Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 321 The Most Exciting Game

Chapter 321 The Most Exciting Game

"For a long time, it turned out to be a young couple playing tricks?!" Pullman said incredulously on the rostrum.

After all, looking at it this way now, Yuan Feiwu and Tarena are almost embracing each other, their eyes are facing each other, and there is an ambiguous atmosphere that everything is kept silent.

"But I've never seen the way he escaped." Pauline directly skipped Pullman's question and entered a new question, which meant that he agreed with Pullman's statement.

"I don't know, why are you looking at me? I'm a magician!" Douglas finally couldn't help being stared at by Pullman and Pauline.

Ta Lena and Yuan Feiwu suddenly had a farce like this, and Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out!And judging from what happened when Tarena released her magic just now, he didn't think it was a farce!

"are you serious?"

The noise from the audience outside seemed to have nothing to do with the two of them at all, Tarena slowly calmed down her emotions, looked at Yuan Feiwu without any sign of weakness, and said something coldly.

"I'm serious." Yuan Feiwu laughed.

He obviously used a very serious tone, but that blooming flower-like smile seemed so unserious.

Tarena took a deep breath and said nothing.Yuan Feiwu slowly let go of his hand.

The first thing Tarena did after regaining her freedom was to put away her staff and take off her veil.

The terrible scar on his face actually made all the audience gasp.

"Who made the cruel move? No wonder you covered your face. I thought you were playing tricks, thinking that we couldn't recognize this little girl if you covered your face!" Pullman sighed and regretted.

Douglas didn't feel distressed. Tarena was in the Mood for Love, but as a girl, she was hurt by someone's most important appearance.And he also made a wrong decision because of a misunderstanding, and severely wounded her heart.

But Tarena didn't pay attention to the discussions and exclamations from the unexpected world.She just picked up the veil, stretched out her hands to brush Yuan Yuan's flying hair, and tied his hair back into a slightly crooked ponytail.Being so close to a man still made Tarena's breathing too fast, and the hair that got tied was just that.

"She's right, you better not run out without your hair tied up." Tarena said after she tied her hair up.

"That's why I always say it's best to cut it off." Yuan Feiwu complained a little.

"It's good to cut it off." Tarena shrugged indifferently.

Maybe he is more handsome with short hair, she prefers short hair...Talena suddenly felt that she was thinking a little too far, she quickly turned her head away, fearing that she would be seen through her wild thinking.

"Did you forget that I'm still here?"

The samurai from St. Wen College shouted silently. At this time, he had already come to Yuan Feiwu and Tarena for some time!

Not to mention them, even the audience, and even the samurai himself forgot his own existence just now, how sad!His magic was so gorgeous, and his samurai's unbelievable escape from the sky made him want to clap his hands, how could he remember that he was one of the protagonists on the martial arts stage!

In the end, it was the two of them who hugged each other and gave him a critical hit of [-] points of damage to this single dog before he realized that even heterosexuals would die!No, it's a perfect time to knock down both opponents!

It's a pity that he came to other people's side in the end, and they still treated him as transparent, where you tied hairbands and knitting wool!

Furious, he jumped up into the air, throwing a flying kick for the FFF regiment!
"Give me all down!"

"Did you also forget that I'm still here?"

A cheerful voice sounded behind the samurai of St. Wen College. This voice is a bit strange!
The moment the samurai flew into the air, he took the time to look back, but saw a hand gleaming with light blue fighting spirit quickly grabbing his ankle, and threw him flying out of the air.

He didn't react until he fell off the stage.

At this time, a person next to him patted him on the shoulder, and he was startled again when he looked back: "Captain!"

"I lost." Huo Qinlei smiled wryly. He participated in this exchange match with enthusiasm and incomparable confidence. He thought that no one could be defeated in this exchange match. Even if he lost, he must have been besieged and defeated.One-on-one, he didn't pay attention to anyone of the same generation!

Reality slapped him hard and loud.

"We lost. It seems that this exchange match is dominated by the three-line element fighting spirit warrior." Huo Qinlei couldn't help but lament that there are people outside the world, and that his majestic disciple of the Heavenly Sword Master lost to an unknown The characters who have been passed on have suffered a lot of blows in their hearts.

If he knew that Nangong Feng was the joint disciple of the three Juggernauts, he might feel better.

"Alas..." The warrior shook his head, he could only accept this fact.

He is not necessarily the captain's opponent for the three, and he can only give experience to those who the captain can't beat, so there is nothing to complain about.

If you lose, you can only blame yourself for being inferior to others.Even high-level warriors can play a beautiful set of coordination to beat the shit out of themselves. If it wasn't for the sudden betrayal of the most valuable player in the last exchange match, my group might have lost even more horribly!

"The winner, Landis Academy of Magic! The final will be participated by Xuefeng Academy and Landis Academy of Magic, and it will be held on time at [-]:[-] pm!" The referee loudly announced his verdict on the competition platform.

He has been a referee for several sessions, and he thinks this match is the most exciting one in his refereeing experience.There is a super-level fight between two earth samurai young talents, a perfect skill battle where the weak defeats the strong, an abrupt episode where one of them fights against another, and finally there is a love scene.

After the referee announced what should be announced, he hurried back to his lounge to recollect the game.

The representatives of St. Wen College left quickly, even so, they still received a lot of applause from the scene.Their performance is already remarkable, but the opponents are too many moths.

On the other hand, there was not much applause when the Landis School of Magic left the stage, and it was sparse.It's more of a discussion, because this team has too much to discuss.The sixth person who has been playing soy sauce with a passer-by face, the unheard of abnormal three-line elemental warrior, the high-level warrior who can control the enemy twice with one move, the green algae head who runs fast and has abnormal commanding ability, and his magic level is only strong. Described as a female magician with terrible scars on her face, and a captain with a unique body style who is as beautiful as carved jade, and this captain seems to have an ambiguous relationship with the magician... Every day One has something to discuss all day long!
It is conceivable that the representatives of the Landis Academy of Magic's exchange competition will become a key topic of discussion after dinner in the next few months.The six people talked about it over and over again, how could they not repeat it.

However, the scene where the representatives of Landis School of Magic left was not good. Silas and Lester were carried away on stretchers, and one of them has not yet woken up.Nangongfeng's shoulders and waist were all painted, and the blood barely stopped while taking the medicine and walking outside.Tarena's magic power was consumed a lot, and her face was terribly pale.

The guy who looked alive and kicking, except for Coleridge who didn't play, was Yuan Feiwu, who had been bombarded by the most terrifying magic for a round, but the school uniform was a little tattered.

"Stop, Tarena, please explain your behavior!"

The members of Landis Academy of Magic had just walked out of the arena and entered the passage to the lounge when Livia stood sideways in front of Tarena with an angry expression on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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