Chapter 331

"Finally it's done." Finally put a few monster core crystals of fire element, Yuan Feiwu heaved a sigh of relief, as if he had done some big project, "I specially made it, the speed of fire element gathering can be doubled, Try it."

"You still know magic circle?"


Livia frowned, suddenly thought of something, and was stunned for a while.

She thought that when she was promoted to the fifth grade exam, she gave him a steel plate that had been tampered with so that even the warriors of the earth could hardly leave marks, but he easily left marks on it.Could it be that the attached magic circle was destroyed by him?
But how do you move your hands and feet?Can't see it at all!

This kid has too many secrets!She followed to uncover the mysterious veil of Yuan Feiwu, but unexpectedly, there were more and more questions!

But Livia was too lazy to ask this kid directly, if she could get the answer so easily, why would she have to be wary of him all day long?

"Do you think such a fire element augmentation circle can help the magister break through the great magister? In your eyes, the great magister is too worthless?" Livia said coldly.

This kind of augmentation circle, Livia can hire anyone to make it if she wants.But she failed to break through the great magister, is it because of insufficient magic power?
No, regardless of the control of magic power, mental power, and fire element, she secretly felt that she had reached a bottleneck and could no longer increase the size, indicating that her hardware had reached the breakthrough standard.Unable to break through, it can only be said that he failed to meet the opportunity and failed to get the most critical epiphany.

This kind of bottleneck may be encountered at every level, even at every stage, whether it is a warrior or a magician.Someone who can't pass this hurdle in his whole life will stay at that level forever.Someone who is lucky or savvy may break through easily without feeling this bottleneck at all.

So Livia didn't even have the interest to try it. Without trying it, she knew that the elemental amplification circle was useless at all.

"Of course not. It's just that after you broke through the great magister, the nearby fire elemental spirits will be temporarily unbalanced by you." Yuan Feiwu said.

In fact, the breakthrough of each stage will cause a sudden overload to absorb more elemental spirits than he could bear in the past, which also proves that after the promotion, there is a qualitative leap for the previous stage.

The aura of the mortal world is relatively weak, and the great magister or sword master is almost at the limit. The magical elements absorbed by breaking through the great magister must be more and more exaggerated.

So just like Douglas and the others, when they felt that they had signs of a breakthrough, they always walked to some wilderness ridges where the magic elements were relatively dense. Elemental Amplification Array.Can make one of the elements here denser.

This is all because the magister broke through the great magister and evacuated a certain element at once, which would cause a short-term element imbalance in that part of the space and produce some abnormal phenomena.If there are creatures nearby, its own magnetic field will also be affected, causing physical discomfort such as dizziness and vomiting.

Of course Livia knew all these things, but the question was, do you want to hear him explain these basic common sense in detail?The problem is that he really thinks that he can break through the great magister within half an hour!
If it was that easy to break through, she wouldn't have stayed at this stage for decades!
"Principal Livia has already met the conditions to break through the great magister, and has been stuck at the bottleneck and cannot take that step because of distracting thoughts. Mingwu, with your talent, you can already do it well; chance, you can reach this level Realm Description I have encountered many. What you lack is to untie the last knot in your heart. If you want to become a great magister, the distracting thoughts in your heart will become the anklets that restrain you from taking any step. Please don't mind me taking the liberty to intervene. Cut off that shackle for you..."

While talking, Yuan Feiwu triggered the fire element augmentation circle, and in the space inside the cabin, some tiny red dots could be seen with the naked eye, slowly gathering around the circle, jumping happily.The concentration of the fire elemental spirits gradually increased, much beyond the wooden house.

And Livia was already on the spot!

In the first half of the sentence, Douglas had already said to himself, this kid actually has this kind of sentiment and understanding?Besides, even the great magister of light couldn't untie that knot for himself, so why should he talk nonsense?
Do not understand!

Yuan Feiwu ignored Livia's depression at all.After activating the magic circle, he walked to the side again, stretched out his hand, and there were four groups of things neatly placed on the long table.The composition of the four groups of things is the same, two groups, each with a human head and a heart.It is well preserved, as if it was still alive just now, but now it is just sleeping deeply.

"Tolan Viper!" Livia just glanced at it for a while, and couldn't move her eyes immediately, tears welled up in her eyes!

Yuan Feiwu waved his hand, and took out from the storage space, it was Patrick, Pete, Dennis, and Char who were slaughtered in the black magician's hermitage in Molot swamp forest!
Livia's eyes lingered on Patrick's head for a long time. The hatred that seemed to bite his teeth into pieces was the most direct and pure emotion from his heart.

That's right, they are them, and Livia will never forget their appearance.

At the beginning, their family kindly took in these four hunted dark element magicians nicknamed "Tolan Viper", but they did not expect to encounter a catastrophe of extermination because of this!Fortunately, Livia had to go out to perform magic with Douglas at that time, so she escaped unharmed.When they left the house, those four people, especially the sparkle in Patrick's eyes, made Livia unconsciously feel chills and feel uneasy.In the end, within a few days of leaving the house, the sad news came that the whole family had been killed by the black magician!
From that day on, Tolan Viper was the nightmare in her heart that could never be shaken away!The tragic death of her family haunts her mind every day and night.She can only practice selflessly, even in the eyes of Douglas, it is self-abuse practice. Only this kind of selfless devotion can temporarily forget the grief and hatred.

The whole continent knows that Livia is the strongest except for the great magister, but how many people know what kind of cruel method she uses to practice hard?How many times did she put in more sweat and effort than others?
But at the level of a magister, she felt that she had enough strength to take revenge. Isn't everything she worked hard for blood revenge?
But how to report?
Even Douglas couldn't find any information about the Toland Vipers by using his connections and status, not even their names!Everyone who knew their names at the beginning has been killed by them!

"Cruelly devouring other people's kindness, such a wolf-hearted person is not qualified to accept other people's kindness. Therefore, I bring back my heart to you. In addition to their selfishness and cold-bloodedness, there may also be the favor of your family... What should be repaid should always be repaid. Although it cannot be said that it is worth it, I hope that the kindness that has passed away can be fair and comforted." Yuan Feiwu said lightly.

Originally, Feiwu planned to hand over the Tolan Viper to Livia as soon as he returned from the Tost Empire, but Livia coldly cut off the opportunity several times when he was alone.

It's a bit ironic to say that I was disgusted by Livia to the point where I had to do anything, and then I thanked a Sabo who made Livia hate him even more, and created an opportunity to explain this to Livia.

Otherwise, I don't know when it will be delayed.

(End of this chapter)

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