Chapter 332 Rebirth
"Father who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside...a mother with a knife mouth and a bean curd heart...a cheerful sister...a cowardly but kind brother...I, Livia, can finally avenge you..."

Livia couldn't help but lay down on the long table and cried bitterly.

The pain of nearly a hundred years finally found an outlet, and I cried for a long time.

Yuan Feiwu just stood quietly on the side, watching all this, neither dissuading nor comforting.He knew that Livia after crying would be a brand new Livia.

Livia finally stood up and wiped away her tears.

Livia, who was trapped in the genocide and suffered every day, has died since this moment.The one standing up now will be Livia who has completed the redemption of hatred and her own redemption.

And this kind of Livia will move the Star Luo Continent!

Livia raised her head, her red eyes from crying slowly closed, and a relieved smile spread out on her wrinkled face, making her look decades younger.

"I want to take them away and bring them to my family's grave to pay homage to..."

"of course."

Livia reached out and put the four heads and hearts into his storage space.

The fire element augmentation circle next to it has already gathered many fire element elves, and at this time they gradually flew towards Livia's body and merged into it, forming a long river of faint red light.

"How do you know about the Tolan Viper..."

"Principal Douglas said, let me forgive you for your hatred of dark element magicians."

clap clap clap...

This small wooden cabin, which is only convenient for the staff and cutting pieces to rest, is crackling and seems to be under tremendous pressure.

"How did you find them..."

"I didn't intend to encounter it, but I intended to punish it. Sorry, there is no way for you to do it yourself..."


One wall of the cabin was dented in one corner.

The wooden wall at that place was broken, revealing a gap.At that moment, the light red fire element poured in from that gap like a tide!

Then there were several sounds of the wooden wall breaking, and the fire element continued to pounce on Livia through the obstruction of the wooden wall!
The wooden house was forcibly crushed by the inhaled fire element from outside!Squeeze!It can be seen how strong Livia's attraction is to the nearby fire elemental spirits!

"I owe you a favor..."

"You are welcome."

Unintentional encounter, it means that this person must have some kind of connection with the black magician!

But Livia also knew at this time that she should not have any more distracting thoughts, and temporarily put aside the secret that Yuan Feiwu had mentioned.

Although I think this person is still very problematic, although I think the black magician is still evil in nature.But she is a person with clear grievances and grievances. No matter what, this person still gave her a huge and incomparable kindness.She thought that she would never be able to take revenge in her life, and she would not be able to find Tolan Viper, but thanks to him, she did it.No matter how dirty or despicable means he used, he still let her take revenge and let her see the dead body of her enemy...

That's right, apart from big right and wrong, if you owe him a favor, it may be a huge favor that you can't repay...

A soft moan sounded from the wooden house.

The surrounding fire elements poured into the wooden house more eagerly, bringing up a strong air current, and everything in the wooden house was swept up and blown into chaos.And Yuan Feiwu stood in the corner with a smile on his face, only the hem of his clothes was swaying slightly, as if he was in another space.

This guy still can't see through...

Livia shook her head, put away her smile, and let out a piercing scream!

The sudden scream from the wooden house scared the audience who were still discussing carefully.

The screeching didn't stop, it got louder and louder, making it uncomfortable.The strange thing is that it's not the ears that hurt, it's the head, it's the heart...

Especially the magicians, they felt that their spirits were touched by it, their magic power was a little out of control, and their blood was boiling and dizzy.

With a bang, the entire cabin burst, and the huge momentum blew all the broken wood away.

Ophelia and the others had been paying attention to the cabin, but the cabin suddenly exploded, almost raising their hearts to their throats.

Only Douglas, seeing this scene, buried his head deeply between his hands, his body trembling.

As the scream spread like a wave of sound, a huge flame bird flew out of the exploding cabin and soared into the sky!
After dragging a long comet tail and circling the audience stage, the unusually beautiful firebird finally landed in the sky above the competition stage.

"Livia!!!!!! Livia!!!"

Douglas finally couldn't hold back his emotions, raised his head from the palm of his hand and roared, his old face was already covered with tears and snot!

Livia, who he had been worrying about for a long time, finally broke through!

What does this represent, as Livia's loving father, Douglas can understand best, she finally untied the shackles in her heart that strangled her to death!It doesn't matter whether Livia can break through the Grand Magister, as long as she no longer suffers from hatred, Douglas is sincerely happy for her!
He didn't want to pay attention to the dignity and image of the great magister of light, so he just raised his head and showed his crying face, staring at the screaming firebird.He wants to take a good look at the reborn Livia, and watch his beloved disciple soar high!
The screaming finally stopped, but the spectators who covered their ears in a daze didn't feel less uncomfortable.The firebird on the competition stage was floating there quietly, but it kept exuding an aura that made people feel uncomfortable without screaming.You can't see it, but it hits your heart!Makes you want to kneel down and worship!

This feeling is really terrible!

The Firebird seemed to have finally calmed down, and even its aura was restrained a lot, and the flames were slowly extinguished.

Only then did everyone see clearly that it was not a Firebird at all!
The beautiful flame wings, it can be clearly seen that it is the flame shield on the left hand of Livia caressing the back, and there are actually two beautiful flame red wings extending from the shield, lifelike!The sharp bird's beak clearly shows that it is the spear of fire that Livia held high above her head. It is more than twice as thick as a normal spear of fire, and it exudes the unimaginable fragrance of a third-level magical spear of fire. Pressure!

She slowly lowered her hands and placed them on both sides of her body naturally, with a spear and a shield, and her whole body was surrounded by a red light that seemed to be burning. She looked like a goddess of war descending from the sky!

It turns out that Firebird is the Magister Livia!

Even though everyone didn't know what the great magister should be like, they all felt in their hearts that the current Livia seemed to be different from before.

Maybe it's the great magister of Livia!
"The Flame Fighting Soul, what she has comprehended may be very suitable for her."

Pollyn on the side looked at Livia intently, and said calmly.

He was talking to Douglas, but for the sake of this old friend, he pretended not to see Douglas' face full of tears, snot, and saliva, and he didn't intend to turn his head to take a look.

"Well said! The great magister of the flame war soul will be her name from now on! It really suits her very well, haha..."

How could Douglas not know that Pauline was comforting himself, and quickly smiled.However, Pauline said this title, which he thought was very appropriate.

(End of this chapter)

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