Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 327 Absolute Monster

Chapter 327 Absolute Monster
In this competition, Xuefeng Academy's advantage was obvious from the very beginning, almost completely defeating Landis Academy of Magic.

In the end, the situation was reversed in one fell swoop by this water element magician who had been despised all this time!
The three main players of Xuefeng Academy were all knocked off the stage. Although they also replaced a super master of the opponent, it was still not worthwhile!

Pullman blew his beard and stared at the rostrum, and the mustache on his mouth almost turned into an inverted character.

He kept nagging about being bullied by Douglas again, that water elemental magician was a conspiracy!

Going on and on, in fact, as a great magister, he is also an old and mature guy, how could he not see that Xuefeng Academy's tactics have gone wrong?

If the three warriors had only one warrior to deal with the water element magician, if Xueyue's timely remedy could succeed, it would not be such a result.Xueyue's strategy was correct from the beginning to the end, that water elemental mage was no threat at all, the worst would be to let Ta Lena hold on for a while longer, sing the magic at most to defeat one or two warriors, and wanted to wipe out three Samurai is wishful thinking.But the other party seized this opportunity and used such a dispensable person as a bait to sweep the three warriors down together!
Let a water elemental magician be the key to such a comeback!

If the trophy for the strongest student in this exchange competition is finally awarded to him, Pullman will definitely vomit blood with anger!

The strongest student trophy was judged by the three chairmen together, and Douglas and Pauline wanted to see their depressed temper, so it was likely to be awarded just like that!

Xueyue's rescue failed, with just such a little effort, Nangongfeng seized the time and paid a small price to kick the remaining warrior off the competition stage.

On the huge competition arena, only Xue Yue was the only representative of Xuefeng Academy standing on it.And around him, Nangongfeng, Yuan Feiwu and Coleridge stood, showing their disadvantages.

But he was not in a hurry, because he had never relied on anyone from the beginning.

From the very beginning, he sees himself as a human being.

Since sensible.

"I'm here, accept the move." Nangong Feng rushed towards Xueyue with a blue grudge.

There was almost no sound in Xueyue's chanting, only his lips moved slightly on his blurred face, and then three ice spears shot out towards Nangongfeng in three points covering.

"Level [-] Ice Elemental Magic Ice Spear. As expected of an Ice Elemental Spirit Envoy, it can shoot three at a time!" Douglas said with emotion.

Level [-] Magic Ice Spear, of course one chanting once.After reaching a higher level, it is possible to achieve quantitative changes based on one's understanding and control of magic.

But this Xueyue is just a great magician, it is really not easy to use three at a time.

In addition to his high savvy, the ice elemental elf's physique also helped him a lot. He can better communicate with the ice elemental, and the magic he casts is naturally more powerful.

For example, the Guangyang Jiuyao created by Douglas is very important to the communication and control of the light elemental elves. This is also the reason why many light elemental magicians who can cast level 7 magic cannot learn it, and their comprehension is insufficient.If it were Athena who had enough magic power to cast this magic, she would probably be able to learn it soon. The light element elf's physique would make her communication with the light element more effective.

The ice spear shot from the triangle couldn't be difficult for Nan Gongfeng, he jumped sideways and got through the three ice spears, his agility was unbelievable.

That is inevitable, Nangongfeng was abused by the three great sword masters on the mountain for five years, even regardless of fighting spirit, his reflexes have reached the peak, and he can control his body with ease.

After jumping over the ice spear, Nangongfeng simply buffered on the ground and ran forward again. At this moment, he felt that there was a layer of hazy glass in front of his eyes, making things blurry.

Not glass, but fog!
Nangongfeng found himself in the thick white fog!
A closer look reveals that the dense fog is actually made up of pieces of crystal clear and sparkling snowflakes!It is obviously a beautiful snowflake, but after gathering into a white mist, it is so simple and unpretentious.

Although the white mist is thick, it does not completely cover the field of vision. After all, snowflakes are crystal clear.But the effect on the temperature is not simple, Nangongfeng had to urge the fighting spirit to protect the body to isolate the sudden cold brought by the outside world.

The remaining distance between the two was very short, Nangong Feng charged forward in one go, not intending to give Xueyue another chance to sing magic.

A light green light flashed in the white mist, it was Nangong Feng's flying feet.Above the green light, a mass of red light burst out, striking forward with a huge explosive force!
"The Overlord Comes to the World!" Nangongfeng would not underestimate him just because he was a magician, his attack was the strongest attack ever!
In other words, he will not underestimate him for any reason, because Yuan Feiwu once told him that this person is the strongest opponent in this exchange meeting!
"Feng, I'm in a hurry." Yuan Feiwu said suddenly.

"Ah? If a samurai wants to deal with a magician, doesn't he have to be fast?" Coleridge said in a circle.

"But this guy is no ordinary magician, look at his squatting steps."


"Yes, that's the standard movement of drawing a sword and slashing..."

Coleridge couldn't understand what "drawing the sword and cutting" the more he heard it, but this sounded like a name of "sword cutting", it shouldn't appear on a magician!

Nangongfeng also saw the inappropriate posture of the other party after the Bawang came to the world, but no matter whether the Bawang came to the world was successful or not, he had to go forward bravely. Psychology creates a shadow, and it is difficult to exert its power.

What a domineering punch.

Nangongfeng's ears seemed to hear such a sentence, the voice was as cold and ruthless as the surrounding temperature.

I saw the other party in a haze, bending down to dodge his fist at a speed that a magician shouldn't have, and then a white sword light flashed past.


Nangongfeng let out a muffled groan, couldn't control his momentum and rushed forward, threw himself on the ground and writhed several times before stopping, lying on the ground and spitting out a mouthful of blood.And on his chest, there was a long and shocking knife mark. The school uniform was already torn, and the blood flowed down quickly, and quickly condensed into ice!

It was as if bright red ice flowers were blooming on his chest!
"He's still a land warrior?!" Douglas said in shock, with creeps on his back.

On the other hand, Bo Lian was also shocked, her hands were firmly pressed on the rostrum, and the rostrum made intermittent crackling sounds, and it might collapse at any time.

Ice elemental physique that is only heard in legends, and it is the dual cultivation of magic and martial arts of a great magician and an earth warrior? !What kind of monsters appeared one by one in this exchange competition!I thought that bringing the only disciple of Gajaya, the celestial sword sage, would be able to dominate the exchange competition, but after looking at it so far, it is more evil than one!
"Yes, the ice elf elementalist who cultivates both magic and martial arts. You may have heard of ice magic, but you haven't heard of ice elemental grudges, have you?"

Pullman watched Xueyue slowly reinsert a snow-white rapier into the scabbard, and it looked like an ordinary wooden staff again, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

That's right, their family's Xueyue is so strong, what should he worry about?
This is the person who is destined to leave supreme achievements on the Star Luo Continent in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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