Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 341 Prince Richardson's Secret

Chapter 341 Prince Richardson's Secret

After the dinner, Richardson sat in the living room next to his bedroom, shaking his head drunkenly.

"My lord, Yuan Feiwu has run away!"


Suddenly he heard the hurried shouts from his subordinates and stood up abruptly.

"The subordinate was ordered to guard the door, but Miss and Mr. Yuan Feiwu hadn't come out of the bathroom, so they knocked on the door... The maid went into the bathroom to check, and Yuan Feiwu ran away! Even Miss is not there!"

"Run away? He didn't want Nangong Feng's order, right?! He looks down on my daughter, right?"

Richardson grabbed his subordinate's collar and roared, but none of these questions could be answered by his subordinates.

"I didn't run away, I'm still here." A voice suddenly came from beside them, and Richardson turned his head to see that Yuan Feiwu was standing gracefully in the corner of the living room, as if he had stood there early in the morning.

"Stand back." Richardson threw off his subordinates and drove out of the living room.

"What do you mean? Is it revenge to run away at this time? It seems that Nangongfeng's life is nothing to you..." Richardson tried his best to suppress his emotions. If it's like thunder, it's the same as losing.

"Of course we have to choose this time..." Yuan Feiwu said lightly, "At this time, everyone comes to the banquet, and there are no people in the underground pharmaceutical factory."

When Richardson heard this, his heart skipped a beat. This guy went to an underground pharmaceutical factory?What to do?
Could it be that he didn't object to marriage from the very beginning, just because of this most suitable moment to break into the pharmaceutical factory?
He didn't suspect that Yuan Feiwu was lying when he entered the underground pharmaceutical factory, because he had seen Yuan Feiwu enter the underground bedroom without anyone noticing. The door of the underground bedroom was already the highest level of protective door, and that couldn't stop him. Other hidden doors are nothing to him.

"what have you done?"

"Burning the medicine. I burned all the so-called cultivation improvement medicines."

"Hahaha..." Richardson couldn't stop laughing, looking at Yuan Feiwu as if he was looking at a fool, "Is there something wrong with your brain? I have all the recipes in my head. If you burn it, I can reconfigure it! It seems that I won't give it to you." Take a look, you really think I've been joking! Somebody, go and take off Nangongfeng's left hand..."


The door of the living room was kicked open, and Richardson took half a step back in fright. His men shouldn't have kicked the door, right?
Nangongfeng burst in from the door, glared at Richardson, but rushed towards Yuan Feiwu.

"You don't keep your word!" Nangong Feng grabbed Yuan Feiwu and pressed him against the wall.

"No way, I didn't promise at all!" Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

"Don't laugh!" Nangong Feng threw out a punch, punching Yuan's smiling face aggressively.

Seeing that Yuan Feiwu's beautiful face might be broken, Richardson almost screamed out.

As a result, his fist brushed Yuan Feiwu's face and slammed against the wall.

"No matter what the reason, you can't do what you don't want to do because of me! I might as well die if I let my friends be controlled by others!" Nangongfeng roared, and tears came out of the frame.

He doesn't care what he does, but he can't accept that he becomes a means for others to control his friends.

"Promise me, you won't do this in the future!" Nangong Feng saw that Yuan Feiwu didn't respond, so he had to yell again.

The voice couldn't help trembling, with fear and sadness in it.He couldn't imagine what to do if the other party used him to make Yuan Feiwu do something irreversible.

"I don't agree." Yuan Feiwu's voice softened a lot, and he clapped his hands to comfort Nangong Feng, "If I were used as a threat to you, can you let me go?"


"If you can promise, I will."

Nangongfeng rolled his eyes, without wiping away the tears, he ran to the corner with Kaiyuan's dancing hands and sulked.Anyway, he never said he won against that guy once.But what they do is sincere and righteous, and I can't refute it.

And the roles were reversed, Nangongfeng knew very well what choice he would make, it was something he couldn't agree to.

"Tarena, you betrayed me?"

Richardson had no time to pay attention to Nangongfeng's noisy quarrel, and turned to look at Tarena who was standing at the door.

It was Tarena who released Nangongfeng.Only she and a few confidant guards knew that Nangongfeng was locked in her secret room!

It's just that Richardson couldn't believe the fact.

"She didn't betray you, she just made the most correct choice." Yuan Feiwu interjected.

"It was a waste of you not to take the opportunity to run away! Somebody, arrest them!" Richardson yelled.

"Father, wake up, no medicine can bring the dead back to life!" Tarena suddenly yelled, interrupting Richardson's cry.

Richardson looked at Tarena in disbelief. The face was [-]% similar to his wife, and there was an ugly and terrible scar on the face.He couldn't believe that this face would one day yell at him.

"Have you been to the underground bedroom?" Richardson said palely.

Tarena nodded, tears streaming down her face.

She chose to believe in Yuan Feiwu, and followed Yuan Feiwu into the underground bedroom last night. The moment she entered, she understood many of her father's secrets.

Why does my father often stay in the castle and doesn't like to leave the castle for too long.

Because he often stayed in the underground bedroom to accompany her mother, he was afraid that she would be lonely.The crystal coffin is spotless, even the bookcase, the sofa and the table are spotless, which is the proof that my father stays in it all day.

The father's character became more and more capricious and eccentric.

Because he is testing medicine almost every day, on the desk in the underground bedroom, there is a record of his medicine testing, and he wants to make a medicine to bring the dead back to life!However, many drugs were cross-administered, causing his nerves to be damaged, his mood became irritable and irritable, and sometimes he even trembled all over, unable to walk.

He knew all these things himself, because they were clearly recorded in the record book!
"You, it's you! Why did you take her to the basement?" Richardson came to his senses, and he wanted to rush towards Yuan Feiwu.

But Ta Lena stopped him, that face that he would think of his dead wife when he looked at it, and would be heartbroken, but he couldn't forget it, stood in front of him.

"Because you have already lost one of the most important people in your life, I don't want you to lose another one." Yuan Feiwu said lightly.

"Tarena reminds you of your dead wife, so you can't talk to her calmly. Your usual scolding and sarcasm are just trying to hide the importance you feel in your heart. In addition to the life-reviving medicine, the drug record sheet also has a few pages of emphatic records. That is research and development of medicine to treat scars? You cultivate Tarena wholeheartedly, and even give him cultivation medicine to quickly improve his cultivation. You don’t want her to follow in the footsteps of your dead wife. You want her to be extremely outstanding. But you found that cultivation medicine It’s not as amazing as you imagined. It has strong side effects, so I don’t give it to her anymore. In fact, this side effect is easy to understand. Practice must be practiced step by step, and the practice of pulling seedlings to encourage growth will only lead to unstable foundations and upper limit Restricted. If you continue to eat, I am afraid Tarena's cultivation will end here, and she will not be able to go any further in this life."

"Everything you have worked hard in your life is for two people: one is your wife and the other is your daughter."

(End of this chapter)

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