Chapter 329 Almost there
"I don't like the look in your eyes, let me fix it for you!"

Nangongfeng took a mouthful of blood, and bullied him again!

"Arrogance." Xue Yue's voice was always like his ice magic, revealing endless chill.

His ice element battle qi was also effective in clearing fire element battle qi, and he quickly resolved the restless battle qi in his body, and stood up to meet Nangong Feng!

"It's just in time, the overlord has come to the world!"

Nangongfeng was the same as the first time they met, as soon as he made a move, the overlord came to the world without giving in!

The ice crystal white mist became thinner, and Nangong Feng's speed was a little faster than before.He jumped up high and even, clasped his hands, and smashed down towards Xueyue fiercely with a blazing fighting spirit!
Xueyue originally planned to thrust out a sword, but seeing the impact of this blow, this exchange will definitely suffer!

It was half a beat too late to dodge, so I had no choice but to raise the sword to the cross.

Even though Xueyue had pumped up her fighting spirit on the sword, she still couldn't stop the shocking blow, and the rapier snapped into two halves.The broken sword edge flew directly to the outside of the arena, was blocked by the barrier circle of the martial arts platform, and lay quietly on the edge.

He couldn't stop the heavy blow, but this slowing down was enough for Xueyue to dodge the vital point, Nangongfeng's fists slammed hard on Xueyue's left shoulder.

The huge force smashed Xueyue down on one knee, and a circle of air waves swelled on the ground with Xueyue as the center, which was especially obvious in the white mist, and everyone was speechless.

How powerful is Nangongfeng's blow!

Xueyue took this blow without making a sound, and quickly raised the broken sword to stab Nangongfeng's waist.

The khaki-colored fighting energy had already spread all over Nangongfeng's waist, but the ice-elemental fighting energy was so penetrating that it broke through Nangongfeng's fighting energy and pierced part of it with the Broken Sword.Without even thinking about it, Nangongfeng raised his foot and kneeled on Xueyue's face, knocking him flying.

Finally hit the opponent flying once!
Nangongfeng pulled out the broken sword stuck in his body and threw it on the ground, thinking viciously in his heart.

And the wound on the waist bloomed with bright red ice flowers. The cold fighting spirit made Nangongfeng tremble continuously, and he couldn't move his body. This time Nangongfeng couldn't hurt clearly.

But the other party is not much better!
Xueyue struggled to get up, stretched out her hand and twisted the nose, twisted the crooked nose again, and made a bumpy "paji" sound.

"It's a man!" Nangong Feng was also taken aback by Xueyue, the guy with such severe pain right on the bridge of his nose didn't even groan, he really is a man!
"I advise you not to force it. It's already pretty strong after I hit my knee and didn't pass out. If you beat me again, I'm afraid you will develop dementia in advance." Nangong Feng persuaded.

Xueyue didn't make a sound, and chanted in a low voice.

Nangongfeng frowned, but had no choice but to rush forward.You can't let a magician sing magic to yourself!

The ice spear is another three-dot finished ice spear.

Nangongfeng really wanted to dodge cleanly again, but his body was corroded by ice element fighting spirit or magic several times, and he became a little stiff and uncontrollable.

Barely dodging the vital point, an ice spear pierced Nangongfeng's shoulder fiercely, and pierced out from behind him.

What Nangongfeng spit out this time was not blood, but ice flowers!Bright red ice flowers!The magic power of the ice element has been rippling in his body!
"Ah!" Nangong Feng gritted his teeth and rushed forward, "If you want to come, then come!"

"If I can't even beat you, what face do I have to go back?" Xue Yue suddenly gritted her teeth and roared, dragging her weak left hand, just entangled with Nangong Feng with her bare fists.

Both of them are at the end of their strength, their movements have become slow, and they are often powerless in the face of each other's attacks.Xueyue lifted her foot and kicked; Nangongfeng split her palm and hit.It looked like two hooligans, tearing apart.

