Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 326 The man who reversed the situation!

Chapter 326 The man who reversed the situation!
"Too much? What is too much?" Coleridge suddenly opened his eyes and looked back, but he didn't see anyone at all. He looked around again, and I wiped, Nima Yuan Feiwu was already standing half a stage away from him Far corner gone!
What are you doing running so far!

"You've used too much magic." Yuan Feiwu put his hands together and shouted at Coleridge in a trumpet-like shape around his mouth. Although it was just a very ordinary movement, the captain of his team was very pleasing to the eye.

It's already a crime to be so beautiful!

No, distracted!

"Didn't you ask me to use it?!" Coleridge said hastily.

"Yeah, just 'help Tarena a little bit', that water armor is fine."

"Then my waterspout is more powerful and domineering. Look, the three warriors can't get close to the stone house!"

"That's right, so you see, they can't hit the stone house, they can only hit you."

Coleridge was taken aback for a moment, and quickly turned his head to see that the three warriors were running fast, less than ten meters away from him!
Captain, your sister!Knowing that there will be such a result, you will die if you call yourself up when you run!It's fine if you don't call, but at times like this, you're still nagging and explaining to yourself slowly, so hurry up and tell yourself to run away!

Coleridge's face was ashen. The three warriors had fanned towards him, and now he couldn't escape even if he was a warrior.

"Stop the waterspout!"

Coleridge heard another shout from Yuan Feiwu in the distance, but he didn't understand why he gave up the waterspout.But forget it, I'm about to lose, so I can do whatever the captain says.

In an instant, the waterspout disintegrated by itself.The formation of magic takes time to sing and condense, but it is much easier to disband. Cut off the mental power that controls the magic, and the magic will automatically disintegrate immediately.

"Don't bother with that water mage!" Seeing this, Xueyue frowned, moved around the fighting Nangongfeng and her teammates, and controlled all the ice picks to smash towards the stone house.

"Giant Hammer!"

The voice in the stone house slowly rose.

Many small yellow light spots quickly gathered in the air, and they merged into a gigantic stone hammer, smashing hard to the ground!And the direction in which it fell was right behind the three warriors!
At this moment, nearly ten ice cones were all smashed into the same area of ​​an earthen wall, and a corner of the earthen wall, which was originally full of holes, was finally collapsed, and the ice cones were all shattered.

There is also a new chanting ice cone that appears in time and shoots in!There was a popping sound from inside.

"Ah!" Many people in the auditorium could not help but exclaim.

Among them was Livia offstage.

That ice pick happened to be shot at such a critical moment, it was really tricky!Although Tarena had done some things that were unfavorable to Landis Magic Academy before, Livia would not regard this poor girl as an enemy, and was very worried about the situation inside the stone wall.

Without even the slightest hesitation, the Hammer of the Giant Spirit still hit the ground.

The stone hammer didn't hit the three warriors, or it didn't intend to hit the three warriors in the first place.The three land warriors worked together to forcibly attack the hammer of the giant spirit, which was only a fifth-level magic, and there was no way to defeat them.So the Hammer of the Giant Spirit deliberately hit them not far behind!

Where the stone hammer fell, a huge shock wave surged forward amidst the airflow. The momentum couldn't hurt the Earth Warrior, but the Earth Warrior couldn't control his figure either!

After a bang, the three warriors were blown away by the air current and flew straight out of the stage.

The referee was about to announce the defeat of the three warriors of Xuefeng Academy, Yuan Feiwu's voice came out first: "Representative Tarena of Landis Academy of Magic, give up the game."

Uh, Tarena admits defeat?The captain has the right to concede defeat for the team members, this is not a problem, but...

There was another bang, this time the momentum was not as grand as that of the Hammer of the Giant Spirit.The stone house that had persisted for a long time collapsed by itself when it was not attacked again.

There is only one possibility in this situation, that is, its owner has cut off the control of mental power.

"Oops, Tarena is still inside!" Livia stood up excitedly.

A black figure briskly ran out before the stone house completely collapsed, holding the limp Tarena in his arms.

When did Yuan Feiwu sneak in?Livia didn't know, all the audience didn't pay much attention, and everyone's attention was later on the Hammer of the Giants.

But he saved Tarena from the landslide just in time.

"Three is too much..." Yuan Feiwu said softly to Tarena who had lost consciousness in her arms.

In the morning's battle, Tarena's magic power was almost exhausted.

In the finals in the afternoon, she still forced herself to single-handedly resist the three earth warriors, and the last one, the Hammer of the Giants, was already overdrawn.Yuan Feiwu knew, he knew, but he still chose to respect Tarena's choice.

This kind of stubborn person will not let others intervene to stop him, so it is better to support him behind the scenes.

"Coleridge, thanks to you we turned the situation around, especially the water shield at the beginning." Yuan Feiwu put Tarena on the edge of the stage and let Livia rush over to rest, while walking towards the empty space at the other end. The contest platform laughed.

It was the water shield that Coleridge had deployed at the beginning that helped Tarena block the last ice cone.Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to use the Giant Spirit Hammer, or Tarena would have fallen, or they would face another wave of offensive from Xuefeng Academy, which was fully staffed.

It can be said without hesitation that Coleridge's performance directly defeated the opponent's three warriors!
"Yes, yes, hahaha, I'm still very reliable!" Coleridge's response came from the empty end.

The referee was a little dumbfounded when he saw it, and quickly walked around the ring to see, I'm going, Coleridge is climbing on the edge of the ring, struggling as if to fall or not!

Just now when the hammer of the giant spirit fell, the air flow flew over the three earth warriors and were swept away.Coleridge was also in that direction. Although he was a little farther away and the airflow was not so strong, his small body was still blown backwards.Fortunately, when he fell off the arena, he managed to grab the edge of the arena with his hands, so he didn't fall.

It's been decades since the referee cross-fertilization competition, and this is the first time I've seen such a situation!In the previous competitions, when they were knocked down, they were basically caused by magic or fighting spirit. The momentum was extremely clean and neat, and they had never seen such a situation where they couldn't lose.

He was a little confused for a while, and the rules of the exchange game did not specify this item carefully, simply saying "being knocked out of the competition ring counts as defeat" and it was over.Does he hit or miss?

"Damn it, what kind of bad captain is this, who cares more about sex than friends, I need help too, please come and give me a hand..."

Accompanied by Coleridge's low-pitched complaints, he exhausted all his strength and climbed back to the competition ring in an extremely unsightly posture like a toad, panting like a cow.

Forget it, let's just pretend that he wasn't knocked out of the competition ring. Anyway, he doesn't seem to be very reliable... The referee covered his head and walked back to his seat.

He found that it was very difficult to judge the game of Landis Academy of Magic, it was really difficult...

(End of this chapter)

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