Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 328 Nangong Feng VS Xueyue

Chapter 328 Nangong Feng VS Xueyue
The situation of Nangong Feng looks very bad!
Nangongfeng, who was almost invincible in Coleridge's heart, was beaten to the ground after only one meeting, and his world view seemed to be smashed to pieces!
"Look, I said he was too anxious." Yuan Feiwu added to Coleridge.

Look at your sister!Nangong Feng already looks like this, and you still tell him that he is in a hurry with a smile on his face, isn't that a little too much!Tension, please Captain, can you give me some tension? !Tarena has already been defeated, and even Nangongfeng's thick leg has been defeated, so we are helpless!Turning into meat on the chopping board and being slaughtered by others, it's very pitiful!
"Stop explaining, tell me what to do? Can I help?"

Coleridge decided to take the initiative, otherwise it would be like just now, when Yuan Feiwu finished explaining slowly, TM was almost rubbed against the ground by three warriors!
"I'm afraid you won't be able to intervene in their battle. What you can do is cheer for Nangongfeng. Like me." Yuan Feiwu said cheering to Nangongfeng with a smile on his face.

Coleridge moved a little closer to him, dazzled by the beautiful picture.

"If Nangongfeng is defeated, it will be our turn. We need to plan ahead, right?" Coleridge said with a sad face, not in the mood to complain about the captain's appearance.

"Stand back a bit." Yuan Feiwu said hastily.

Coleridge stepped back hastily, and asked, "What, is it enough? I'm going to step on the edge of the ring."

"Yes, just step on the edge. If Nangong Feng loses, and the other party rushes towards you again, don't hesitate, just jump down." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

Although Yuan Feiwu's smile is beautiful and the advice he gives is also very pertinent, Nima Coleridge just wants to swear now!Why does he feel that this captain is too unreliable no matter what time it is!

Nangongfeng felt that his heart was about to be frozen.

The cold ice element fighting energy rushed in from his chest, and walked around quietly but restlessly, making him shiver several times.

But fortunately, he is a man with fire element grudge.

The fire elemental vindictiveness quickly circulated, and after a while, the ice elemental vindictiveness was suppressed, and the body finally warmed up.

Nangongfeng stood up again, and put on a combat stance towards Xueyue.

Xue Yue was not idle when he fell to the ground, the chanting was just over, and the staff quickly pointed to the ground: "Frozen Earth!"

The place pointed by Xueyue staff began to freeze rapidly, and it spread towards Nangongfeng!
The frozen land this time is different from the one he used to freeze lava and falling rocks. At that time, the frozen land was frozen in a straight line, indicating that the power of magic was concentrated; The fans are condensed outwards, covering a relatively large area, and the purpose is to make it difficult for Nangongfeng to escape.

"It's just in time!" Nangong Feng yelled, raised his right foot full of earth element fighting spirit, and stomped heavily on the ground, "The third form of the Seven Killing Fist, Megatron!"

The grudge of the earth element spread into the ground, forming a wave visible to the naked eye, and crashing head-on towards the frozen land!

When the two met, only a soft ping-pong sound was heard.

A protruding block of ice was inexplicably formed on the ground, which was very abrupt.

Even the grudge is frozen!
Nangongfeng smiled wryly. He hasn't mastered the third form of Megatron Mountain and River. If he reaches the level of sky warrior, his fighting spirit will be more powerful.Although the power is not enough, it is too exaggerated to be frozen directly!
Xueyue couldn't help frowning, his frozen land seemed to suppress the opponent's fighting spirit, but its power had weakened a lot.

The frozen ground quickly spread to Nangongfeng, and he was hit directly without avoiding it.

There was a crisp sound, and both feet were frozen.

Sure enough, you can't underestimate this guy. A trick of unknown origin can weaken his sixth-level magic to such a degree.

