Chapter 339 No Choice
The woman in the crystal coffin frowned tightly, her facial features were beautiful and sharp, and her skin was a healthy bronze color. Upon closer inspection, she was [-]% similar to Tarena.

"Your ideal of hoping that all people in the world can get rid of the suffering of disease probably came from here?" Yuan Feiwu looked in front of the crystal coffin for a while, and then slowly turned his head.

Richardson froze for a moment, then regained his composure.This person's insight ability is strong, he has already experienced it before, and it is normal to be guessed.

It's just that there is always a feeling of being seen through in front of this person, which makes him uncomfortable.In the past, he was always unpredictable in front of anyone.

"My wife Shanna is a lively, active and stinky person, but she has a bad brain. Sometimes her naivety makes me feel a headache. When I am with her, I can't always feel peaceful and leisurely."

Richardson also didn't know why his anger disappeared when Yuan Feiwu took the liberty to come in just now, instead of driving Yuan Feiwu out immediately, he told him in detail what he had never said to others.He didn't tell anyone, not even his wife.

He has never been used to letting others see through his inner thoughts and hidden feelings.

But now he really wants to tell the smiling guy with black hair and black pupils in front of him.

Maybe it's because he's so quiet, so give Richardson a feeling of reassurance.

"After giving birth to Tarena, her body was exhausted and she became weaker. I'm not used to her being so quiet." Richardson's words became slower and slower, and it seemed more and more difficult to speak, "Later she often I fainted and had a fever, so I realized something was wrong. Finally, after a well-informed doctor checked carefully, I realized that she did not know when she contracted 'Kouji'. 'Kouji' you didn't You’ve heard it, I came up with this name, and it’s also one of the main viruses I’m fighting now. When Tarena was over two years old, she couldn’t hold it anymore..."

Yuan Feiwu looked at the woman in the crystal coffin again, frowning tightly, indicating that he had endured great pain during his lifetime.The corners of her mouth raised slightly, it was not a relieved smile, but a forced smile... It was a forced smile that she didn't want her loved one to be sad for her departure.

This kind of love that still thinks about his lover until the last moment of death makes Yuan Feiwu respect this woman from the bottom of his heart.

I believe that Richardson can also feel this kind of love. Don't look at him full of disgust for the woman, maybe his love for this woman is no less than her love for him.

Otherwise her body would not have been kept so carefully, otherwise her crystal coffin would not have been placed in the same place as the bedroom in which she lived.

Otherwise, Richardson would not have worked towards his lifelong goal of conquering the virus and freeing all citizens from disease.

Yes, Richardson felt hopeless and helpless at the time that the sky had fallen.

If he knew how to cure this disease at that time, the most important woman in his life would not have been tortured and left him!

So he refused to accept, should a life without fighting spirit or magic die helplessly?Can't ordinary people have the chance to live?

Richardson closed his eyes, and opened them after a long while. His eyes were ashen, completely different from the gleam in Riyuan Feiwu's eyes when he saw him: "I'm tired, I'll take you back to the guest room to rest."

Yuan Feiwu obediently followed Richardson to leave. Seeing Richardson solemnly relock the door, he asked, "I can promise you that I will assist you in completing the drug development and perfection."

"You know how to make medicine?" Richardson was a little surprised.

"It's still too late to learn." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

The pharmaceutical level, Yuan Feiwu is definitely a super high level, but that is relative to the Demon Realm.He hasn't studied the creatures in the mortal world well, and he doesn't know which materials can have which effects.But with Richardson, a drug genius, Yuan Feiwu firmly believed that he could save a lot of time.

"Hehe, it's not urgent." Richardson quickly returned to normal after leaving the underground bedroom, and said with a sneer, "The most urgent thing to do now is to recruit people, and raise the cultivation level of these people as soon as possible. There is no need for one Legion, as long as half of the legion is composed of great magicians and earth warriors, it is enough to make me a king!"

"Now that the Northway Empire is safe and peaceful, do you insist on launching a coup?"

"I just want to get back what's mine."

"Forgive me." Yuan Feiwu still smiled.

"It's not your turn to choose, Nangongfeng is still in my hands." Richardson sneered even more, "In order not to let you think that I cheated you, I will let Tarena marry you. She is my only daughter, So you can rest assured that all my status, wealth and territory will be inherited by you."

"I have no choice. Doesn't your daughter have a choice?"

"Yes, the choice I make for her is her choice."

Richardson took Yuan Feiwu back to the corridor outside, and closed the secret door again with a blank expression.

"The wedding will be held tomorrow. Please understand that I am in a hurry to arrange your wedding, because if it takes too long, Douglas may find something wrong and come to your door."

Richardson added something to Yuan Feiwu, and then he asked people to take Yuan Feiwu back to the bedroom and put him under strict supervision.

Turning his head, Richardson came to Tarena's room and knocked on her door.

Tarena opened the door and was not surprised to see Richardson standing outside with a cold face.

Although her father spoke coldly to her, he still respected her. He always knocked first when entering her room, retaining his rare gentleman side.

"I came back quite early this time." Richardson sneered, mocking Tarena who usually came back from outside, and it was always too late.

"Will Yuan Feiwu and Nangong Feng join in?" Ta Lena had long been used to Richardson's ridicule and asked directly.

"It's not their turn to choose." Richardson said to Tarena in a commanding tone, "Yuan Feiwu has promised to marry you tomorrow, you should know in advance, and I will prepare for other things."

"Marriage?" Tarena was very surprised. Why did Yuan Feiwu come back from a tour of the castle with his father, and it became such a big deal to marry him?
"Why, do you disagree with my decision?"


"Then prepare well."

Richardson is gone.

Tarena looked at her father's back, and smiled wryly under the veil.

Her father was always so disregarded of her own feelings, that she didn't even intend to discuss life-long affairs with her.

Thinking of this, Tarena couldn't help feeling a little sad to herself.It's not her turn to choose who she will spend her whole life with in the future.She already understood that she was just a bargaining chip that her father could use.The object of temptation may be Yuan Xiaowu, Yuan Dawu, Yuan Zhongwu, anyone is possible, as long as it is worthwhile... It's just that this time it happens to be Yuan Feiwu.

Should it be said that luckily it was Yuan Feiwu?A face with an incomparably bright smile suddenly appeared in Tarena's mind...

Everything is just as Richardson said, Tarena just needs to be mentally prepared.In the afternoon, Richardson sent someone to deliver a simple wedding dress, and someone specially decorated her bedroom with ornaments that symbolized weddings in other worlds.

The wedding dress is very simple, really simple, with a slim skirt on the lower body and a tube top style on the upper body. The whole wedding dress is clean and pure white, and there are not many decorative patterns.

Tarena was very satisfied with this wedding dress. She didn't like too gorgeous things. It may be because of her nature, or she may be inferior to her appearance.

But seeing the wedding dress hanging there, Tarena felt a little depressed, so she simply walked out of the room to wander around.

All the servants in the castle were also busy decorating the surroundings, and Tarena suddenly felt like an outsider, watching everyone busy in and out, as if they had nothing to do with her.

But everyone is busy with her as the main character.

She is going to get married tomorrow, and she still feels so unreal until now.

And what she is most curious about is the inner thoughts of the other protagonist.

Forced by the situation?willingly?Still don't care?For the first time, Tarena felt a little overwhelmed in her heart, overwhelmed by the unknown possibility of that person.

(End of this chapter)

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