Chapter 319
The samurai from St. Wen College was slightly taken aback. What is this seaweed-headed guy talking about?
The samurai of St. Wen College didn't know it, but Lester knew it, Tarena knew it, and the representatives of Landis School of Magic knew it.

Lester suddenly took a step back in a hurry. This retreat seemed to be hasty, and there was a big gap in the front. His opponent couldn't miss the opportunity, and quickly caught up and stabbed the long sword.

A ground thorn came out from the position where Lester was standing just now without warning. The warrior reacted very quickly. He felt that there was something strange on the ground and immediately retreated, but the ground thorn still slashed across his thigh relentlessly. , immediately bloody.

"83, 449, landslide, one meter in radius."

Silas turned around to escape from the corner he was cornered into, shattering the elaborate plan of the warrior in front of him, and he kept looking at Lang Lang in the distance from the corner of his eyes.

It's not that the samurai was weak enough to trap Silas, but that he hesitated at a critical moment.

He could see that the numbers read out by Seaweed Head had magic, not just random nonsense!Those numbers are the numbers of the floor tiles on the competition platform!A skill is a skill commanded by a team member!
He was actually fighting with himself while observing the formation of troops in the arena!I'm already pushing each other step by step, so I can't stop him from commanding?

Although he was upset, when Silas read out the numbers and skills again, he still had to hesitate. He didn't know where the next landslide would appear, and it might even be under his feet.Including the samurai in front of Lester, who didn't dare to move casually after suffering a big loss.

If Tarena releases the ground thorns with anticipation, they have a high chance of dodging.On the contrary, if you use combat to lure, the chance of being hit by magic is very high!Now they are dealing with them in this way!The two warriors didn't dare to move when they heard what Silas said!
Boom boom boom!
The small area under the feet of the warriors on Dibeng Lester's side shook a few times. The small magic of Dibeng has limited damage to people, but it is still very effective in temporarily affecting the opponent's center of gravity.

Although this method of reporting landmarks is more accurate, if you already know the upcoming attack, it is actually more effective to prevent sneak attacks!
The samurai had been prepared for a long time, and jumped up as soon as he felt something wrong under his feet.

The ground collapses and hits empty!

"82, 455, boost." Silas smiled triumphantly.

Closer to victory.

Lester immediately crouched down and jumped up, very fast, but extremely fast!Looking carefully, a small stone brick suddenly protruded from under his feet. It was the power of this stone brick that made him jump fast and high!
Come to the opponent's head before the opponent lands.

"Mountain slash!" Lester gathered his energy and slashed with majestic momentum!

The two swords that cut and blocked collided in the air, making a sound like a bell.

The samurai of St. Wen College had nowhere to exert their strength in the air. How could they resist such a huge momentum? The whole body shot to the ground like a cannonball, and the sword that was blocked couldn't be held and was sent flying.

That samurai is also amazing, he can still adjust his body shape in the air at this time, intending to cushion the momentum of his body with his feet on the ground.It's a pity that one of his thighs was injured just now, and he couldn't bear the strength at all. He was knocked over by the huge momentum and fell to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

He still wanted to struggle, but a sword touched his chest.

"You lost." Lester said coolly.

"Samurai of St. Wen College failed!" the referee announced.

Being pointed at the chest with a sword by the opponent, the referee can regard it as a loss of combat effectiveness and declare a defeat.In this situation, if it wasn't on the martial arts arena, the enemy would have already stabbed him with a sword, so there is nothing to argue about.

Only then did Livia realize how proud their representative team was!

In order to cope with this exchange match, he actually memorized the grid of the competition platform and used it in the battle!How many square bricks are there on the contest platform, one thousand?Ten thousand?Livia didn't know, she only knew that she could remember the exact position of each brick, which is really amazing!It is even more remarkable to use it accurately in battle!

What Livia didn't know was that it was Yuan Feiwu who numbered each brick and taught everyone to write down the position of each brick in a clever way.

"Only you are left. 150, 985, zoom in!"

Silas turned around and shouted suddenly at the warrior in front of him, scaring the warrior back several steps.

Fuck, where is 150, 985? !What is the big trick of zooming in? !

Thinking about it, he felt wrong, and he took a few steps back.

How embarrassing it is for a land samurai to retreat timidly in the face of a senior samurai!
But the audience watched the game all the time. Nangongfeng and Huo Qinlei fought inextricably. They watched it happily, but the three-on-four team battle here was also very exciting!Who would have thought that a great magician and two high-level warriors could knock out one of the four master warriors of the earth?
The situation of the two sides suddenly changed drastically, and the menacing St. Wen College was gone, and its failure was obvious.

"I'm lying to you, there are not so many grids on the floor of the arena."

Silas grinned innocently, which was hard on the warrior at St. Vincent's.

What's so exciting about this green algae head, isn't it relying on Tarena's powerful magician!Without her, it's only a matter of time before this green algae head is wiped out!

"Okay, Big Sister Tarena, use a big move to finish him quickly and call it a day." Silas picked up his sword and played a few sword games. He was running for his life throughout the game. It looks like an ornament, and now it can finally be shown off.

"it is good."

Tarena responded lightly, and swung her staff back.

Two seemingly narrow earthen walls rose flat on the ground and quickly closed in the middle, until the moment they were closed, Yuan Feiwu, who had been standing behind and crossed his hands behind him and looked particularly well-behaved, disappeared from the cracks in the stone.

Everyone was caught off guard when they saw this!
"Hey, that's not right, big sister, he, use a big move on him! You hit the wrong side!"

Seeing that Tarena's magic was used in the wrong place, Silas pointed his long sword at the warrior of St. Wen College very impolitely.

The samurai on the St. Wen College only remembered it because of the sudden change. I wiped their captain and haven't done anything yet. There are only two people left on my side!
However, now that the other party seems to be suddenly discordant, the samurai from St. Wen College thinks that there is still a chance to win. He will not believe that the most valuable player in the last exchange game will make such a low-level mistake and throw magic on his own people. .

"That's right. Since you usually don't want to fight with me, you should be willing to fight with me now, right? If you don't make a move, Landis Academy of Magic will stop the finals." Tarena simply turned her back to the enemy, facing the enemy head-on. Facing the two closed stone walls, the eyes protruding from the mask shot a sharp gaze, "Purgatory on the earth wall, Wan pierces the heart!"

The two stone walls are densely packed with countless stone thorns, all of which are sharp.This shows that these stone thorns protrude from another stone wall, piercing through the opposite stone wall, and the people inside...


Lester on the competition stage and Ophelia on the VIP seat screamed at the same time, while the other spectators, including Silas on the competition stage and the warriors of St. Wen College, were stunned when they saw this.

(End of this chapter)

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