Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 318 The secret weapon that finally shines brightly

Chapter 318 The secret weapon that finally shines brightly
The other four warriors immediately carried out the order when they heard the order, dodging Nangongfeng and Huo Qinlei who were struggling and rushed straight towards Tarena and the others.

With a bang, an earthen wall rose from the ground and blocked them.

"The earth wall technique just wants to stop us, it's too small to look down on people!"

Several warriors felt ashamed to even go around the earthen wall, so they all raised their swords and slashed at the earthen wall.

"These guys are still too tender." Pollen shook her head and sighed.

How many of them didn't notice that the green-haired guy was watching them all the time?If the earth wall was only used to stop them for a while, why did the green-haired guy sneak up and observe the situation behind the earth wall?

A few warriors had just approached the earth wall, and several stone thorns were stabbed out of the earth wall!

Protruding several stone thorns at once, it is absolutely impossible to sing the result at once!

The samurai of St. Wen College figured it out now, it was time-lapse magic!It is estimated that this earth wall is also a time-delay magic, and the opponent is still laying out unactivated stone thorn magic on it, and controlling the activation at any time!No wonder the match started for dozens of seconds, and the opponent didn't do anything. It turned out that all the effort was spent on this dirt wall!
As early as the beginning, the opponent was preparing for this counterattack method of substituting defense for offense!
It's a pity that to understand the other party's intentions, it was exchanged for a few bloodstains on their bodies.Their grudges are just ordinary grudges, and one of them is the fire element grudge. Even if they protect themselves with all their strength, they cannot be as defensive as the earth element grudge. If they eat stone thorns hard, they will definitely suffer some injuries.

"This compound magic is very good, you taught it?" Pullman couldn't help admiring it.

"She researched it herself." Douglas laughed.

Douglas has never doubted Tarena's savvy and creativity in magic, and Douglas won't be surprised that Tarena can turn the earth elemental magic into a flower!
The four samurai suffered a small loss and could only retreat temporarily. Who knows what kind of moths will come out of this earthen wall?But which warrior of the fire element fighting spirit is not willing to be so deflated, jumps high, does a beautiful front somersault over the dirt wall, takes off the longbow behind his back while in the air, bends down and pulls the bowstring to the full moon!

The strings moved, and the crisp strings caused ripples in everyone's hearts.

The sharp arrow on the bow shot out with a faint red light!

It was just a moment of a front somersault in the air, drawing the bow and nodding the arrow and injecting fighting spirit, all movements were flowing like flowing water.With just such a small show, the audience can already see that the representatives of St. Wen College are proficient in various weapons, and their individual combat capabilities are extremely strong!
It's a pity that no matter how skillful and beautiful the movements are, it's useless for the audience to know, because they have made preparations early in the morning.

A solid time-delay magic stone shield was activated, intercepting the bow and arrow without any effort.

"Earth collapse. Lester, get ready." Silas continued to give instructions.

The fire element fighting spirit warrior climbed over the earth wall and just landed, a ground collapse technique, the lowest level of earth element magic, happened to be released at his feet, and several rapid vibrations made him lose his center of gravity immediately after landing.

"Mountain Slash!"

The Northway royal family's battle qi shook the mountain, and Lester had prepared early. He swung his sword, but the air flow that was rolled up was like a huge meteor hammer, slashing fiercely at the fire-elemental battle qi warrior.

The fire element fighting spirit warrior is very good, he can raise his sword to block the moment he loses his balance.However, when the foothold is unstable, it is a bit reluctant to block Leicester's mountain slashing move. I think Lester used this move to break the training suit that can resist the attack of the earth warrior. The power is extraordinary!
A sword flew directly out of the competition arena, and the referee announced that a contestant from St. Wen College was incapacitated and defeated.

The eyes of the three warriors who were still behind the earthen wall were wide open. Nima’s companion had just climbed over the earthen wall, and then his sword flew out, and he was declared defeated just like that. What happened?
Now they didn't dare to jump over the earth wall recklessly, but circumvented both sides of the earth wall cautiously.

Seeing this, Bo Lian complained inwardly. It takes time for magicians to chant magic. The time-lapse magic that was set before is almost used up. Are you still dawdling?Tarena's chanting has never stopped, how much time have you given to arranging magic for others?
The earth wall didn't know if he felt that he had lost the meaning of existence, and suddenly exploded.The one that was blown up suddenly, the one who was closer could only suffer. Who would have thought that the earth wall would explode?
All of a sudden, soil foam and rubble flew across the sky, and among them flew out the samurai who had been seeded, and was blasted straight out of the competition arena by the huge momentum.

Huo Qinlei was helpless when he defeated two generals before meeting his opponent.But he couldn't distract himself from greeting Nangong Feng, so he could only place his hopes on the remaining two warriors.As long as he can break through and get close to Tarena, the outcome is hard to tell!

"The commander is with me, I'll send him down first!" The warrior on the left who bypassed the earthen wall shouted.

That's right, the tactical arrangement from beginning to end is directed by Silas!

It can be said that this green-haired guy who looks like a soy sauce is actually the brain of the Landis Academy of Magic!
They don't take Landis Academy of Magic too seriously. Although the green hair only showed the strength of a high-level warrior in the previous competition, he must be able to play as a representative. There must be something special about him.Now they finally understand that his strength lies in team battle command!

As long as this brain is eliminated, the opponent's tactical intentions will at least be greatly reduced!

"Understood, leave the magician to me!" Another warrior immediately understood the intention of his companion.

The samurai on the left entangled Silas, but the samurai on the right was involuntarily entangled by Lester. Lester would not let his opponent entangle his own magician.

A mere high-ranking samurai... It's only a matter of time to take care of it!

Two samurai face the common idea of ​​their opponents.

The samurai on the left caught up with Silas who was about to run away, and immediately his sword flashed, and the afterimage of fighting spirit left by the long sword swung across his body.

This level of strength is enough to make the audience burst into applause.

But Silas made a few sharp turns and left the sword light behind him!

"I still made the mistake of underestimating my opponent..." Pauline sighed again. He didn't expect that he had misjudged him too. That Silas is not simple!

That's right, Silas is just a senior warrior.

But few people know that he, who always likes to keep a low profile, is actually a person who possesses elemental physique but still cultivates fighting spirit.

Yuan Feiwu didn't lie when he said that Silas was the secret weapon. A high-level warrior with an outstanding overall view and not easy to be found as a wind element fighting spirit warrior can shine in key games!

For example, now, Silas played at a speed similar to that of the land warriors, and got entangled with the warriors of St. Wen College.Although Silas can't hurt the opponent, but the opponent will not think about Silas for a while. At this time, it will make a crucial contribution to the disruption of the opponent's tactical arrangement.

Even Livia, who has been dissatisfied with the players selected by Yuan Feiwu, has gradually discovered Silas' extraordinaryness after watching the game and now.Strength is important, but for team battles, the overall situation is also very important!Well done Silas!

On the other side, Leicester is indeed stronger than ordinary high-level warriors, but the gap against the land warriors is still not small.The only move he could make was to use all his strength to forcefully use the first move of Zhenshan Douqi, Mountain Slash, which was as powerful as a full-strength blow by an earth warrior.

Now once he is entangled by the warriors of the earth, he has no way to parry and retreats in a row.

"83, 452, ground thorn."

Silas took two quick steps back, flashed a flash of sword light, and said leisurely.


Thank you for your great rewards

The author just wants to say a word
Don't let it stop!
(End of this chapter)

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