Pauline Zeze's words, "I finally understand why that guy always seems to be invisible. There is always a faint mist around him! It was caused by the dense ice elemental spirits around his body!"

"He has the physique of an ice element elf?" Douglas looked at Pullman.

Douglas' words shocked Pauline even more!With Douglas's level of magic right there, no one in the mortal world dared to say that he was better than him, not even the great magic instructor Pullman, who often fought against Douglas, dared not say so.So although Douglas is an interrogative sentence, it is basically inseparable!
The legendary advanced element of water element, ice element, is already a very rare, precious and powerful element, and I feel very lucky to meet Bo Lian.I didn't expect to see the physique of an ice elemental elf!Pauline couldn't imagine what kind of monster this guy would be in the future!

"That's right, the ice element elf envoy." Pullman wrote lightly.

But the embarrassment on his face betrayed him!

Douglas and Pauline saw through it at a glance, this bastard had been waiting for the moment when he was amazed by his team members from the very beginning!
"Isn't it just to dig a good seedling of the pervert level? What's so exciting! Don't say I bully you, you have the kind of solo practice with Douglas, and I really admire you if you can beat him! Your students are very talented, you Is this headmaster pulling a hair?" Pauline said with a very rare contempt.

Generally, he doesn't despise people, and maintains a humble and polite attitude all year round. It's really rare for him to despise people.

"Exactly! If you have the guts to practice solo with me!"

Douglas didn't bother to care about why Pollyn despised Pullman for not singled him out and put him on top.Anyway, he really wanted to tear off the mustaches on Pullman's mouth now!How could someone be so slapped?
"Go, go, go, last time your Ta Lena killed all directions and didn't see you less, don't do this to me!"

Pullman is not stupid. If he can defeat Douglas, the title of the head of the four magisters will not fall on Douglas!If you are looking for Bo Lian, you can also consider trying to go heads-up, at least five or five points.

When the three chairmen were tearing their faces apart on the rostrum, the competition on the competition stage had come to an end.

The warriors of Xuefeng Academy are all earth warriors. Breaking through the defense of a few middle-level warriors is no different from tearing apart a thin piece of paper.

Without the barrier of the samurai, the beautiful magician can't play any tricks, and casts some magic with a faster singing speed while retreating.But these little magics were no threat at all to the earth warriors, and they were soon forced into the corner of the competition ring by a warrior.

"What the hell are you, you dare to hit me?" Seeing that there was no way to retreat, the beautiful samurai suddenly turned ferocious.

"What the hell are you, why can't you be beaten?" The warrior from Xuefeng Academy asked back.

The warriors of Xuefeng Academy can't say that they are not good at women, but they can't be indiscriminate.At this moment, the victory on the martial arts arena is the most important thing to them, and there is no distinction between men and women or veterans when they come up to the competition.Just like going to the battlefield, you are the enemy when you meet!
The samurai from Xuefeng Academy were very gentlemen. They put the sword back into the scabbard and swung it at the beautiful magician with the scabbard.

"Do you really dare to fight?" the beautiful magician roared in disbelief, seeing the sword scabbard in the warrior's hand swinging through the air, she was frightened and shouted, "Don't fight! I surrender!"

The warriors of Xuefeng Academy firmly parked the scabbard outside the body of the beautiful magician, and then retracted the scabbard to his waist. The opponent had already surrendered and there was no need to fight any more. The samurai threw it out and quickly ended the fight.

But at this moment, the beautiful magician raised his staff again and chanted to the warrior in a low voice!

Level 3 Spear of Magical Fire!
A spear made of flames gathered on the magician's staff, stabbing fiercely at the warrior's back!

"Be careful!" The other warriors of Xuefeng Academy caught sight of them from the corner of their eyes and hurriedly reminded them.

It was too late for the samurai to react, and suddenly an ice cone fell heavily, smashing the flaming spear into pieces!

After smashing the spear of fire, the inertia of the ice pick was still there, and it hit the beautiful magician's thigh unabated, piercing her thigh hard.Immediately, the beautiful magician screamed like a pig being killed, and her snow-white legs were stained red with blood.

"Despicable and shameless!" The warrior who was attacked angrily said to the beautiful magician who was in the end.

If it weren't for the help of my captain, I'm afraid I would be in danger!
"The captain of Tubenluo Academy violated the rules, and Tubenluo Academy's qualification will be disqualified! The winner, Xuefeng Academy!" The referee had been staring at all corners of the field. Seeing this scene, he quickly climbed up to the competition stage and announced the result of the competition.

Xuefeng Academy has won!And there is actually a terrifying ice element magician hidden in Xuefeng Academy!The audience present were all jubilant for this result, and the plaza, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly burst into laughter, and Ophelia could only cover her ears again.

"The representative of Tuben Luo Academy announced her surrender, but the representative of Xuefeng Academy still attacked her. You actually announced that Xuefeng Academy won? How did you become a referee?"

A loud voice resounded through the square, abruptly stopping the cheers of the audience.

But I saw a person flying out of the VIP seat and jumping into the competition arena!

Except for the contestants and referees, no one is allowed to stand on the stage. In this case, the staff of the exchange match will step forward and blast the troublemakers out.But just as they were about to step forward, they found out that the person who came was actually the chief disciple of Lie Yan, the great magister Arnold, so they hesitated.

They can't afford to mess with this guy!

Sabo jumped into the arena and immediately helped the beautiful magician up.

The beautiful magician seemed to have been frightened by the ice pick piercing her thigh just now, but she realized it when she saw Sabo, and cried miserably.

"Referee, there is something wrong with your verdict!" Sabo said angrily to the referee, feeling distressed when he saw the beautiful magician crying so much.

"Where is the problem?"

"My apprentice has already announced his surrender. Why is the other party still playing such a murderous act? This kind of behavior should be punished as a foul!"

In fact, the referee of the exchange match was no less angry than Sabo. It was the first time he saw someone dare to come up to the competition stage of the exchange match to question his judgment!Didn't you see that the three most famous great magisters and sword masters on the mainland did not object to it!

However, the person who came here was not young, so he suppressed his anger and explained: "After announcing the surrender, he still attacked the players, so the one who fouled was the representative of Tubenluo Academy."

(End of this chapter)

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