Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 343 Return Favor?Return your sister!

Chapter 343 Return Favor?Return your sister!
"How did you know I would come?" Livia didn't even look at Richardson, and Feiwu Chaoyuan couldn't help but wonder.

Livia has been silent outside the door, just wanting to see how many secrets Yuan Feiwu can dig up.

When these secrets surprised Livia more and more, she changed her mind a bit.He wanted to see what method Yuan Feiwu would use to escape in this situation. It was impossible for Richardson to let Yuan Feiwu and Nangong Feng, who knew so many secrets, leave alive.

Of course, Livia didn't hide her existence, and didn't mind Yuan Feiwu finding her and asking her for help.

But Yuan Feiwu didn't take a look at this place at all, he was so sure that he would definitely appear here.

"I allocate part of my mental energy to monitor my actions all the time. My room suddenly has more shielding circles. Of course you will be the first to know. That night, Nangongfeng and I were captured by Prince Richardson's men. You must know everything about it. Don't worry? As for the reason why Richardson took us, you guessed that he wanted to recruit the two of us, and it won't cause any harm to us, so he didn't rush to rescue us and came here after finishing his own private affairs. Calculate the time, You arrived a little early, you flew at the fastest speed, right? Thank you for worrying about our safety..."

"Are you so sure that I know? If I knew that you were arrested, I would definitely save you as soon as possible, right?" Livia was not calm, and asked back.

"If it's just Nangongfeng who was arrested, I'm afraid you will rescue him immediately. But add me, hehe..." Yuan Feiwu's ending could only be accompanied by a sneer.

That's right, with the addition of Yuan Feiwu, Livia felt a little petty. At the same time, she also wanted to know what Richardson wanted to arrest Yuan Feiwu.It's just that he didn't expect that Yuan Feiwu had planned countermeasures from the very beginning, and even himself was a pawn in his plan.

No wonder Douglas treats him like a treasure. It turns out that Yuan Feiwu has long understood that Yuan Feiwu's thoughtfulness is beyond ordinary people!Now Livia is afraid, if such a person really falls into the hands of Richardson, how destructive it will be to Northway!
If you get a Nangong Feng, no matter how strong you are, you are only a fierce general; but if you get a Yuan Feiwu, you will get a strategy that can play the whole country in applause!
"Livia, you are already a great magister, and you are still intervening in Northway's power struggle?" Richardson said suddenly after being silent for a long time.

"All great magisters are responsible for maintaining the stability of the Star Luo Continent." Livia dispelled Richardson's still undying heart with one sentence.

"Everything is my fault, please let Tarena go." Richardson sighed and turned to look at Tarena.

For the first time, Tarena felt the ardent concern from her father's eyes.

This is the true feeling of my father.

Her father, who had always used sneering words to make her stronger, suddenly made a big change that made her feel very strange, but her body couldn't help trembling, and she couldn't help the excitement in her heart.

"I'm here to pick up my students back to school." Livia glanced at Richardson and said calmly, "You can do it yourself."

Anyway, the drug that sounded like it had side effects had been completely burned by Yuan Feiwu, and it was impossible for him not to pay attention to the situation here, so it was unlikely that Richardson would recruit troops to make a comeback.

Richardson was taken aback when he heard Livia's words. Does this mean to let him go?

But he couldn't find the real culprit behind the scenes, so he couldn't give up.

"The living... No matter what, they are more important than the dead. Do you want another important person to go through the pain of losing a loved one again?"

Yuan Feiwu called Nangong Feng, and when he walked towards Livia, he left such a sentence.

Richardson pondered carefully, and soon understood what Yuan Feiwu was talking about, and looked up at Tarena again.

The daughter he cherished so much was already crying like rain.

That's right... If he puts himself on it for revenge, his daughter...

He felt a twinge of pain in his heart. For more than twenty years, he had been thinking of revenge, and he didn't even want to recall the sad story of his lover's death, and made things difficult for Tarena.Seeing Tarena deliberately avoiding him, he felt less sad for Shanna.But this ebbs and flows, and the guilt towards Tarena grows day by day.

Now that everything is clear, he really wants to treat Tarena's paternal love to make up for the vacancy of the past 20 years.She is also one of the most important people in his life!
The living are, in any case, more important than the dead.

Richardson didn't know how Yuan Feiwu got such a deep understanding. I'm afraid Yuan Feiwu also experienced a tragic experience before he got such a deep and affectionate sentence.

"Tarena, do you want to go back to school with us?" Yuan Feiwu walked to the door and asked Tarena with a smile.

"No." Tarena gritted her teeth and gave this answer.

It has to be said that upon hearing Yuan Feiwu's greeting, she really wanted to run to follow the man who let her know the truth.She even faintly felt that he could have avoided this troubled water from the very beginning, and it was only for himself that he took great pains to develop the matter to this point.

She was very moved and grateful, and at the same time, she wanted to share with him the uneasiness she felt after knowing the truth...

But no, his father needed her company.Today her father suffered too many blows.

"See you."


Yuan Feiwu took a graceful step and left the room without looking back.Being so blunt made Livia lose track of the rhythm, and looked back at Tarena, before leaving.

"I think Tarena...she shouldn't stay here." Livia frowned.

"Thank you for coming to rescue me and Nangongfeng. You said you owed me a favor before, but now you have paid it off. Of course, if you want to be serious, Nangongfeng still owes you a favor. You can go after him for it."

She was asking about something serious. Tarena looked pitiful now, and Prince Richardson didn't seem to be in a stable mood, so she was very worried.As a result, Yuan Feiwu suddenly went back to the matter that she said she owed him a favor a few days ago, which made Livia feel depressed.

It's as if she came to save people just to repay the favor!
What does that mean, irony?Sarcasm?Livia really regrets that she intervened in this matter, he deserves to be taken away and forced to marry him!No, this kind of treatment seems to be cheaper for him, and he will become the heir of the prince in the future!
"I'm not here to save you, I'm here to save Tarena." Livia took a few breaths before tensing her face.

If it's so cool, you should be able to hear a few good things from that kid, right?
Unexpectedly, when Livia turned around, she could only see Yuan Feiwu looking at her without speaking, just smiling... This kind of smile of "I understand everything, you don't need to say it" made Livia even more angry!
Can you hit him with your hands?May I?Although there was no reason to do it, she just felt like hitting someone!
Nangongfeng followed behind and looked at the two of them, one smiling and the other walking like they were on fire, with helpless expressions on their faces.These two are really incompatible by nature.

The three of them broke out of the castle like this, no one dared to stop them.Their decision was correct. If they dared to fight at this time, they would definitely be beaten to death by Livia.

In the side hall, Tarena wiped away her tears and went up to help Richardson.


Richardson's words brought Tarena to tears again.

"It's okay." It took Tarena a long time to say this.

And thank you... This is what Ta Lena really wanted to say at this moment, and she said it to Yuan Feiwu.

"But you did it wrong." Richardson helped Tarena wipe away tears, with a serious face, which surprised Tarena.

It seems to be back to the Richardson who criticized her all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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