Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 338 I have lied to myself, but I can't fool the devil

Chapter 338 I have lied to myself, but I can't fool the devil
"They don't understand, they don't understand anything! Water element magicians are good at healing trauma, but what does that mean? What I research is curing diseases! I want to save everyone from suffering from diseases! Is it called not doing business properly!"

"of course not."

Yuan Feiwu looked back at Richardson and said sincerely.

Free all from disease...

This seemingly insane prince has such a broad ambition, even Yuan Feiwu was a little surprised.

"As a practitioner, don't you think this is extremely boring?"

"Wuqi magic may be the wish that many people pursue in their lives, but it is also a very admirable dream to hope that all human beings can escape from the sea of ​​suffering. This dream is not for yourself, but for the common people in the world. I think your goal is better than many people. Much greater." Yuan Feiwu said honestly.

"Hahaha... bosom friend, bosom friend!" Richardson's manic expression returned to normal, and he looked at Yuan Feiwu with admiration, "It seems that I'm planning to let you be my successor. Those rough people who can only shout and kill have more vision."

"Successor?" Yuan Feiwu said with doubts.

"Yes, successor. My goal is not to recruit you as my subordinate, I sincerely hope to train you as my successor."

Richardson walked ahead again, and led Yuan Feiwu to visit his underground factory with a cheerful expression.

Diseases in other worlds are very different from diseases on Earth. There are no major diseases such as cancer and AIDS. Strictly speaking, there is no slight difference between the two worlds in terms of diseases.

People in the mortal world are stronger than people on Earth, and their self-recovery ability is amazing. Under normal circumstances, minor ailments can heal themselves within a few days, and they don't even need to take medicine.

However, the mortal world also has diseases that belong to the mortal world. There are viruses that do not exist on the earth.There are many kinds of viruses whose origins are unknown for the time being. These virus chromosomes are similar to terminal illnesses on the earth. Once someone is infected, they can only rely on their own constitution to resist. Without effective drug treatment, whether they can recover is left to fate.

Richardson led Yuan Feiwu all the way and introduced that many servants in the room were busy developing the cures for the viruses that have been discovered so far, and several of them have shown initial results.

These drugs were basically developed by Richardson after a long period of research, and after determining the direction of development, they were handed over to other experienced and skilled pharmacists to continue the research.I have to say that Richardson is actually a genius, a drug genius!
It's just that this kind of genius is destined to be regarded as a different kind in a place like the other world where martial arts are respected.

Although there are various diseases in the mortal world, those who can cultivate Dou Qi are basically able to avoid illness.Those who are infected with the disease are destined to be all kinds of people who can't even learn fighting spirit. These people are considered to be the bottom of the society.The weak prey on the strong, these weak people who can even bully diseases are taken for granted.It's a waste of time to study medicine for them. Anyway, the upper class doesn't pay much attention to the life, old age, sickness and death of these people.

So Yuan Feiwu was a little surprised that Richardson could take this as his dream and work hard for it.

But things are certainly not that simple.

Richardson's obsession with this dream has reached the point of paranoia, which is not a state of mind that a normal person would have.

"Here, it is the result of my latest research and development, the practice of improving medicine!"

After passing through the healing medicines in front of him, Richardson finally brought Yuan Feiwu into an area where there were people holding hands.

There are many small houses divided here, and many people practice in them with their faces covered, including magicians and warriors.

"Can magicians and warriors improve?" Yuan Feiwu asked.

"Yes. There are two kinds of medicine, one can improve the cultivation of magicians, and the other can improve the cultivation of warriors." Richardson replied excitedly.

"Can it be improved infinitely?"

"For the time being, we can only reach the level of land warriors and great magicians. This is enough! Think about it, I can form an army with the same number as the First Legion in a short time, all of which are composed of land warriors and great magicians With this kind of strength, there is no problem breaking through the Three Kingdoms and unifying the entire human race!" Richardson's smile became crazy again.

"Pharmaceuticals are meant to save the common people, but the war makes the common people homeless and their families destroyed. Don't you think that the two things you want to do are at the two extremes of contradiction?"

"Extreme? Will it? I want to let the dead father know that I am the greatest person who helped Northway unify the human race! Genius? There is no need for geniuses in this world! I will create a world of peace and equality... ..."

"On the one hand, you hope to wipe out all geniuses, but on the other hand, you hope that others will recognize your knowledge... Don't deceive yourself, you just hope that others will recognize that you are also a part of 'genius'. You are almost harsh and strict with Tarena, don't you also hope that Has she become someone comparable to 'genius'? In fact, the person who admires 'genius' the most is yourself."

"No! You are talking nonsense!"

Richardson panted heavily, seemingly unable to control his emotions.

His mind was in utter chaos.

He couldn't accept Yuan Feiwu's words that subverted what he had always known, but it happened to be so reasonable, so he couldn't stop thinking about it.After thinking about it, he found that the facts seem to be getting closer and closer to what Yuan Feiwu said...

Maybe he just can't stand the person who is ignored, maybe he just envies others to get praise without any effort in the first place, and he is unwilling to face such injustice.

"I'm starting to hate you a little bit. You've seen through everything that I've deceived myself." Richardson suddenly laughed out loud, and turned around and said.

It was only after turning around that Yuan Feiwu was gone!

Richardson's heartbeat missed a beat, and he ran out quickly. Instead of running in the direction he came from, he ran to a deeper area.In a person's subconscious, when he is in a panic, he will always go to the place that he feels is the most important in his heart, and that's what Richardson is doing at the moment.

Yuan Feiwu's fleeing to the way out would make him feel more uneasy than fleeing to the road he is taking now!There are things here that he feels are more important than his own life!

Not far away is the end, where there is a bronze door with many flowers carved on it, lifelike.There is such a door in this slightly depressing space, which seems very out of place.

At this time, the door was ajar, proving that it had already been opened.

"How did you open this door!"

Richardson rushed in quickly and said coldly.

The magic circle of this door is the most advanced recognition magic circle, only he can open it!This Yuan Feiwu came in out of nowhere, which surprised him!
There is not much space inside the door. There is a long sofa with bright patterns beside it. Next to the sofa is a huge wardrobe. From the style of the sofa to the size of the wardrobe, it can be seen that the owner of the room is a person who loves beauty.On the other side of the wall, a tall bookcase is quietly leaning against the wall. There are many books on it, most of which teach people how to dress.The owner here has a lot in common with Lucifer.

This space is a bedroom at a glance. The bedroom looks exactly the same as Richardson's bedroom. When they set out to visit the castle, Richardson asked Yuan Feiwu to sit there for a while, so Yuan Feiwu knew that they looked exactly the same.

It's a pity that Yuan Feiwu also knows that the owner of the bedroom in this underground area may never have the opportunity to discuss their hobbies with Lucifer.

Where the bed was originally placed, there was a huge transparent crystal coffin, in which lay a woman quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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