Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 320 The Demon King's Way of Making Friends is Relatively "Close"

Chapter 320 The Demon King's Way of Making Friends is Relatively "Close"

Nangongfeng and Huo Qinlei fought inextricably and were extremely anxious. They didn't have time to pay attention to the other side of the competition stage. The remaining warrior from St. Wen College had been paying attention to the development of the matter, his face full of astonishment.

It's not as simple as a discordant incident, it's a bloody feud!What kind of enmity between this most valuable player of the previous exchange match and their team captain is going to kill him!And it's on the competition stage!Does Nima still respect her opponent?
Oh, I suddenly imagined myself being pierced through my heart by the earthen wall, and the samurai still thought it would be better if the other party didn't respect him.

Even the referee is a little dazed now. Shouldn't the magician of Landis Academy of Magic be declared a foul at this time?However, there does not seem to be a rule that attacking teammates is not allowed in the rules of the exchange game.It's normal to think about it. If there is such a rule, everyone will wonder whether the person who made the rules is mentally ill!

Shouldn't it be announced that the captain of Landis Magic Academy who was caught in the stone wall with a heart of thorns was defeated?But Nima has been sandwiched like this, if it is not a meatloaf, it should be a string of gourds, and it is probably impossible to save it.

Among them, Lester had the fastest reaction, his eyes were bloodshot, and he rushed towards Tarena with billowing anger.

"What the fuck did you do to Yuan Feiwu!"

"Lester, don't go!" Silas persuaded helplessly, he was a more sensible one.In this situation, Lester should come over to help, see if he can deal with the warriors of St. Wen Academy, otherwise Yuan Feiwu's sacrifice will be in vain!

"It's none of your business."

Although Tarena's back was facing this direction, it was impossible not to pay attention to the situation here.Turning around and raising the staff, a low-level earth element magic swamp land quickly appeared on Leicester's way forward.

If it was normal, Lester would not be able to get the trick so easily, but now he has almost lost his mind, and without the intention of braking, he stepped directly on the ground that turned into a quagmire, staggering and falling.

"Go down."

Tarena waved her wand again, and the third-level magic stone spiky popped out.But Tarena didn't seem to intend to hurt Lester, this stone thorn was not sharp at all, like a small stone pillar.But the power of the magic was quite strong, and it stabbed Lester in the side at once, knocking him flying far away and falling off the arena until he passed out.

"Believe you? Let's see if you have the ability..." Then Ta Lena chanted magic to the other side of the stone wall again.

"Hey, old man, what are your students doing! Internal strife?" Pullman also couldn't understand what happened on the tournament stage, and turned to look at Douglas.

Who knew that Douglas also had a dazed look on his face.Looking at Bolian Zeze again, she dragged her cheeks with a serious face, obviously she didn't intend to talk to her.

Well, I can't find resonance, so I can only continue to watch this farce in emptiness and loneliness.

"Let everyone see the wrath of the earth!" After a while, Tarena's singing was completed. It took a long time, and everyone knew it was a great magic without asking!
Silas felt that for the rest of his life, he couldn't figure out how Yuan Feiwu had offended Tarena, and he was so dead that he couldn't die anymore. Nima still wanted to dismember her body!And that Nangong Feng who is the only one who can stop Tarena from going crazy, come back to save people, and go to trouble Tarena by himself is just to deliver food!
Besides, the opponent's samurai will not fail to seize the opportunity, and has already forced to entangle Silas again.

It's not that no one has died in the exchange match, and for him, victory is the goal.It's just that the people who died on the competition stage this time died at the hands of their own people, which is quite special.

"The Wrath of the Earth Lord!"

Tarena breathed heavily as she pronounced the magic's name.The seventh level of great magic is indeed too reluctant for a great magician.

The ground on the other side of the stone wall produced a lot of khaki powder, which condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into a huge palm, grabbing the two buildings that were tightly attached and had many thorns like a hedgehog. stone wall.

It's really going to be shredded!

Silas' mouth fell open.

He had been entangled with a land warrior for so long, and he had reached the limit. At this time, he was hit hard out of the competition ring, and two ribs were broken.But his eyes did not forget to look at the situation behind, the matter over there was far more urgent than his own defeat.

