Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 336 Leaving the Team

Chapter 336 Leaving the Team
Of course, Yuan Feiwu was fine, and landed lightly on the side, not even a single piece of snow was on his body.

Ophelia was not surprised at this point, she heard from Yuan Feiwu that she had learned some strange body skills from a guy named "Ying".At first, she thought it was nothing, but after seeing that she was able to escape unscathed from Tarena's series of spells, Ophelia realized that the movements Yuan Feiwu had learned were not simple.

So it's not surprising that you have been through the snow without touching it, right?

When Ophelia brought her attention back, Yuan Feiwu had already walked some distance away.

What a beautiful picture.

On the side of a snow-white mountain road, you can see the high cliffs made of powder and jade outside the mountain. All the trees and stones seem to have been splashed with white paint, making them pale.Yuan Wu with a creamy face is staring into the distance. The black hair and black clothes are so contradictory to the snowy ground, but the snow-white skin is so harmonious with the snowy scene.

For a moment, Ophelia couldn't recover from the scene.

She realized that she might be poisoned by the black hair, and felt that Yuan Feiwu's black hair would become a sight no matter where he went.

The already picturesque snow scene with the help of beauties is of course even more wonderful.Ophelia didn't forget to turn on the reflection circle she got from Yalongjing and record these images.

"Why don't we walk for a while? It's almost enough to record the scenery along the way." Yuan Feiwu turned around and smiled.

"Perfect! I give full marks to this smile! Thank God, it was recorded!" Ophelia said in a daze.

"Um... are you recording people or snow scenes?" Yuan Feiwu asked with a wry smile.

"It's all your fault! It's blocking my view!"

Ophelia's face turned red immediately after being exposed, and hurriedly walked to Yuan Feiwu, and deliberately shook the small wooden board with the reflection circle in her hand at the snow scene outside, expressing that she worked hard to record snow scene.

"Isn't it weird what you recorded like this? I'll do it." Yuan Feiwu took the small wooden board from Ophelia's hand and held it firmly in his hand.

"What did you say?"

"Why don't we walk for a while, the scenery of this section of the road is almost enough to record." Yuan Feiwu said it again.


Ophelia hurriedly turned her head to greet the groom, and told him that she planned to walk for a while, and the groom would naturally drive the carriage to follow.

"What method did you use to make Principal Livia break through the Grand Magister?"

As she walked, Ophelia couldn't help asking her own questions.She was almost dying of curiosity yesterday, but she couldn't find a chance to ask him. She wanted to go to their place to play at night, but was stopped by Principal Livia.

"Principal Livia's enemy was found by me by accident, and I told her about his grave."

This is the external explanation that Yuan Feiwu thought up early in the morning.

"Huh? When did you find it?"

"After the entrance exam, it's time for the long vacation."

The time has already been designed.

"Oh, it turned out that Principal Livia found an enemy. No wonder. It's a pity that he is dead. Otherwise, if Principal Livia can do it himself, the effect may be better."

"Yeah, it's a pity." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

The two chatted while walking like this, and walked for a long time.It wasn't until Yuan Feiwu reminded Ophelia that if she didn't take the carriage tonight, she wouldn't be able to catch up with the front troops tonight, so Ophelia reluctantly boarded the carriage again.

She thought carefully about the very relaxed and happy feeling just now, during which she had no idea how long time had passed.Suddenly, I really want to freeze time like this, and stay at that moment forever...

After spending two days, everyone in Northway returned to their country and came to the border city of Yonggu, intending to rest here for one night.

For Yonggu City, the new city lord, Morde, came out to welcome everyone, so it was a good arrangement.

There was nothing to say all night, and early the next morning, everyone gathered in the hall again, had breakfast and prepared to leave.

"Strange, where did Yuan Feiwu go?" Ophelia wondered.

Everyone had breakfast, but Yuan Feiwu hadn't appeared yet, which was very unusual.He has always been the most punctual one.

"By the way, why isn't Nangong Feng here? Did someone go to the room to wake them up?"

After Ophelia said this, Douglas also questioned.

"Miss Ophelia, Great Magister Douglas, Mr. Yuan Feiwu and Mr. Nangongfeng left the castle together early this morning, as if they were looking for some cooking sauce. Let me help you to tell you that you don't have to wait for them, they I'll go back to school on my own."

The new city lord of Eternal City, Maude, spoke very politely, and his smile was always a little helpless, which made Ophelia feel that he was a sincere person, much better than the previous McCarthy who looked squinting.

That guy Yuan Feiwu actually went to buy sauces again and didn't call himself in. Ophelia sulked and went back to her seat to eat breakfast.Adam didn't know what happened to him. He obviously didn't say anything and was kicked by Ophelia while eating, and rolled out of the hall clutching his stomach.

"Nonsense! As a member of the team, how can you leave the team without authorization? Especially the captain, who took the lead in making nonsense, Principal Douglas, I think a severe punishment must be given as a warning!" Before Douglas could reply, Livia interjected angrily.

"Don't be impatient, the games are over, let the young people go if they want to relax." Douglas thanked Moder for the message, and quickly appeased Livia's anger.

Livia has clearly reached a new level, why is her temper not getting better at all?And everything is too serious, Douglas thinks she is too serious.

"You don't have to worry about your studies after the competition? If I catch them skipping any class, please ask Principal Douglas to follow the rules of the college." Livia took a step forward and did not pursue the issue of the two leaving the team privately, but As a matter of principle, she still wants to die.

"Let's go, let's do business without favoritism." Douglas said extremely perfunctorily.

He suddenly discovered that the three disciples he had accepted were all extreme.

The eldest disciple has an upright and serious personality, and sometimes feels so rigid that he wants to hit the wall; the second disciple looks dignified and generous, but in fact he is eccentric, even he, the great magister, got her way by accident; let alone the youngest disciple Now, I have already followed his way, and now I rely on him to help solve problems for basically all important things, and I can't do it without him.But this little apprentice is the most difficult for him to see through, but it also has the advantage that he doesn't have to bother about his affairs at all, the little head is very smart.

After the group had breakfast, they set off immediately. At this time, Livia also asked Douglas to leave.

She has the head and heart of Tolland Viper in her storage space, and she is eager to pay homage to her family's grave.Douglas let it go of course, and told Livia to bring him a greeting.

The team suddenly lost three people, and when it was time to set off, even Tarena didn't leave.

"go home."

This is the reason why Tarena left the team and Douglas intervened.

Douglas didn't even know whether he came home or not to school this time, and they didn't care about him at all.Forget it, Tarena's hatred for Landis School of Magic and herself may not be able to fade in a short while, so let her go.

It's a good thing Livia is gone, otherwise I would have to talk about the rules again.

Nuo Siwei and his team set off again in such an uneven team, without any twists and turns in the middle.

"Miss Tarena, it's fortunate to have your cooperation." Not long after the person left, when Tarena slowly wiped her mouth clean and covered her face again, Maude immediately came to Tarena and said respectfully.

"Even without me, wouldn't you be able to complete it?" Maud's compliment was a bummer to Tarena. "Douglas has very sharp eyes, so be careful what he sees."

"Miss Tarena, don't worry, after they got up, the subordinates erased the shielding circle. They also checked, and there was no trace left." Maud laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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