Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 340 The Wedding of the Prince's Daughter

Chapter 340 The Wedding of the Prince's Daughter
At dinner, Tarena was alone at the table, not even her father.

After eating silently, Tarena went back to her room.

Turning around the corridor, she almost bumped into someone head-on. After seeing who the other person was, Tarena couldn't help but take two steps back.

In the afternoon, I kept thinking about the troubled person, but at night when she had stopped thinking about it and was completely relaxed, she popped up and caught her off guard!
"You... want to run away?" Tarena looked around and said after making sure that no one else followed.

"No, or do you want to escape?" Yuan Feiwu asked back.

"Why should I run away?" Tarena realized right after she finished speaking, Yuan Feiwu meant that maybe she wanted to run away because she didn't want to marry him.

Yuan Feiwu's unhesitating answer and his usual smile made Tarena a little confused.

If someone is arranged to marry in a future full of unknowns, Tarena can firmly say that she might as well marry Yuan Feiwu, so why did she run away?At least, she doesn't dislike Yuan Feiwu, she even looks forward to their future...

"I don't mind, er, if it's you..." Tarena stuttered for the first time in her life.

He didn't want to escape because of forced marriage.Does this mean that he doesn't mind being his bride?
At this moment, she really wanted to confirm Yuan Feiwu's thoughts, and always felt that this was a very important matter to her.

"Are you willing to believe me?" Yuan Feiwu said suddenly.

Tarena looked bewildered: "What does it mean to believe?"

Marriage is about to end, how can she not trust her husband?

"If your father and I stand on opposite sides and you stand by my side, that's called trusting me."

"Hmph, isn't that called betrayal?" Tarena said coldly as if a pot of cold water had suddenly been poured into her agitated heart.

Yuan Feiwu really showed his fox tail, and he really had other plans in his heart!Tarena couldn't help being extremely disappointed with Yuan Feiwu.

"You can say that if you like." Yuan Feiwu smiled and stretched out his hand, "Come with me if you want."

Looking at Yuan Feiwu's outstretched hand, which was languidly standing still, Tarena couldn't help stretching out her hand, and immediately shrank back in response.

How could she betray her father!No matter how bad your attitude towards her is, you can't forget the kindness of nurturing her!

But the person in front of him was like a demon tempting him to go to hell, full of allure... In the end, Tarena put her hand on it.

She planned to see with her own eyes what kind of conspiracy Yuan Feiwu was up to, it was probably a reason for herself not being able to resist the temptation.

Yuan Feiwu's hand was softer and more delicate than expected, and the sensation of the two touching was still in Tarena's mind, and she suddenly flew into the air!

It turned out that Yuan Feiwu picked him up by the waist.

Looking up, he happened to meet Shang Yuan Feiwu's bright eyes that were brighter than the stars in the night.

"This way you won't be discovered, let's go!"

A lively morning kicks off a new day.

A new day has arrived, and this day is the wedding day of Prince Richardson's only daughter, which is of great significance to Prince Richardson's people.

Although Richardson said that everything is simple in the wedding, it does not mean that he does not pay attention to it.

After a day passed by, the interior of the castle took on a new look, and the original gloomy interior of the castle became more or less festive because of the colorful decorations.

The main hall of the castle is very large, and it has long been decorated with great care.Since the afternoon, the servants have been busy there, setting up hundreds of tables for banquets, and barely finished it until dinner time, almost exhausting the servants and chefs.

The people who came to the banquet were all Richardson's confidantes, including drug developers, generals of the prince's army, guards who defended himself, and servants who had worked hard in the prince's castle for many years... Even the lord of Eternal City, Maude, rushed over Drink this important wedding wine.

There are thousands of people in a mighty way, and they sit down before the auspicious time.Richardson's stinky face of disdain for world affairs has also changed, and he rarely showed a few smiles, which shows that he is very satisfied with the performance of all his confidants.

The wedding ceremony has been simplified a lot. In normal times, such a big event as the prince's daughter getting married would require a tour around the territory, and the banquet would not be too much for three days and three nights.

But this time, Richardson seemed to be more anxious than anyone else. He only let Yuan Feiwu and Tarena appear at the host's table and toasted all the guests with a glass of wine before being taken away.

Most of the people saw Yuan Feiwu for the first time, this man who might ascend to the throne of the prince in one step in the future.After seeing it, she was amazed and felt that the groom was even more beautiful than the bride.It's not that the bride is not beautiful, Ta Lena's white scarf is lightly wrapped, revealing a tall nose and deep eyes, even if there is a scar under the scarf, she can be regarded as a good-looking woman.

Blame the groom for being too eye-catching!
Of course, everyone can only take this sentence to heart.

"Everyone, let's eat and drink!" Richardson got excited and yelled a few words loudly. Everyone stood up and congratulated in unison. The main hall became lively again, and the atmosphere was hot.

Yuan Feiwu and Tarena were followed by a guard and a few servants, who looked more like being escorted back.

Their new home was Tarena's bedroom.

As soon as he entered the bedroom, the guard stopped following him and stood guard outside the door.

The two maids quickly walked to the bathroom in the bedroom. The bathroom of the prince's daughter is not comparable to that of ordinary people. The bathtub is like a small pond.The two maids rushed in to put hot water and prepare toiletries.

Marriage ceremonies in Mortal Realm have many special features. For example, on the wedding night, the bride and groom must take a bath together before they can enter the bridal chamber.

Tarena and Yuan Feiwu were sitting and the other was standing. Sitting Tarena felt that there was nothing comfortable in her whole body, which was extremely awkward.

This feeling should be nervous, right?

"The bathroom is ready." The two maids came out of the bathroom quickly and said to them.

"Well, I'll go first." Yuan Feiwu smiled, refused the service of the two maids, and walked straight into the bathroom.

Not long after, his dress was thrown out, and the maids tidied them up one by one.

In the bedroom without Yuan Feiwu, Tarena suddenly felt relieved.

What are you doing, getting married is more stressful than going to the execution ground.

Tarena made fun of herself helplessly and stood up.

"Let's help Miss take off her clothes." The two maids greeted her quickly.


With the help of the two maids, Tarena quickly undressed.

After a while, she was naked, with a proud figure and a healthy complexion, and even the two maids couldn't help but take a second look.

"I think you look better without the veil."

At noon of the exchange match a few days ago, Yuan Feiwu went back to the lounge to find a hair band to tie her hair, and what he said when he returned the veil to her suddenly appeared in Tarena's mind.

Is it better not to wear...

Tarena took off the veil, with a wry smile inside.This person is really hard to understand sometimes...

But Tarena's expression the moment she stepped into the bathroom had turned into a smile as if she had tasted honey.

Difficult to understand?Maybe that's just his gentle way.


Thank you, there are a lot of great support for this book
Recently, the lazy cancer has started to attack again, and today it is almost too late for the second update

But when I thought that there was still a big boy who really loved this book waiting to be fed, I struggled to turn on the computer...and then played with my phone
The process is not important, anyway, it was barely updated in the end...

Before the eunuch, the author should hear the applause
(End of this chapter)

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