Everyone's attention was on the huge stone palm grabbing the stone wall, clenching it tightly, and crushing it!The shattered powder turned back into earth elements and dissipated with a little yellow light.

Did that beautiful life also disappear?Among the little stars, is there a part of him?

With a crash, the huge stone palm also shattered, turning into earth elements and dissipating.

Because Tarena relinquished control of it.

Because a vigorous figure had jumped out from the giant's grasp on the stone wall a long time ago, and landed vigorously not far in front of Tarena.

The target escaped, is there still a need for that huge stone palm?

"Fuck, this guy is okay like this?!" Silas' eyes widened, and he struggled to get up from the stage, grinning in pain.

The vigorous figure started to move at a high speed as soon as it hit the ground, Tarena hit all the stone thorns in a row, and it was really impossible to catch where his changing movement would land next.

"I didn't feel that the stone thorns were broken, how did you come out?" Tarena asked her doubts as she stepped back.

She didn't feel that her magic had been destroyed. Logically speaking, she should have been pierced by a stone in her heart.

"Wuying fifth level, the ultimate in body skills, 'Wuying'." The figure said lightly.

Qingyan, Huyin, Wuhen, Wushen, Wuying, the five realms of the "Wuying" body method.The final realm is Shadowless, as the name suggests, he can't even catch the shadow, as long as there is a little space between the two stone walls, he can dodge the stone thorns.You can get out of trouble only by body skills, even fighting spirit is useless.

Ying's strength should only be at the fourth level of "No Body", right?If Ying sees that he is already disappearing, he will definitely find a place where no one is around and go quietly depressed.Thinking of this, the figure grinned brightly.

Tarena had nothing to do with that figure.

Although his speed is fast, it is still not out of the speed category of a high-level warrior.But it is obvious that Lester can play the magic of applause, but he just passed by.It seems that every time it is only a little bit thrilling, and it is also like the confidence of the other party's precise calculation.

After a while, the figure finally stood still.As for Tarena, there was only a short distance between him and him.

The school uniform on his arms and sides was completely torn, and it looked like it was scratched by stone thorns, exposing the white skin inside.The hair has been scattered, flowing down like a black waterfall, dazzling and shocking.Cherry lips, delicate nose, dark eyebrows, curved eyes, and the facial features are all amazing when viewed separately, not to mention that the whole length is on a juicy face, which is so beautiful.

Because of her father's years of sneering and sarcastic remarks, Tarena thought she had a solid heart, but for a moment, she lost her soul for him.

This person cannot be called a person, but should be a work of art, a work of art made by the creator with all his painstaking efforts.

When a magician is approached by a samurai, it can be said that the victory is already divided.

But Tarena came back to her senses, and still stepped back, trying to distance herself, raising her hand and waving her staff.She refused to accept, she was aggrieved, she had exhausted all her tricks and had no reservations, but she was completely helpless and got Yuan Feiwu!Until the end, Yuan Feiwu only showed the strength of a high-level warrior, which meant that he couldn't force him to show his real strength at all!
It's just the strength of a high-ranking warrior, who can believe that he can escape from the purgatory of the earth wall and the wrath of the land lord without any injuries!

"Because if you want to be friends, you must first trust each other. I would like to trust you, how about you?"

Yuan Feiwu stretched out his hands, grabbed both of Tarena's hands, walked around her back and held them down, and stopped her plan to retreat.

Because of this, the two got closer, almost nose to nose, and they could feel each other's body temperature, so ambiguous.

Tarena had never tried to get close to other boys, not to mention boys, she had never been so close to other girls, and she suddenly panicked.

The more flustered she was, the more Tarena wanted to show her tough side. From a very young age, she learned to hide her weak side deeply, otherwise she would be hurt badly by his closest relatives.She thanked those pains for making her heart mature rapidly!
Stubbornly staring at Yuan Feiwu, he met those pupils as black as the night, although the eyes were smiling, they revealed extremely firm.

In that clean and untainted black, there was a reflection of himself, a reflection of Tarena, who had lost her direction but pretended to be strong.

(End of this chapter)

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