Chapter 335 Plan Changes
A black figure broke into the silent infirmary, and came to Tarena's bedside without a sound.

"Miss Tarena, the task assigned by the prince..."

Tarena quickly put the note back in her clothes, sat up and said to the black shadow: "The mission failed. I chose a time when he had to fight me, but unfortunately I lost, even his real strength I failed to find out. You can just reply to your father like this."

After Tarena finished speaking, she unconsciously held her breath.She intentionally or unintentionally concealed the information that Yuan Feiwu helped Livia break through the Grand Magister just now.Her intuition told her that if her father found out about this news, Yuan Feiwu might take more drastic measures.

Why protect source fly?Tarena froze for a moment, but did not get an answer.

"Prince Richardson already knew the result. Lord Richardson was watching the battle at the time. He said..." Soi Ying couldn't continue.

Tarena didn't need Sombra to say anything to know what her father said, and she never had any good things to say about her.

Those are not important.What matters is that she has let her father down again.She was so embarrassingly defeated by Yuan Feiwu, she was simply vulnerable, and my father probably would not have any hope for him.

Losing the expectation of her father is obviously a sad thing, but Tarena felt relieved at this moment.

"Miss Tarena, the Prince asked me to tell you that the plan has changed."

"The plan...change?" Tarena had an ominous premonition, "We still have too little information."

Their original plan was to let Tarena lurk beside Yuan Feiwu as a classmate, to get more information about him, find ways to master his weaknesses, and use both hard and soft tactics to incorporate them into their forces.

Tarena is more in favor of this plan, gentle means are better than drastic means, and maybe Yuan Feiwu and Yuan Feiwu will not become two opposing parties.

"Prince Richardson said that he has seen his weakness in today's game. The prince asked that this person must be controlled before other forces covet Yuan Feiwu. This is the latest order." The shadow handed over a note To Tarena.

Tarena hurriedly read it and tore it into pieces.

"I see."

"Subordinates retire."

The black figure turned over from the window of the infirmary like a smoke, and disappeared into the night.

Sure enough, once the matter of Yuan Feiwu helping Livia break through the great magister is known to his father, no matter whether there are any difficulties in it, he will definitely drive his father crazy!Not to mention father, even Tarena has never seen such a person.

A person who seems to be omnipotent, a person who unknowingly makes people dependent.And as long as you stand by his side, even if you don't do anything, you can still feel invincible!
She suddenly became a little envious of Nangong Feng, the Nangong Feng who could stick by his side all day long.But if his father's plan is successful, perhaps the person standing beside Yuan Feiwu will be Tarena...Tarena took out the note from her clothes again, and lay down on the bed, lost in thought.

On the return trip the next day, Ya Longjing, Adam, Ophelia and others came to meet up with the people from Landis Academy of Magic and planned to return to the Northway Empire together.Of course, the people from Landis School of Magic don't care, anyway, let's go along the way.

But as soon as they got into the car, the representative team immediately found that there was one person missing from the carriage.Strictly speaking, it was a different person.

"Where's Yuan Feiwu? I'll go, why did senior Adam get into our car?!" Silas first asked his own question.

"Student, don't look disgusted, you think I really want to take your car?" Adam was annoyed.

"It is said that Ophelia strongly asked Yuan Feiwu to enjoy the snow scene with him. No, she asked Yuan Feiwu to help record the beautiful scenery along the way with the reflection circle and show it to Princess Athena and the others."

Nan Gongfeng is well-deserved to judge the best student in the exchange competition; but if he wants to judge the best gossip boy in the exchange competition, it must be Coleridge.Seeing Ophelia passing by Yuan Feiwu stiffly no less than ten times, he knew something was going to happen.

Sure enough, he intercepted the first-hand information.

"Fei Wu doesn't know how to refuse this kind of request." Nangong Feng laughed heartily, that guy actually has obvious weaknesses.

If you ask him to do something, he may not agree; but if you want him to help others, it is quite easy to deceive.

"Tch, I don't believe she has no selfishness at all." Silas poked his head out of the window, making sure that Ophelia was out of sight before he dared to speak.

"Yes, how could it not be!"

Lester felt depressed and couldn't help getting up to get out of the car, but was pushed back by a hand.

Adam happened to be guarding the position of getting off the car!

"You go, don't delay my sister's future happiness!" Adam cursed, "And my future happiness!"

I'll go, your sister's future happiness, Lester, bear it, it's none of your brother's future happiness!What do you want to do to Yuan Feiwu!Lester grew increasingly uneasy.

But there was nothing to be worried about. The carriages of all the people started to drive, and Adam blocked the door, and Lester couldn't even get out of the carriage.

When they walked to the school gate, Pullman and Eddie were already waiting there, saying goodbye to Northwell's group.

Eddie said goodbye to Douglas and others on behalf of the royal family of the Tost Empire, and ran straight to find the source after finishing.By accident, Yuan Feiwu just changed his position, and he was in the same carriage with Ophelia. With Ophelia's shot, Eddie was easily dismissed. He couldn't even say goodbye to Yuan Feiwu. .

After all the carriages drove away, Eddie realized later, how could he return to the feeling of Princess Athena's visit to Tost.At that time, he wanted to talk to Yuan Xiaowu, and it was the same situation. No matter how hard he tried, Ophelia was stuck in the middle. He could only see the gentle smile slightly through his red hair, so depressed that he vomited blood. The source of Xiao Wu.

The carriage slowly drove out of Xuefeng Academy and walked down the mountain road.

The scenery down the mountain was still a beautiful snow scene covered in white clothes. Ophelia held back the little joy in her heart, rested her cheeks on the surface as if nothing had happened, and looked out the window on the same side as Yuan Feiwu on the opposite side.

The eyes are facing out of the window, but the eyeballs are almost turned out of the eye sockets, looking at Yuan Feiwu's face.

His smile was still so calm, and there was no sign of excitement at all.

Isn't it the first time to enjoy the snow scene with yourself, shouldn't you be a little happier...

Suddenly Yuan Feiwu turned around, and Ophelia had no time to react, so she was caught and revealed herself, and met her eyeballs that were turned to the extreme.

Ophelia's face suddenly turned red.

It's been a while since I felt ashamed that I wanted to dig a hole. To be honest, I really don't miss it at all!Can't you let yourself show yourself in front of Yuan Feiwu once, even just once, with a more glorious and taller image!
Every time I leave people with a bad impression of chopping the table with a sword, punching the wall and hitting the bookshelf with a fist, or being caught peeking out of the corner of the eye, I'm so upset.

"I think it's a good fit here."

Before Ophelia could react, Yuan Feiwu uttered such a sentence.

"What, what, what fits?"

When Yuan Feiwu spoke, the breath fell on the tip of her nose, and Ophelia realized that she and Yuan Feiwu were so close!For a while, I couldn't even speak properly.

"It's suitable to use the imaging circle to record the snow scene." Yuan Feiwu reminded.

"That's right! I'd have forgotten if you didn't tell me!" Ophelia quickly used her roar to cover up her embarrassment, grabbed Yuan Feiwu, and threw him down before the carriage stopped.

The groom was shocked when he saw someone fall out of the car he was driving, and immediately braked suddenly.Only then did Ophelia remember to say hello to the groom and to stay for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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