Chapter 322

how to explain?

None of the two fallen representatives of Landis Academy of Magic was injured by the opponent, and they were all Tarena's masterpieces.

Even Yuan Feiwu, if he didn't understand that incomparably weird movement technique, he might suffer.

How can these actions be explained?

So Tarena didn't even look at Livia, and went straight to the lounge.

As the leader of the team, Livia is also the vice-principal of the Landis Academy of Magic. He is concerned about the honor of the Landis Academy of Magic. Of course, it is impossible to let it go. He was about to chase, but was stopped by Nangongfeng.

"Heh...leader, we have to rest, so don't bother us. By the way, if possible, please ask someone to bring lunch to the lounge. Thank you very much." Nangong Feng yawned enormously , Without waiting for Livia to reply, she also left without looking back.


"Recruiting inappropriate players is your negligence as the captain!"

Livia was pissed off by Nangongfeng and Tarena's disrespectful behavior. At this time, Yuan Feiwu came to her door. She ignored Sanqi 21 and scolded her first if she caught her, otherwise she would be exploded with anger .

"But...we won?" Yuan Feiwu smiled wryly.

"So what if you win! Tarena actually shot at the players, if you didn't recruit her into the representative team..."

"If she hadn't been recruited into the team, we would have lost the local three-on-four battle just now." Yuan Feiwu blinked and smiled.

"You..." Livia was blocked again and couldn't speak!
Livia was amazed by the ingenuity of the three-on-four strategic arrangement!

But if there is no Ta Lena really can not complete this strategy!Tarena's control over the magic of the earth element is undeniable. It is precise, concealed, and ruthless. To complete this tactic that requires a lot of details, it is really impossible to do it without Tarena.

Although this is the case, and the reason is also the same, but it is impossible to ignore the fact that Tarena even hurt her teammates because of this, right?
When Livia cleared her mind, several representatives of Landis Academy of Magic ran away early and disappeared.She rushed to the lounge and was about to knock on the door, but suddenly thought of what Nangongfeng said, and finally left with a frown, and asked someone to bring them lunch.

The lunch delivery person was not young. Under the leadership of Douglas, Ya Longjing, on behalf of the Northway royal family, gave some condolences to the representative students of the Landis School of Magic, and had a casual lunch together in the lounge.

"It's exactly the same! Did you see that Yuan Feiwu's hair is as beautiful and moving as Xiao Wu's!"

Adam yelled at the VIP table, saliva and nosebleeds flew everywhere, and Ophelia was so annoyed that she became dizzy.

"That's right, it's exactly the same! If I didn't know in advance that Yuan Feiwu is a boy, I would really think that Yuan Feiwu on stage is Miss Yuan Xiaowu!"

When Ophelia was feeling dizzy, Eddie, who was two rows ahead, also turned to talk to her.

Of course they are exactly the same, they are the same person!Beautiful and touching your head!Know your head ahead of time!You know a wool!Ophelia is a little broken, but these words cannot be said to these two people.It doesn't matter if the truth breaks the hearts of these two people, but if they can't accept the truth and activate the two perverts, then something bad will happen!
Yuan Feiwu's charm is clear to the onlooker, who knows how many people can give up gender stereotypes - that Leicester is a super typical example!

"This kind of beautiful man can't be in the field of outsiders. You have to work harder! We agreed to work together to marry the two brothers and sisters to the Kun family. Don't forget this grand goal!" Adam became serious as he spoke.

When did I say that I would make an agreement with you to marry someone back home!And how grand is this kind of goal!Look far ahead, hey!
"That's right, I think Mr. Yuan Feiwu and that Tarena seem to have a very close relationship, Miss Ophelia, please don't relax." Eddie also said to Ophelia seriously.

Relax you all Tost royals!Please relax for a while, okay?Don't keep thinking about our Xiao Wu!

"Yes, Tarena's face is not as pretty as yours, but she has a solid body. Once Tarena uses a restricted skill, Yuan Feiwu is likely to be captured! Not good, very bad!"

Ophelia doesn't want to know what the restricted-level skills her perverted brother is talking about!
"Miss Ophelia, you are actually not bad, it's just that you are a little flatter in the front and a little grumpy in the back, but I still support you!"

It's all about the shortcomings, so why don't you have the nerve to add a sentence of support at the end? !

"Why don't my brother teach you two tricks to pick up girls without passing on?"

No, get out!

Ophelia felt that her whole body was full of malicious arrows.

These two were still enemies yesterday, why are they in such a tacit understanding today?It seems that they are talking to themselves, but it is completely a communication between the two of them!Sit down and discuss by yourself, don't use yourself as a microphone to have a conversation here!And it's fine to use yourself as a microphone, don't attack the microphone personally!
Ophelia stared Eddie away first, and then she had time to greet her brother: "Are you blind? Didn't you see that Tarena almost killed Yuan Feiwu just now?"

"What are you talking about? Isn't the performance just now rehearsed by the two of them early in the morning? It's a trick, it's a trick."

Adam never thought that someone could not be killed in that situation, so the answer must be like this, the performance of the tricks set up early in the morning, the magic is released!Otherwise, people would have already been buried in the ground.

Ophelia never thought that her brother had such an innocent side, so innocent that she wanted to pounce on him and whip him up with her sleeves to wake him up!Fortunately, this is a public place, otherwise she would have already done it!

"Okay, okay, let's go find something to eat first, do you want to go?" Adam didn't know that he had escaped just now, so he stood up and stretched his body, "The game just now was really good, the finals must be even What color dress do you think I should wear when Xiao Wu and I get married?"

Adam's elusive logical thinking defeated Ophelia very neatly. She couldn't complain any more, and she collapsed on the seat exhausted and waved: "Don't eat..."

Adam was so entangled in the color of the dress and ran to find something to eat, leaving behind his sister who could not afford it.

She was worried about Tarena, a ticking time bomb, how could she eat!

From the very beginning, she felt that Tarena's motivation for joining the representative team was not pure, and sure enough, now she showed her fox tail.But in the end, the two seemed to be reconciled and their intimate behavior made her even more worried about what kind of tricks this woman would play in the finals.

This kind of person can no longer stay in the team!

It's a pity that with Yuan Feiwu's personality, it would be easy to forgive her for messing around... Ah, so irritating!It would be great if that fool could be more obedient!
After the lunch break, Lester slowly woke up, and the first thing he did when he woke up was to draw his sword and chop Tarena into pieces.But Yuan Feiwu was on the scene and easily suppressed the riot.

When it was time to enter the competition venue, Landis Academy of Magic quickly assembled the team and walked out of the temporary lounge.

Outside the lounge, Livia was waiting there early in the morning.

"Who is on the roster for the finals?" Livia asked Yuan Feiwu in a questioning tone.

Livia's attitude towards Yuan Feiwu has never been good, but it's the second day of the competition. Although they don't understand, several people in the team have gradually gotten used to it.

"Yuan Feiwu, Nangongfeng, Tarena, Coleridge." Yuan Feiwu replied without hesitation.

"Only four people?" Livia was taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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