Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 337 A Visit to Prince Richardson's Castle

Chapter 337 A Visit to Prince Richardson's Castle

"Did anyone follow them?"

"No. After a while, the subordinates will send someone to ask the people, and they will be able to confirm whether their route is normal. If they send someone to follow, it will be easy to be discovered. You must know that Livia and Douglas are not ordinary people." Mod said.


Tarena sighed, her eyes full of confusion.

Things went so smoothly... She vaguely hoped that Douglas could see something, maybe now only Douglas could save Yuan Feiwu.

Douglas intervened in person, I'm afraid his father can stop, after all, the status of the great magister is detached.

It's a pity that this Maud is indeed a character that his father admires very much. He does things neatly and meticulously, and even Douglas can't find anything wrong.

It was a pity to betray Douglas' trust, but she had to stand by her father.

An hour later, Maude received a report from his subordinates, and Douglas and his party left the city gate and headed towards Lantis City.Livia disappeared after leaving the city, and it seemed that she was going to deal with her own private affairs.The people on both sides did not find any vision.

"Is there anything wrong with Yuan Feiwu and Nangong Feng?"

"Report to Ms. Tarena, no. Although Nangongfeng is very powerful, but he was hit by the ecstasy smoke, and the three sky warriors shot together. They can only be captured without fighting. It is estimated that they have met with the prince in the prince's mansion now."

Nangongfeng is very powerful, that's true, but Tarena's only real concern is Yuan Feiwu, she never thought Yuan Feiwu was so manipulative.

The three sky warriors are already very strong, but she just vaguely feels that Yuan Feiwu will have a solution.

The result did not surprise Tarena, perhaps the estimate of Yuan Feiwu was too high.

"Prepare the car, let's go."

After confirming that there was no accident, Tarena stood up, strode away neatly, and boarded the carriage that had been prepared to drive to her own territory.

Prince Richardson's castle is located not far to the northeast of Yonggu City, and it took less than an hour for the better carriages to drive at full speed.The castle is built between several high mountains, remote and mysterious.The style of the castle is very different from other castles. It looks very old on the outside like a dilapidated building. In addition, there is no sunlight all year round among the mountains, and the outer walls are covered with many dark green moss.But the castle is still a castle, covering a vast area and imposing manner, so big that ordinary people can't imagine it.

"Good afternoon, Miss Tarena."

The servants greeted Tarena hurriedly after getting off the carriage.

Tarena didn't even look back, she rushed into the hall and looked around.

"Miss Tarena, good afternoon." The butler appeared in time.

"Where's father?"

"Showing guests around the castle..."

"Take me there." Tarena quickly interrupted the butler.

"Sorry, Miss Tarena, the prince ordered no one to disturb you." The butler apologized.

Tarena sighed, turned and walked back to her room, sat on the sofa and frowned.It was the first time she had the idea of ​​disobeying her father just now, and it was for an outsider. She couldn't figure out what she was thinking, so she had to force herself to stay calm here.

"My lord, you brought me here in the middle of the night. Couldn't it be as simple as strolling around the castle?" In another corner of the city, Yuan Feiwu and Richardson walked and chatted for a while, and finally the two stood outside Richardson's bedroom At the end of the corridor, their starting point is here, which means that they have finished walking around the castle.

"Where is my partner?"

"Relax, he is resting well." Richardson showed a meaningful smile.

He guessed right, the relationship between Yuan Feiwu and Nangong Feng is not simple.No matter how mysterious or talented Yuan Feiwu is, he is always alone, and there are always people who can threaten him.That Nangong Feng is one.

According to the feedback from Tarena, and the quiet observation at the exchange match, this Nangongfeng is definitely his good friend!

Perhaps Ophelia is also a good candidate, but if he dares to attack her, he might provoke the commander of the First Army, and things will not be easy to deal with the aftermath.A Nangong Feng with no background is simply the best candidate!
Just when Richardson was hesitating whether to use this method, the episode where Livia broke through the great magister in the exchange match with the flying dance on the source made his eyes shine.

This kind of talent is worth any price!Even though he now knows how Yuan Feiwu helped Livia break through, Richardson thinks he can't match even half of this amazing vision and judgment!Even if he was asked to find Livia's enemy, he would not dare to slap his chest in front of so many people and say that Livia could break through the great magister!I really don't know how this guy has such vicious eyes at such a young age!
In addition, Nangong Feng is also a talent that is rare in a thousand years, so it kills two birds with one stone!
"I hope it can be as you said." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

His inner thoughts can't be seen from the outside at all.

Even though Richardson used Nangongfeng as a bargaining chip, Yuan Feiwu still had the same expression, which made him feel astonished several times, whether his judgment was actually wrong.Could it be that Nangong Feng has not reached that height in his mind?
No, Richardson persuaded himself again, this person deliberately put on an expression of indifference to make himself waver.Otherwise, how could he be so obedient and walk around the huge castle with him!
A person who can cover up his emotions without leaking any flaws under any circumstances is too scary!

But such a special person may be able to understand his own special thoughts!
"Do you know, I am Alexander's elder brother, I am Field's elder brother, and I am the eldest son. I was supposed to inherit Northway's throne."

Richardson decided to stand by his judgment.He stared at Yuan Feiwu very seriously, and told him about the grievances and resentments he had been suppressing in his heart.

"But my father didn't give up the throne to me. He said that I don't do my job properly and don't seek to make progress... That's right, my fighting spirit level is very poor, and I don't have elemental talent. Compared with Alexander, I am simply a mediocre person."

Richardson's eyes widened suddenly, and he supported the wall at the end of the corridor with his hands. A recognition circle flashed by, and a secret door slowly opened on the wall.

"That's right, much more advanced than the bookcase in Rodney's house." Yuan Feiwu smiled at the secret door.

Yuan Feiwu's indifferent attitude angered Richardson!
"That's right, I'm a mortal! In this world, 90.00% nine point nine are mortals! Is there something wrong with mortals? On the contrary, geniuses shouldn't exist in this world! They make mortals seem meaningless and make 90.00% nine There is no need for people at nine o'clock to exist!"

Almost frantically, Richardson grabbed Yuan Feiwu's shoulder and pushed him through the secret door.

Outside the door was a stone ladder going down, Yuan Feiwu didn't struggle, walked to the end step by step, and opened another door.

A huge underground world unfolded before his eyes.

Under Prince Richardson's castle, it was like a huge processing factory, with many rooms, and many people were busy walking around, not knowing what they were making.

(End of this chapter)

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