Fortunately, Nangong Feng had been prepared for a long time. His feet were brewing with fire element fighting spirit early in the morning, and the ice on his feet was shattered with a little effort.Nangongfeng couldn't dodge the ice cone that Xueyue took the opportunity to drop, so he could only smash it with his fist with the fighting spirit of the earth element.Every time the ice pick is smashed, the hidden cold inside makes Nangongfeng resist for a while, slowing down his actions.

It's so annoying, ice elements or something!

With resentment towards the ice element, Nangongfeng approached Xueyue again.

Xueyue is not afraid of Nangong Feng's approach at all, anyway, he can use magic to attack from a distance, and he is also a good hand when he is close!
Pulling out the sword, the white light that Nangongfeng couldn't see clearly just now reappeared, and Shen swung it with a chill.

Nangongfeng opened his eyes wide in disbelief, no wonder he couldn't see the light just now, because it was so fast!Not much slower than your own speed at all!
With a sudden stop, Nangongfeng, relying on the perverted action ability of the wind element fighting spirit, unexpectedly changed the forward movement into a backward movement in an instant, barely dodging the opponent's sword slash!
But the ice element grudge on the peak almost brushed Nangong Feng's nose, and the cold wind almost froze his nose into ice!

If the opponent is a sky warrior, I'm afraid my head will be gone!

Xueyue wasn't surprised when she slashed through the air, she immediately withdrew her spin stab, her movements were as fast as lightning, and many savvy audiences were amazed at the sight.This ice mage is not only powerful in magic, but also extraordinary in fighting spirit, and he is also a super master in using a sword!

The crisp sound is very soft, but it seems to ring in everyone's ears.

Nangongfeng raised his khaki-colored left fist, and deftly avoided the edge to block the rapier!

That crisp sound was made by the collision of the rapier and Nangongfeng's left fist, and it made people sigh the vigor of the earth element fighting spirit!

The grid is broken, but it is inevitable that the ice element will infiltrate from the fist and wreak havoc. Without a weapon, Kui Nangongfeng can only eat with his head depressed.

At the same time, Nangong Feng punched Xueyue straight.

Slow, Nangongfeng obviously felt that this punch was slow, the opponent easily turned sideways, and let the fist hit empty.

Nangongfeng suddenly understood the fact that he always felt that the other party was very fast, so fast that it could compare to the speed at which his own wind element fighting energy strengthened.It turned out that it wasn't because the other party was really faster than him, but because his speed was affected by the cold and became slow in this faint white mist!

"So, the ice element is really annoying..." Nangong Feng murmured, his right fist suddenly turned into a palm, and he speeded up to stroke Xueyue with a green grudge.

This time, Xueyue couldn't dodge in time, and was touched by her left shoulder. At this moment, the palm of her hand was already full of fighting energy of fire element!With a seemingly gentle touch, Xueyue spat out a mouthful of blood!

"The second move of the Seven Killing Fist is heart-breaking." Nangong Feng murmured.

It seemed to be a light caress, but in fact, it vibrated quickly at the moment of touching. There was a fierceness hidden in the softness, and he quickly displayed the power on Xueyue's shoulders, nailing the fire element fighting spirit into Xueyue's body. inside!
The fire element, which claims to have the strongest attack power, is not in vain. As soon as the manic fire element battle energy enters Xueyue's body, it immediately gallops like a thousand horses.

Before she had time to suppress the manic fighting spirit, Xue Yue reacted quickly with a kick, kicking Nangong Feng out again, and rolled on the ground twice before getting up moaning.Xueyue quickly took this opportunity to use the ice element fighting energy to suppress the manic fighting energy, and her complexion became ugly.

Perhaps it was because of Xueyue's invincible state that Baiwu became thinner, and Nangongfeng finally saw Xueyue's appearance clearly.

His facial features are as sharp as a knife, and his waist-length light blue hair is soft and bright, which looks no worse than Yuan Feiwu's black hair.He looks very handsome, but exudes a rebellious temperament, and he looks at anyone as if that person owes him hundreds of thousands.

But that look in Nangongfeng's eyes is no stranger to him, he also looked like this five years ago.

It was a lonely look.

(End of this chapter)

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