Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 330 There is still an episode at the end of the exchange match

Chapter 330 There is still an episode at the end of the exchange match
Yuan Feiwu's experience so far, all poured into Xue Yue's head like a flood.

A young man, following the route led by others before, cracked various traps and mechanisms all the way, and came to the cemetery.

He knelt down in front of a joint burial tombstone, crying so sadly, so weakly, it was unbearable.

"No matter how sad I am, I will live a good life, and live a good life for you." The young man put his face on the photo of the young men and women on the tombstone of the joint burial, rubbed it carefully, and finally moved his face away with reluctance, pear blossoms with tears An incomparably bright smile bloomed on his face, "I can deal with all difficulties with a smile. I promised you, didn't I? I'll see you next time, father and mother."

The last scene of Xueyue was fixed on the young man's thin back when he left the cemetery.From that thin back, he saw an extremely strong heart!
He understands, he really understands... His experience is so similar to his own... But why, he...

Helpless, curious, and restless, but when her eyes went dark, Xue Yue lost consciousness and passed out.

The restless ice elements on the competition stage immediately dissipated, revealing the scene on the competition stage.

Everyone can see clearly, Yuan Feiwu is standing, while Xueyue has fallen to the ground.

"Cancel the game! Referee, hurry up, the three of us want to cancel the game!" Pullman grabbed Douglas by the collar in one hand and Pauline Zeze's hem in the other, yelling loudly in the referee's seat.Suddenly the ice element became quiet, Pullman's mental strength was so sharp, he immediately went to the competition platform, Xueyue had already passed out, and he calmed down.

"Star Luo Continental Exchange Tournament Finals, the final winner, Landis Academy of Magic!"

The referee quickly announced the result of the game before the audience could react.

After the announcement, the audience still didn't react, and it took several shots before there was a noisy discussion.

What happened to the captains of both sides in the competition arena just now?How come it's over in a few seconds?

This kind of feeling is like the finale of "The Devil" is about to come out, but the author missed the most important paragraph. Looking at the ending chapter, there are only three words "complete book", all kinds of depression and entanglement!I feel like I missed something important in my life!Missed a lot of billions!

Under Pullman's yelling, Xueyue was carefully carried down for treatment like a hidden treasure.

If it wasn't for Pullman's territory, he would have presented the trophy as a representative, and had followed the ambulance team down to look at his precious students.I have to present awards to the old and immortal students with a stiff face, how much I resist in my heart!
The representatives of Landis Academy of Magic, except Tarena who was sent to the infirmary in a coma, all cheered happily.They Landis Academy of Magic finally won, and won the championship after a lot of hard work!
The audience also discussed and concluded that the captain of Xuefeng Academy must have been exhausted in the end, so he was taken advantage of by the captain of Landis Academy of Magic.Although their Xueyue defeat is glorious!

Thinking of this, he booed Yuan Feiwu who was waiting on the stage with a smile on his face.

It wasn't until Nangongfeng was also supported by Coleridge that he stood on the competition platform that those boos gradually died down, replaced by scattered applause.

The representatives and team leaders of Landis Academy of Magic stood on the competition stage, waiting for Pullman to come up to present the award, when a figure rushed up quickly.

"Why is it this Sabo again?" Pullman became angrier when he saw the person.

The team that was going to present the award to the old and immortal is already angry enough, but this guy dares to come up and interfere, is it annoying?
"It's a fluke to win!" Sabo said in a very bad tone, "Do you remember our bet?"

"It seems that you are very worried that I will forget. How about doing it now?" Yuan Feiwu smiled.

Sabo was stunned, this guy is so straightforward?Just admit defeat?impossible!

"Then you destroy your meridians!"

"Why do I have to destroy my meridians before the results come out?"

"You said you will fulfill it now! Shame on you for turning back!"

Sabo knew that this guy couldn't be as kind as he appeared on the surface, he must have a bad stomach!

"I just said to fulfill the bet." Yuan Feiwu continued without changing his face, "Let Principal Livia break through the great magister now, lest you will never forget it."

What the hell is this kid talking about? !
Pullman originally wanted to go up and drive Sabo away, so as to show him some color.But as soon as he heard the captain of Landis Magic Academy say that, he immediately changed his mind.

This kid is no worse than Sabo in uttering wild words!
Originally, I was considering whether to come forward with Douglas to ask Arnold to mediate the bet between the two young people afterwards, but it was still not worth it to destroy the meridian for such a scumbag.But this kid is getting more and more arrogant, Pullman really wants to see what tricks he can play!

"Hahaha... Okay! Waiting for you here for three days?" Sabo laughed.

"No need, half an hour. Just borrow the lounge next to it." Yuan Feiwu casually pointed to the small room next to the competition stage.

"Half an hour!?" Sabo exaggerated.

Livia was standing on the competition stage, and finally she couldn't help but take a step forward, glaring at Sabo.

Although Yuan Feiwu is not a good thing, but now, she wants to beat Sabo even more!
"Mage Livia, someone wants to help you break through the bottleneck, shouldn't you be grateful?" Sabo pretended to smile bitterly at Livia.

Livia exuded a strong fighting spirit, which made Sabo a little guilty. In fact, he was already prepared. If Livia really dared to make a move, he would definitely run away without hesitation!
"You don't need to be grateful, it's just a matter of raising your hands." Unexpectedly, there were words from behind that made her even more depressed!
Haha... Livia really wanted to laugh. Sabo took herself as a joke, which had already violated her bottom line. I didn't expect Yuan Feiwu to be even more arrogant!If Yuan Feiwu was not a member of Landis Magic Academy, she really wanted to blow him to pieces with a fireball!Along with this Saab!
After thinking about it, she turned her head and saw that Nima, the guy who said it was easy to do, had already walked a long way!

Is this guy serious?

"Go and come back, I'll wait for your good news, Magister Livia!" Sabo saluted Livia, the mocking expression on his face couldn't be restrained.

"Go, if there is any problem, I will take care of it." Douglas's voice transmission came to Livia's ear.

Livia hesitated for a while, and finally decided to follow Yuan Feiwu for a walk.

In her heart, Yuan Feiwu has always been a cloud of fog, and Livia faintly feels that this opportunity will allow her to remove some of his mysterious veil.

Ophelia and the others at the VIP table couldn't sit still anymore, they couldn't understand Yuan Feiwu's actions.But Douglas reassured them and told them to calm down.No one from the other audience greeted them, but there was a lot of discussion and noise.

A good exchange match, must it end like this?Pauline threw up her hands and sighed again and again.

When she came to the cabin in the lounge, the black-haired figure inside had buried her head on the ground and didn't know what to do.

Livia remained silent, watching him make a magic circle on the ground.

She can't understand this very basic magic circle. A magic circle that gathers fire elemental spirits can slightly improve the efficiency of fire element mage's meditation.

that is it?

If you just want to break through the great magister just like this, then there are great magisters everywhere in the Star Luo Continent!Is this guy too childish?
(End of this chapter)

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