Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 325 The Water Elemental Magician has made a move!

Chapter 325 The Water Elemental Magician has made a move!
Seeing that no one was chasing him, Coleridge gradually felt a little lonely after he caught his breath.At this time, he felt that he was a bit cheap, he was afraid of death if people chased him, and he felt empty and lonely if he didn't chase him.

I had no choice but to dance faintly towards the source: "Why don't they come to deal with us?"

He was embarrassed to say why he didn't come to chase him, so he took Yuan Feiwu with him when he spoke.It's fine if you don't chase yourself, but you shouldn't let the captain go!right!
"If they came after them, it would be much easier to deal with. It's a pity that they didn't come after them..." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile that Coleridge couldn't understand.

The three warriors surrounded the small stone house and were about to break through the wall. From time to time some stone thorns protruded from the earth wall to hinder them.However, although the stone thorn is a low-level magic, it still takes time to sing, and the encirclement and suppression of the three warriors can only be blocked for a while.It is estimated that it will not take long before the stone house will be breached.And if it goes on like this, Tarena doesn't have time to prepare new magic, she just uses the ground thorns to continue her life.

How could Nangongfeng not know the opponent's purpose, but his own purpose of breaking through was too obvious, the opponent was not a weakling, he could accurately grasp the direction of his breakthrough every time and swung his sword, he would rather cut empty than let himself break through.

That being the case, then simply knock down the opponent!
Nangongfeng suddenly exerted force on his feet, grabbed the gap and squeezed into the opponent's arms. Almost at the same time, two sharp ice picks almost hit the opponent's warrior's face, and came first, as if he had predicted it !

And the captain of Xuefeng Academy said an emotionless sentence: "Don't move."

The ice cone appeared without warning, not to mention Nangong Feng, even the warrior was startled!But if his team leader said not to move, he would resolutely remain still.

Then the ice pick fell from his eyes, no, it shouldn't be said that, it should be said to fall against his eyes!Although I didn't hurt myself, but does my captain have to be so exciting when using magic?He could even feel the pain of the cold wind blowing his face from the falling ice pick!

The ice cone is only a low-level ice-type magic, but Nangongfeng dare not accept it.Yuan Feiwu told him carefully before the game that the skin trauma caused by ice magic is not terrible. What is terrible is that the accompanying ice element intrusion into the body will lower your body temperature and slow down your speed. The body freezes!

So after Nangong Feng retreated quickly, two ice picks were driven straight into the ground, less than one centimeter away from the warrior's feet.He was so frightened that he trembled again, Captain Nima is so exciting!I already know that you cast magic quickly and accurately, so you don't need to show it like this in the future, okay?Captain, if you deviate by one centimeter, your toes will be chopped off!

The moment Nangongfeng backed away, he figured it out, the other party was determined to trap him here to death.

He looked up, and at some point, there were already several ice picks on their heads, and the sharp ice surface was shining brightly, which was extremely scary.And the number is still increasing as Xueyue sings.

This is time-lapse magic too!
It seemed that as long as he made a move that could threaten the warrior, the other party would use the ice pick to contain him.

The goal is very clear, which is to get rid of Tarena as the first goal, and all other actions are for this purpose.

This kind of tactic with a clear purpose is the trickiest!Nangongfeng had to work hard to calm himself down, otherwise let alone a breakthrough, defeat here is very possible.

"Nangongfeng was trapped by the other party and couldn't come back. You can help Tarena a little bit."

"Huh?" Coleridge was taken aback.

He had been watching the opponent's three warriors smashing the stone house just now, holding a cold sweat for Tarena, but he didn't see the situation on the other side of Nangongfeng.

"Nangongfeng was trapped to death? Who can trap that pervert to death!" Coleridge was very confident in Nangongfeng.

"An ice element elf envoy." Yuan Feiwu patiently resolved Coleridge's worries and doubts at this time, and Livia under the competition stage almost vomited blood when he saw this.