The audience felt a little worried, and the three chairmen on the rostrum couldn't bear it even more.

"I said, why are your children so stubborn? They look like this, and they still don't admit defeat?" Douglas frowned.

"The one in your family is different. Look, he can't even stand upright. Let him admit defeat!" Although Pullman agreed with Douglas's words in his heart, his mouth was still firm.

"Get out, there are two people on my side! If you want to admit defeat, you will admit defeat!"

The quarrel on the rostrum is still going on, and the fighting on the competition stage is still going on.There is only one thought in everyone's mind, that is, stop this fight that is already tantamount to self-harm.

The excellence of these two people no longer needs to be proved by victory!

Coleridge was equally worried, and was about to ask the captain if he could make a move, but the captain spoke first.

"What is it?"

"A game. It's almost time for me to make a move."

"Eh..." Coleridge was speechless.

Which exchange team captain in the world can happily say that he made a shot after his team members and the opponent's players are exhausted?If Coleridge hadn't spent some time with Yuan Feiwu, he would definitely have thought that he was a treacherous and cunning person!
Sensing Yuan Feiwu approaching, Xueyue and Nangongfeng stopped their movements tacitly and looked at him.

"Are you finally willing to make a move?" Xue Yue said coldly.

"I can still fight." Nangongfeng wiped the blood from the corners of his eyes, his vision was a little blurred, "Don't do it on this occasion, leave it to me."

"It's okay, high-level warriors are enough." Yuan Feiwu gave Nangong Feng a bright smile, "Thank you for your hard work, let me replace you, you have done enough."

"I can still..."

"I will also feel sorry for my friend." Yuan Feiwu interrupted.

"What are you talking about, we are brothers!" Nangong Feng finally relaxed his already stiff leg muscles, and he fell to the ground stiffly. His body had already reached its limit, and he just persisted stubbornly, " I'm sorry, but I still let you do it..."

Yuan Feiwu waved his hand behind him.

I?Is Yuan Feiwu calling me?

Coleridge knew very well that he was the only one left in this direction of the competition arena, but he couldn't help but make sure before he ran over.

"Landis School of Magic, Nangongfeng, admit defeat." Yuan Feiwu finished speaking to the referee, and then signaled Coleridge to take Nangongfeng for treatment.

"How strong you are, I can't see through." Xue Yue waited for Yuan Feiwu to finish dealing with Nangong Feng's matter, and then said to Yuan Feiwu.

"You can't win now." Yuan Feiwu said slowly.

Xueyue sighed heavily.

Suddenly, the air on the competition platform seemed to condense, and the white mist was densely covered, almost covering the entire competition platform.

The white mist was so thick that even the figures of the two people standing inside could not be seen clearly!
"Damn it, that kid is crazy!" Pullman was stunned when he saw it, and stood up anxiously, about to fly towards the referee.Just flew out and quickly turned back, dragging Douglas and Pauline to go out, "To prevent the game, the three chairmen must approve at the same time, don't be dazed!"

"Is this match important to you? So important that you have to burn your life to fight?" Yuan Feiwu looked at Xueyue and asked as if the competition stage had become a world where only two people lived.

"The competition is not important. Victory, what I want is victory. You don't understand how much a person who has lost everything since he was a child wants to prove prove himself in a place where the strong are respected!" by Xue Yue's side The ice elemental elf flew wildly, faintly looking like many white stars flying around him, "Even you guys can't defeat, then I... then what can I be? I don't even have the face to go back!" !"

"I understand, I understand."

Yuan Feiwu moved, the two were not far apart, Yuan Feiwu came to Xueyue in an instant.

Xue Yue wanted to resist, but seeing the smile on Yuan Feiwu's face without any fighting intention, he was taken aback.At this time, Yuan Feiwu had already raised a beautiful snow-white finger in front of him, and flicked it on his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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