Chapter 334

In the end, the three chairmen still agreed on one opinion.

After all, Tarena had already won the best student trophy in the last exchange competition, and Pauline and Pullman vetoed Douglas's double best student proposal with swear words at the same time, and the result came out.

"Congratulations to the representative of Landis Academy of Magic, Nangong Feng, for winning the title of the best student in this exchange competition!"

As the representative of the chairman, Pullman announced the result to everyone.

When Nangongfeng picked up the trophy that Pullman handed him, the audience burst into overwhelming applause.Nangongfeng deserved this award, and no one objected to it.

The Star Luo Continental Exchange Tournament has come to an end. The audience and participating teams have all left in an orderly manner, drawing the curtain for this quadrennial event.

That night, the residence of Landis Academy of Magic was very lively, and people from all walks of life came up to find people, and they got acquainted with everything they wanted.

Fortunately, at the end of the corridor outside their residence, Livia stood guard in person, and no one who had nothing to do with her would not be able to pass her. This was also one of her responsibilities as the team leader.Those who touched the door, not to mention those who saw the representatives of the Landis School of Magic, couldn't even see their door.

But there are some exceptions. Livia can only let some people go, even if their own students are harassed.

"My good apprentice, how did you help Elder Sister solve the Tolan Viper?"

Douglas knocked on Yuan Feiwu's door, and immediately asked kindly after being led into the small private room.

Douglas can guess that it is normal for him to solve the Tolan Viper, and he is also very clear about Livia's situation. In the final analysis, it is on the Tolan Viper.There is only one possibility for Livia to break through successfully.

Yuan Feiwu still dealt with Livia in the same way: "I have no intention of encountering it, but I intend to punish her."

Although the Tolan poisonous snake deserves to die, but Yuan Fei danced the killer, but he was still so indifferent, Douglas still felt that it was not appropriate after thinking about it.

"It seems that you still have a lot of secrets..." Douglas realized that he seemed to be being led by the nose.

Originally, when he first met Yuan Feiwu, he was still the omnipotent great magister of light, and he was worried that this dark elemental elf would enter the magic way before he brought him into his academy.I didn't expect to get in touch with it slowly, and I obviously felt that this guy's cultivation base hadn't improved by leaps and bounds, but his ability was more omnipotent than him, the great magister of light!Then it evolved and became the great magister of light, relying on him to solve problems!
For example, in the college exchange competition, in the past, you had to work hard to form a team, conduct actual combat training, and teach individually.Now throwing the task at Yuan Feiwu's hands, everything will be done.It also broke the record that in previous years, the two strong teams who met in advance in the semi-finals could not win the championship.

There is also the matter of Livia, which was not explained to him at all, and he did not expect to complete it by the way.

No matter what secrets this person still has, Douglas feels that he owes Livia enough.For many things, as long as the bottom line is not violated, he will turn a blind eye and close his eyes. After all, he owes a lot of favors.

They didn't ask Yuan Feiwu about it, and then the two chatted about trivial matters and some opinions on the exchange match.

Yuan Feiwu's views are very unique, and they often hit the nail on the head. The more Douglas talked, the more he felt that Yuan Feiwu was a bosom friend.Sometimes drinking tea like this and chatting with my little apprentice seems to be pretty good...

Just when Douglas felt how comfortable and beautiful life is, there was a knock on Yuan Feiwu's door.

"Oh, classmate Yuan Feiwu, come here, I have something to do with you..." As soon as the door opened, Pullman rushed in. Seeing Douglas paused, he was too guilty to speak.

Of course he's guilty, he's here to poach a corner...

"What's the matter, tell me." How could Douglas not know what Pullman was here for, and sat on the sofa to watch Pullman's jokes.

"You are here, what a mess!" Pullman was half-dead in anger.

"You impatient, don't try to poach my students, Yuan Feiwu has already accepted me as a direct student!" Douglas couldn't help but said again.

Unexpectedly, this Pullman's eyes are so vicious. There are a lot of talents in this exchange competition, but Yuan Feiwu, who has always been very low-key, can be chosen. Douglas is very disturbed in his heart.

