Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 323 It's Just Losing

Chapter 323 It's Just Losing
"Silas's ribs have just been spliced, and Lester's side sag has not recovered. Both of them are not suitable for high-intensity battles." Yuan Feiwu said simply.

Seles and Lester stood not far behind Yuan Feiwu, listening to Yuan Feiwu's arrangement, with varying degrees of regret on their faces.But to Livia's surprise, they didn't show any dissatisfaction.It's the time for the finals, but at the last moment, they are unable to participate in the battle due to some injuries. Anyone will not accept it, not to mention that there is still one person short of the number of participants, and there is also a water elemental mage with almost no combat effectiveness who is forced to participate in the battle!

So why did Yuan Feiwu choose Coleridge?You won't be so depressed if you choose one more high-level warrior or high-level magician at will!
The reason why Coleridge was chosen was because Yuan Feiwu wanted to be lazy, but this fact was definitely not what Livia wanted to know.

The faces of the two people who were excluded from the competition list only showed regret, not dissatisfaction, which also showed how much the team believed in their captain.

But that's not the point anymore.

"There is a problem with this list, and it needs to be changed. Some people cannot participate." Livia said in an unquestionable tone.

"Okay. The revised roster, Nangongfeng, Tarena, and Coleridge will play." Yuan Feiwu immediately said happily, if he hadn't promised Tarena that he must be on the roster for every game at the beginning, he would Sitting in the audience as a melon-eating audience for a long time!And from the very beginning to the ride home!

Livia's heart has already sprayed several catties of blood!

"The person who is going to be deleted is obviously wrong! Don't pretend to be crazy!" Livia said angrily.

"Isn't it right to delete the person with the problem? From the very beginning until now, you have said that my existence is the biggest problem in the whole branch, so I will delete me from the list now, as you wish." Yuan Fei waved his hands With an innocent look on his face, Lester stepped aside to wipe his nosebleed wildly.

On purpose!This guy is definitely doing it against himself on purpose!At this time, let's turn over old accounts!
Livia had to admit that she had said so, but now the situation has changed drastically!Although this captain has no achievements in the competition arena, it is better than that Tarena who will fight against her own people!
"Tarena can't play. This is the finals, so don't play tricks!" Livia was very determined.

"Sorry, Tarena is our trump card, we can't do without her." Yuan Feiwu refused Livia as tactfully as possible.

"It's obvious to all that she behaved mischievously on the field, and I suspect she has other intentions." Livia suddenly and very rarely persuaded Yuan Wu with earnest words.

Regarding Tarena's matter, she had already learned about what happened from Douglas, and she really made this girl suffer a lot.But from the day she was going to bet against Landis Magic Academy with her qualifications for the exchange match, she knew that this girl had a deep hatred for Landis Magic Academy!

Now that she put aside her hatred to join the representative team of Landis Magic Academy, Livia faintly felt that she had other plans...for example, to obstruct it and deliberately cause Landis Magic Academy to lose the game.

The previous match against St. Wen's College was an obvious example!

Although this disturbance failed, the Lantis Academy of Magic is already short of major generals in the finals, and the Lantis Academy of Magic cannot afford to make another disturbance.

Livia looked at Tarena who had been mentioned by her all the time. After Yuan Feiwu found the hairband and tied her hair, she had rewrapped her veil. Her eyes were straight ahead and she didn't speak. Livia didn't know what the next expression was.

"How about this, let's be more democratic and decide by voting. Please raise your hand if you agree with Tarena's fight."

Yuan Feiwu was the first to raise his hand.

Needless to say, Nangongfeng was the second to raise his hand.The others, even the two who were injured by Tarena, raised their hands without hesitation after taking a look at Yuan Feiwu.Obviously, they didn't trust Tarena, they only trusted Yuan Feiwu.

"You..." Livia really couldn't figure out what drug Bai Yuan Feiwu gave them to make this group of guys so obedient!
"If Tarena doesn't play, we are likely to lose the game; if Tarena plays, at worst, we will lose the game." Yuan Feiwu left this sentence lightly, without staying any longer, and led the other players around Livia Walk out of the passage outside the lounge.

As soon as they appeared on the competition field, the audience outside gave thunderous applause!
Even though Lantis Academy of Magic and Xuefeng Academy have always been at odds, the home audience of Xuefeng Academy politely gave Lantis Academy of Magic a huge applause. After all, the performance of Lantis Academy of Magic has already won a lot. Respect from the audience!The strong Nangong Fengtarena, the god-level commander Silas, and the explosive perverted Lester are only in charge of the beautiful and beautiful captain Yuan Feiwu. The audience only took one noon to collect all their names, and they are countless treasures. !

The Star Luo Continent is such a world, there is no distinction of nationality, one only needs to use strength and performance to gain the respect of others!
"The big deal is losing the game..." Livia sighed, and repeated Yuan Feiwu's words in a low voice.

That's right, if only three people are allowed to fight, and one of them is a useless water element magician, there is really no chance of winning.That being the case, it's better to let Ta Lena go up and try, anyway, it's just a loss...

Having figured it out, Livia sat back on the chair in the representative area next to the competition stage, clenched her fists, and silently cheered for the representatives of Landis Magic Academy in her heart.

The representatives of both sides stood on the competition stage, and the captains of the two teams came to the referee to communicate with each other about the competition method.

The captain of Xuefeng Academy had just arrived at the referee's office, and the referee suddenly felt a biting chill hit his face.

"You don't need to meddle in your own business." He stood still, watching Yuan Feiwu approaching gracefully, with a cold tone.

"You are not his opponent." Yuan Feiwu still smiled, exuding a comfortable warmth, which made the referee instinctively move a few steps towards Yuan Feiwu.

The captain of Xuefeng Academy didn't reply, his eyes looked a little blurry in the mist, and he looked straight at Yuan Feiwu.Moreover, his height was about the same as Nangong Feng's, almost half a head taller than Yuan Feiwu's, and he looked more oppressive from a high position.

"How to play the game? How about the match?" Yuan Feiwu saw that the opponent didn't speak, and went straight to the topic.

For Landis Academy of Magic, the number of people is not a single point of strength, of course, it is more advantageous to choose a confrontation match.

"Will you play in the match?" the other party said suddenly.

"No. One-on-one is too high-profile."

"Aren't you afraid of losing?"

"I'm not afraid at all." Yuan Feiwu said confidently, without any hesitation.

The referee on the side was a little dumbfounded when he heard the conversation between the two captains, what are you talking about, you two!Especially the captain of Landis School of Magic, can you be more serious, just don't play in the confrontation with confidence, and smile so brightly, are you here for the competition or for sightseeing!

"Then team battle, I will fight with you."

The captain of Xuefeng Academy dropped a sentence, didn't even intend to know Yuan Feiwu's answer, and turned around and left.

The referee looked confused, but the captain of Xuefeng Academy understood Yuan Feiwu's meaning very well.

One-on-one is too high-profile, so Yuan Feiwu is reluctant to make a move; team battles can be made under the cover of his teammates' excellent performance.

"Yuan Feiwu." Yuan Feiwu didn't mind the strength of the other party at all, and smiled towards the figure who walked away.

"Snow Moon."

A low groan came from afar.

So far, the group of four who will be famous all over the world in the future finally completed their first joint appearance in this exchange competition.

Many years later, many people who have experienced this exchange competition are all deeply moved by this, and are glad to have participated in this history that is worth remembering for a lifetime.

(End of this chapter)

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