Chapter 333

Douglas, Pauline Zeze, Pullman, or Grand Magister or Sword Master, all know that when they break through to this level, they will have a new understanding of magic or battle qi.

For example, Arnold's liquid flame magic evolved from his perception when he became a great magister.

Comprehension does not refer to researching new magic, but to find the most suitable and handy way to use it from the accumulated experience and magic.

Livia, who hates evil like a vengeful, likes to fight head-to-head even if she uses magic.

Now Livia's perception is to bring head-to-head to the extreme!In her left hand she held her newly realized Fire Feather Shield, and in her right hand she held her Extinguishing Soul Burning Flame Staff, on which was transformed into a gigantic spear of fire!She exudes a fighting spirit that cannot be underestimated, like a goddess of war who dominates the world!

She has realized her own way of fighting, a magician who is as fierce as a warrior!
"Sabo, where do you want to go?" Livia slowly floated down, her robe was windless, and her already serious face looked calm and majestic.

Saab?Yeah, what about the Sabo people?

The audience came back to their senses and looked around for Sabo.The gamble is not over yet, although they vaguely feel that Livia has broken through to become a great magister, but they still need Livia to say the result in person.

The timing of saying this result is of course the bet with Sabo!

Those with sharp eyes noticed that Livia was looking at the sky in one direction. Following her line of sight, a small black shadow was getting farther and farther away, and it was about to disappear into the sky.

No way... that sole disciple of the great magister Arnold, TM ran away?Shameless?
From the moment Livia screamed, Sabo already felt that something was wrong.

The aura emanating from that cabin, he had experienced from his master, was so domineering that one couldn't get angry and resist!
He froze for a moment, mixed with hesitation and resentment.

Obviously his master said that although Livia is very talented and works very hard, I am afraid that she will only be at this level in this life, and will never be able to break through to the level of a great magister.One day, he, Sabo, will be able to overtake Livia and reach a height that is within reach but beyond her reach!One day, when the Star Luo Continent talks about the disciples of the great magister, his Sabo name will be ranked first in front of Livia!

Saab once asked why.

Arnold told him that Livia has demons, and once a practitioner has demons, her height in the future will be very limited.

And the source of her inner demon has been missing for many years. It may be living incognito somewhere, or it may have died in some unknown corner, and it is impossible to find it.

That's why Sabo doesn't pay attention to Livia more and more. Anyway, she only has that strength in her life. Although she is already outstanding, she will be trampled under her feet one day!
But it was Yuan Feiwu again!
I don't know what I did to let Livia successfully break through!
If he still doesn't leave, could he stay here and become a knife tester after Livia breaks through the great magister?After becoming a great magister, her status has been equal to that of her master, even if he moves out of his master, he can't do anything to her!

Besides, even if Livia is not interested in bullying him, he still wants to destroy his meridians!
Although it's embarrassing to run away, he doesn't mind being embarrassing compared to being a useless person!

Sabo guessed right, Livia had no interest in bullying him at all, and he didn't even stop him from running away.Anyway, starting from today, his reputation has been ruined. The disciple of the great magister actually betrayed his faith in front of so many people, so that even his master can't hold his head up.

"Damn it, that bastard escaped really fast, why don't you just let him go?" Seeing that Livia didn't want to be serious about Sabo, Pullman had already run up to the competition ring with the trophy, but that's all. Letting Sabo go away felt a little uncomfortable.

"Let's present the awards quickly, I think it's getting dark."

When Pullman heard such a sentence, he opened his eyes to see who was so ignorant.Damn, let that scumbag just let it go, wouldn't it be okay to sigh!
He was immediately taken aback by that smiling face, when did the captain of Landis Academy of Magic come back?Why is there no sound at all!

Skip this guy first, Pullman also knows that Livia is not easy, and quickly nodded to Livia: "Congratulations, Livia."

"Thank you, Great Magister Pullman." Livia replied.

"Hehe, don't be so cautious in the future, call out Senior Pullman, you are no worse than me." Pullman laughed.

Next is the awards ceremony.

It allows everyone to watch the wonderful game, and can also see the sacred moment when a magister breaks through the great magister, but the award ceremony seems very ordinary.

The representatives of Landis Academy of Magic took the trophy, nodded their thanks to the audience in all directions, and then slowly stepped back.

But no one left, including the representatives of the top four from Xuefeng College, St. Wen College, and Tuben Luo College.

Next, the students with the best performance in this exchange competition will be awarded.

This student was voted by the three chairmen. In this competition, the highlight of the best student is even more interesting than the championship award!

There are really too many students with full potential!The dignitaries from various countries who came to watch the battle already knew it well, and quietly began to contact those future stars!This exchange competition is an explosion of talents!
After the championship awards were over, Livia first came to Douglas and kowtowed a few times to thank the teacher for his nurturing grace.Then I found a handkerchief to help Douglas wipe away his tears and nose.

Faced with Douglas's tears and snot, Livia didn't show any dislike at all. She knew that it was a sign that Douglas was sincerely happy for him and wept with joy.

However, it is inconvenient for her to be present for the next internal vote of the three chairmen. After all, she is still the leader of the Landis Magic Academy, so she should avoid suspicion and return to the representative area of ​​the Landis Magic Academy in a hurry.

The best student award was discussed for a long time among the three chairmen.

Bo Lian recommended Nangong Feng. Huo Qinlei, the ace of St. Wen College, was defeated by him one-on-one. If Nangongfeng still can't get the best student, wouldn't it be that his ace is even more embarrassing?At any rate, it can be said that he lost face at the hands of the best student.

Pullman had nothing to say, and directly voted for Xueyue.

"You Xuefeng Academy lost, do you dare to show some face?" Douglas rolled his eyes wildly.

"The championship belongs to you, but whoever says that the best student can only be awarded to you? Our Xueyue has defeated your Nangongfeng! Isn't your strength enough!" Pullman said proudly.

There really isn't any rule, the best student has to be awarded to the Champion Academy, and any student who does well can get the honor.But his sentence knocked Nangong Feng down, which made Douglas feel very uncomfortable.

"And you, who did you vote for?"

Pauline was too lazy to talk nonsense with Pullman. Pullman was playing childish temper.I have already voted for Landis Academy of Magic. It is impossible for Xuefeng Academy to get this award. Could it be that Douglas did not vote for his representative to vote for Xueyue?

The ending is almost certain, so it would be more straightforward to ask Glass for the final result.

"Me? Of course Tarena!"

"Fuck!" "Your sister!"

"From the semi-finals to the finals, Tarena defeated the most opponents! And you target her every round, and every time she has to face several strong enemies, did you succeed? There is nothing to say about your performance!" Douglas Pepe talks.

"Get lost!" "Don't force me to get angry, I'm afraid of getting angry!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone on the rostrum, the three chairmen patted the table and stepped on the chairs to spit, all kinds of impolite manners were displayed flawlessly, and a new round of discussion began.

It can also be said to be a quarrel.

(End of this chapter)

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