"Huh? Personal disciple?!" Pullman was stunned for a while, "How can you accept a samurai as your personal disciple? Did you take the wrong medicine? I said Yuan Feiwu, I think you should know that our academy has a lot of samurai talents. The teaching is also better than that damn Landis Academy of Magic. I think you should come to Xuefeng Academy so that your talent will not be buried. Especially this old man, you must not be his apprentice, he only knows magic , I don’t understand grudges at all!”

How could Pullman have such good eyesight, he just felt that Yuan Feiwu was mediocre, and there must be some opportunistic reason for letting Livia break through the great magister later, otherwise, wouldn't the great magister be a bad street?
What he wanted to recruit was actually not Yuan Feiwu at all...

"never heard of that."

Yuan Feiwu said without hesitation, smiling all over his face, making Pullman angry but unable to relax.Douglas looked at it with ease.

He didn't tell you that he hadn't heard of your name, the Great Magister Pullman, and he was already doing you a favor!
I had no choice but to continue to speak kindly: "It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it, if you don't believe me, the great magister Pullman, you can go out and learn more..."

knock knock knock.

Halfway through Pullman's words, there was another knock on the door.

Yuan Feiwu opened the door, while Bo Lian stood outside the door.Seeing that Pullman and Douglas were inside, he just raised his eyebrows slightly, expressing surprise.

"My name is Bolian Zeze. Thanks to the love of the people in Xingluo Continent, I named it 'Water Sword Saint'. I came to see you today because I want you to transfer to our St. Wen College. Our St. Wen College can transfer you Train to become the strongest individual fighter."

Pauline, on the other hand, doesn't have so many tricks, and is very direct in undercutting the wall.

As expected of Pauline Zeze, who even dug the wall so confidently, Douglas had to accept it.

"Your sister, grab a piece of hair from me! Don't you have Huo Qinlei!" Pullman was impatient, and rushed to talk before the "owner" Douglas.

"According to you, your academy also has a genius like Xueyue. Isn't it too much to recruit Nangongfeng?" Bo Lian said slowly.

"Wait, wait, aren't you recruiting Yuan Feiwu? Why are you talking about Nangong Feng?" Douglas finally noticed the problem.

"Well, I went to recruit Nangongfeng just now. But that kid said where is Yuan Feiwu and where is he... So Douglas, the style of your college is not good. Although Yuan is very beautiful, Nangongfeng messes with men and women like this You don't care? Don't worry, come to my academy, I will let them go back to the right path..."

Pauline spoke more directly, and Pullman could only complain in his heart for how he told the truth.He also went to find Nangongfeng just now, and that guy said the same thing, so he turned to recruit Yuan Feiwu.

"Fuck your sister's style is not good, fuck your sister's relationship between men and women! There are too many girls chasing after them! Especially Yuan Feiwu, there are several girlfriends!" Douglas couldn't sit still anymore, and said anxiously.

How many... Yuan Feiwu couldn't sit still.

"I don't care about that. As long as Yuan Feiwu is willing to come to our academy, I will carefully examine your potential and make it my first priority as a direct disciple..." Bo Lian even ran away from the temptation of direct disciples. There is no Juggernaut who has any direct disciples.

It doesn't matter if the two of you want to poach Nangongfeng away, that Nangongfeng was originally a big trouble thrown by three old urchins as a shopkeeper, but it's not okay to poach it on your own lover!Poaching people in front of oneself is simply shameless to the extreme!
In Yuan Feiwu's room, the three chairmen began to quarrel again. Yuan Feiwu just watched quietly from the sidelines, smiling, until very late...

On the other side, in the infirmary of Xuefeng College, Tarena lay quietly on the hospital bed.

She opened a small note, which was given to her by Yuan Feiwu during the first training camp after the formation of the Landis Academy of Magic team.

Other people's notes are written on the small details that should be paid attention to in the battle.

Only hers, there are only three words in it...

"Believe me."

(End of this chapter)

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