"Um..." Coleridge would have a hard time distinguishing whether the ice elemental spirit or the three-element physique is more abnormal, so he simply stopped thinking about it, "What should I do?"

"The stone wall is about to die, you give me a little cover so that Tarena can have time to chant magic."


Coleridge gritted his teeth. Although he always thought that his last fight was just a slap in the face, in fact, he still longed to play some role in his heart.Now is your chance!
Coleridge chanted a not-so-short incantation with concentration, raised his staff suddenly, pointed at the crumbling stone house and shouted: "Water armor protection!"

At this time, many water elements quickly gathered at the stone house, and the light blue sparkle was very beautiful.After a while, the stone house was covered with a thick layer of water, yes, very thick...

"Damn it, I haven't used this trick for a long time, and I missed it." Coleridge burst into tears.

Water armor body protection is to form a protective film with high density of water elements, which is as hard as armor, so it is called "water armor".

Now the protective film is out, but the density of the water element is not enough. As a result, the protective film is swollen like a ball. From a distance, the whole stone house looks like a huge water polo, which is very funny.Even Coleridge felt that he was not here to help, but to be funny.

This mistake has become meaningful in everyone's eyes.

In the eyes of everyone, the representative of Landis School of Magic is already a gathering place for all kinds of moths. This swollen water armor body is probably done on purpose.

Even Pullman kept murmuring on the rostrum: "Sure enough, he is another freak. There are too many cautious people in the old team! Sure enough, even the faces of passers-by should not be underestimated!"

"That's right." Pauline answered.

Contrary to Coleridge's expectations, the body protector of the Shui family really played a special role.

Regular water armor body protection, that is a hard layer, and the three earth warriors probably only need to cut a few swords.

But now the water armor body seems to cover the stone house with a circle of high-density water, which can be cut in with a sword, but the resistance is increased by the water, and it has no strength when it falls on the stone wall.However, this water armor body is not like ordinary water armor body, it is not damaged even if it is pierced by a sword, it is very disgusting.

Mingming's stone house was already crumbling, and the three warriors were about to succeed, but they were stunned by this mutated water armor body and couldn't do anything, feeling all kinds of depressed.

"This water armor protector is very good, very thoughtful." Yuan Feiwu was full of praise, and clapped his hands vigorously with his two white jade fingers. His well-behaved appearance made the VIP seats who were worried about fighting The corners of Ophelia's mouth couldn't help but flutter. cute...

Coleridge himself was taken aback. The mistaken magic was actually used for a bigger purpose. He immediately straightened his back, shrunk his stomach, shrunk his shoulders and raised his shoulders, as if some great general had returned in triumph. He was so proud that he was about to go to heaven.

When a person is happy, he is naturally confident.Without letting himself relax, he quickly chanted another spell.

A big magic.

An aggressive big magic!
He's tired of being a logistics player all day long, so it's a great honor to let him play a role in team battles today!

"Let you know how powerful I am, Waterspout!"

The sixth-level magic of the water system, the waterspout!
The water element of the layer of water armor on the side of the stone house was suddenly pulled out by a huge force, a huge water flow covered the stone house inside, and then spun rapidly, like a blue tornado!
The huge force had to make the three warriors back away. This is a level [-] magic. If they were involved, it would be difficult for even the warriors of the land to get out unharmed.

The power of the waterspout is not small, but there is a downside, that is, the speed of movement is super slow, and it is basically impossible to hit people.However, the waterspout at this time was not intended to hurt people, it was purely to protect the stone house inside.

The stone house inside the waterspout was not damaged by the waterspout at all. It can be seen that Coleridge's spell was very accurate, and he displayed his magical strength beautifully.

The magic of the water element is very ornamental, and the blue water splashes are constantly overflowing, which is very beautiful.Of course, the audience gave thunderous applause without hesitation!
The applause is all for me!Give me this neglected water elemental mage!Coleridge raised his head, closed his eyes, and savored the rare moment when he was the focus.

At this time, the source Feiwu still had that friendly voice from Youyou: "Coleridge, you've done too much..."

(End of this chapter)

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