Chapter 324 Finals Begin

"There are only four people participating in the battle?" Pullman was surprised when he saw the members of both sides standing still on the competition stage, "I'm not dead, what kind of conspiracy do you have!"

"You didn't watch the game this morning? Two students from our family were kicked off the stage. You laughed the loudest at that time. Did you forget?" Douglas said angrily.

"I don't think they were injured that badly. It's okay to fight one more time..." Pullman murmured.

Douglas had already learned the news from Yuan Feiwu at noon, and neither Silas nor Lester were on the playing list.Both have broken ribs, not too bad to fight, but better suited to rest.Since Yuan Feiwu said to let them rest, and they all obeyed this arrangement, he didn't say anything more.

"Pullman, don't digress. Did you see the sixth man? I think Douglas's team is still hiding their strength." Pauline said, fearing that the world would not mess around.

"Isn't that sixth person a water elemental mage?" Pullman frowned.

That passer-by guy from Landis Magic Academy treated Silas and Lester when they were swept away.What I saw with my own eyes is definitely a water element magician.

"Douglas' team has a lot of weirdos this time. How do you know that the water elemental mage is just an ordinary water elemental mage? Do you think it is possible to send a water elemental mage in the exchange match?"

Anyway, her team had already lost, so Pauline could safely open her mind and make alarmist remarks.

But Pullman has to believe it!

Especially the meaningful calmness on Douglas's face made him even more worried, and he wanted to rush up to the competition ring, grabbing the collar of his academy representative to remind him to be careful of that sixth man!Don't underestimate him, maybe he is the real secret weapon!
After thinking about it, I was terrified, and said why there would be a water element magician in the representative team, my god, this is definitely a killer!Pullman has gone mad.

Of course Douglas was calm, and it was impossible not to be calm. He knew best that Coleridge was truly a water elemental magician, and he even knew why he joined the representative team.He sometimes feels that his beloved disciple's brain is working even he can't figure it out!What else can he do besides calm down?
But seeing Pullman fidgeting because of a water elemental magician who shouldn't appear, he felt that the decision to love his apprentice was worth it.

The lineups of the two sides stood still, and Xuefeng Academy continued its usual style of play. Captain Xueyue stood at the back holding a staff longer than her arm, and the four warriors in front lined up.

It's normal there, so the focus falls on Landis Magic Academy, and the position is extremely weird.

It was only natural that Nangongfeng stood at the front.Tarena stood not far behind Nangongfeng, which was understandable.It is acceptable for Coleridge to stand behind Tarena.But the captain of Nima is standing at the back again!The one who is about to fall off the competition ring!

This guy carries a sword, shouldn't he be a samurai?But even a water elemental mage stood ahead of him!

Seeing the determined eyes of the team members in front, I felt a direct sense of seeing a team protecting the beautiful princess against roadblockers!That captain is really good looking and worthy of desperate protection, but can he not put him on the martial arts arena to protect him!This is a team battle, not a bodyguard game!

"Now I announce that the finals of the Xingluo Continent College Exchange Tournament will officially begin!" The referee solemnly announced that the competition will begin immediately.

Without saying a word, Nangongfeng rushed out with an indomitable momentum.Tarena began to chant her magic, not caring that she had no cover in front of her.And Coleridge also began to chant, releasing a water shield in front of Tarena.Although the water shield of the water element is the worst defensive power of all elemental shields, it is better than nothing.

"You, entangle that three-element warrior to delay time; the others go around and quickly clean up the earth magician." Xueyue said without moving, pointing to one of her teammates.

This team member didn't care about his captain and didn't even remember his name. You must know that they didn't even show up to the captain for training camp, and they didn't meet each other more than three times!Quickly asked: "What about the last two? Do you need someone to protect you?"

"Don't bother."


After the last battle, several warriors of Xuefeng Academy had surrendered to the strength of their lonely and indifferent captain, they understood the orders and attacked quickly.

Nan Gongfeng saw that the opponent's warriors all dispersed, and the opponent's captain showed his empty door, but he didn't bother him.

He hurriedly turned around to intercept the warrior, but he quickly stopped one, the one who was going to pester him.Of course, Nangongfeng's target was not only him, but that warrior was also not simple. He blocked Nangongfeng's whereabouts with several times of attack predictions, forcing Nangongfeng to fight him without being separated.

Even if the opponent sacrifices a team member, they will desperately entangle Nangongfeng, and then knock down Tarena first.The only difference is how many people came to deal with Tarena. It seems that Nangongfeng was underestimated, and only one person was used to pester Nangongfeng!But everything was within Yuan Feiwu's expectation. Before going on stage, Yuan Feiwu had told them that this was very likely to happen.

But how to solve it, Coleridge didn't hear Yuan Feiwu said it, only saw Nangongfeng and Tarena nodding one after another.

So how to fight?He was dumbfounded.Anyway, tell me the solution!What are you playing? Silence is better than sound!It means I don't have a tacit understanding!I'm the only one who doesn't have a tacit understanding with you!There is a heartache of being abandoned!

"Talena, how about three?" Yuan Feiwu said suddenly.


Um?What does um mean?What is tactical communication?Coleridge was even more bewildered.

Just as Tarena uttered a "hmm", several earthen walls around her quickly rose from the ground, forming a closed small stone house, wrapping her inside.

Isn't this exactly the trick he used to deal with Nangong Feng back then? !How could Coleridge not recognize it? Since ancient times, no one has used earth wall magic like this, just like a construction team!
But the small stone house made of earthen walls looks really fucking safe!It feels much safer than the lonely water shield he just put!

"But wait a minute, I didn't go in!" The earthen wall protruded not far from Coleridge's side. After all, he was standing not far from Tarena, but why didn't this woman just walk away at such a short distance? Wrap it in yourself! "Big sister, did you miss something? The captain and I are still outside! Let us in!"

Coleridge complained and looked back. Nima Yuan Feiwu seemed to be standing further away. It was obviously on the edge of the competition stage, so why did he feel that he was standing farther away again!
"If you don't run away, you will be killed." Yuan Feiwu smiled happily at Coleridge from afar.

I'm about to be killed, do you have to smile so brightly! ! ! !

Coleridge's heart was broken, but there was no time for him to vent his emotions like a torrent. The three warriors from Xuefeng College had already come to the earth wall!

With the fastest speed he had ever seen, he sprinted towards Yuan Feiwu, aiming back while rushing, just in time to see a samurai eye-to-eye with him, which scared him out of his wits.

"It's a good thing I didn't come after you..." Coleridge stopped panting after running to Yuan Feiwu's side. Although he might not be of much use, he didn't want to be the first to be knocked down!

The samurai who met the upper eye was resentful, if the captain hadn't said that the three of them should get rid of Tarena as soon as possible, he would have chased after him and kicked the guy who looked like a soft-legged chicken off the competition ring!This kind of rubbish can come up to participate in the competition, and it's the finals, it's so fucking shameful!
(End of this chapter)

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