Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 342 Prince Richardson's Secret

Chapter 342 Prince Richardson's Secret

After hearing Yuan Feiwu's words, Tarena looked at Yuan Feiwu in disbelief.

His father scolded himself that day for expressing his extreme disappointment, so he no longer provided her with cultivation medicine, so it was because the cultivation medicine had side effects?The fact that he abused his father all day long was not because he hated himself, but because he couldn't control his grief for his mother?He even expended a lot of energy to develop a drug to remove scars for himself...

"Stop talking!" Richardson said angrily, pointing at Yuan Feiwu with tears all over his face, "Do you think this will stop me from dominating the world? I want the dead father to take a good look at it, I am the only one in charge! "

"Don't continue to deceive yourself and others." Yuan Feiwu shook his head, "It was for you that the old king didn't let you be king. It was also for you that he assigned you to this barren land."

Richardson was taken aback again, speechless.

"The old king knew that your heart has not been in practice and politics, so he gave up the throne to Alexander who is more eager; this territory is specially equipped for you because you like to study pharmaceuticals. I have read the medicine More than [-]% of the materials are plants near here, and the mountains not far from here are famous herbal sanctuaries. Moreover, the castle is built so low-key and secretive, creating an extremely quiet and undisturbed pharmaceutical site for you. It is impossible for you not to know the old king's good intentions."

"Haha... good, good, you know it all!" Richardson was convinced, "I can't hide anything from you! Then do you know why I want to seize the throne?"

"I guess it has something to do with Tarena's scar."

Yuan Feiwu's words seemed to have given Richardson a heavy punch, causing him to stagger and fall to the ground.

Seeing Richardson's performance, Tarena knew that Yuan Feiwu was right.My father has always wanted to seize the throne, but it has something to do with his own scar?
"Although Tarena looks exactly like your wife, you can't suppress your emotions so you seem to hate her, but she is the crystallization of you and the person you love the most in this life, and you can't ignore it. That's why someone assassinated Taley Na and hurt her, which made you very angry, and you must investigate to the end. Later, you paid attention to me, probably because you have been pursuing this matter. But I don’t know what secrets you want to be a king.”

"That's right. I tracked down the murderer, and the clue broke on Rupert. I planned to hold on to this rope and slowly dig out the big net that opened behind me. But Douglas stepped in, and then Rupert died. But I found out that the last person Rupert saw was you, so I started to track down your news." Richardson said generously, anyway, the other party had already guessed, "The man behind the scene cut off the clues, but It doesn't matter, I figured out their purpose."

Richardson paused, and continued: "They know me very well. If they kill my daughter, maybe I will go crazy and destroy the world! They did it once, and they almost succeeded."

"Could it be..." Yuan Feiwu thought of something.

"That's right, my wife's illness probably came from the same person." Richardson gritted his teeth and said, "Her illness can only be contracted if she has been in contact with the pollen of the 'Bloodwood' flower, and it is impossible for the Bloodberry flower to be found in Xingluo. It can be found on the mainland. Therefore, Kou Ji is not a disease that should be suffered on the Xingluo Continent. The demons, only the demons have this disease, because the blood cardamom flower only grows in the demon continent! No wonder he was sick for two years Only then did I find out that she was sick, because this kind of disease is rare in Star Luo Continent!"

"Could it be that the mastermind behind the scenes has something to do with the Demon Race?" Yuan Feiwu could only be a little skeptical, and it could not be ruled out that someone would want to blame the Demon Race. After all, as long as someone with the strength of a sky warrior wants to go to the Demon Race to get some Xuekou flower pollen, it is not wrong can't do it.

"I don't know if it has anything to do with the demons, I just know they want me to go to war!" Richardson's eyes only have killing intent, "Then I will do what they want! As long as I declare war on Alexander, things will explode Clean it up, they will show up naturally! This is the only way I can find them! I want to drink their blood and eat their flesh all the time!"

Tarena never thought that it turned out that Richardson's plan for rebellion was for revenge!Maybe tens of millions of innocent lives will be buried in his hatred!
"I can understand your hatred, but I will stop you from finding the real culprit. Your father and the king have carefully arranged for you, and your younger brother handed over the appointment power of Yonggu City to you without saying a word. You, these are trusts that cannot be broken, and you want to let them down?" Yuan Feiwu continued.

"Don't say any more, you can't stop it! The gate of my castle, you two can't go out, all my secrets will not let you out! You have done a lot for Tarena, I am very satisfied, I don't blame you either. Come here and take Yuan Feiwu into the new house to continue the wedding." Richardson sat on the ground and looked straight at Yuan Feiwu. He didn't smile or get angry, and his mood was unprecedentedly calm.

Maybe it was because Yuan Feiwu helped him tell the secret that had been buried in his heart, maybe it was because Chaotarena revealed the emotions that he had been covering up, or he found a very good confidant to tell his sad story.

I felt that the big rock that had been hanging in my heart was steadily put down.He'd been worried about what would happen to Tarena if the campaign failed... Now he wasn't worried, she'd have a wonderful man to take care of her.

"I can't stop it, but she can." Yuan Feiwu pointed to the door.

Tarena was the closest to the door, she was a little dazed by the transformation of her father's image, she stared blankly at Yuan Feiwu.

"It's not about you, you give way." Yuan Feiwu laughed.

Tarena subconsciously took a few steps to the side, looked back, and saw a bright red figure standing outside the door, looking at the standing posture leaning against the wall with her arms folded, she didn't know how long she had been standing there!

And behind her lay a few guards of Prince Richardson.Tarena recognized that those people were the strongest guards of her family, all sky warriors!
Being able to bring down several sky warriors silently, this kind of strength is already beyond the scope of ordinary people, and few people in this world can do it.

"Livia?!" No matter how calm Richardson's mood was, he had to be shocked again at this moment.

"The great magister should be able to stop it, right?"

Richardson didn't need Yuan Feiwu to say this, he also knew that everything was over.

Even if it was Alexander standing outside the door at this moment, he would not feel that he had lost.Alexander led the attack, and he could fight all the last fights.

But standing outside the door was Livia, a newborn great magister.Even if it is a newborn grand magister, it is still a grand magister. A grand magister whose status exceeds that of a country can destroy all the great magisters of Richardson's troops by one person!

He had been worried that Douglas would intervene, but he didn't expect that Douglas would be very peaceful, but Livia appeared out of nowhere.

Don't these two have enmity? !

It seems that after dealing with this black-haired boy, all kinds of accidents occurred one after another, and Richardson admitted that he was wronged.

(End of this chapter)

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