Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 344 Silly Daughter and Stupid Apprentice

Chapter 344 Silly Daughter and Stupid Apprentice

"If you want to help that stinky boy, you can wait until you get married and cook the cooked rice before helping! I think he has a good character, loves love and justice, and will definitely not let you down. Oh, my silly daughter..." Richardson lamented.

Tarena thought that her father was going to criticize her again, but she didn't expect to say this, her face flushed immediately, her bronze skin had a hint of peach color, she was really pretty.

"He basically guessed right, except that he guessed one thing wrong. You think I watched the exchange match live, because he helped Livia break through the great magister, so I wanted this talent more urgently? He has a brain Smartness is indeed a rare talent, but the reason why I firmly want him is you, fool!" Richardson saw that Tarena hadn't spoken for a long time and didn't know what she was thinking, so he couldn't argue with her.

"What are you talking about, father?" Tarena really didn't understand.

"The look in your eyes when you helped him tie his hair in the exchange competition is exactly the same as the way I looked at your mother back then, that affectionate, tsk tsk... you fell in love with that kid, right?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Tarena blushed.

"Am I talking nonsense, you know it in your heart. The man my daughter likes, my daughter dare not make a move, so it is too much for me, a father, to help! My arms are bent outward before the wedding, how stupid! "

"It's really too much!" Tarena said without hesitation.

After saying that, he ran away as if fleeing, Richardson looked at it and shook his head.

"Tch, don't regret if you miss it."

After Richardson finished speaking, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

Shanna, the matter of revenge... I decided to put it off for now.Our daughter has suffered too much needlessly, and I want to make up for it...

Kind you, you definitely want to see me like this, right?I'm sorry, I also made you worry in the spirit of the sky...

Livia took Yuan Feiwu and Nangong Feng back to school in a carriage, two days later than Douglas and others, and it was already a holiday weekend when they arrived.Before Yuan Feiwu and Nangongfeng arrived at the dormitory, they were stopped by Ophelia and criticized. Livia hurried to Douglas' office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Douglas' voice came from inside.

"Principal Douglas, please pay attention to your health after work." Livia opened the door of the office and said first.

Douglas is quite old, and he still works overtime at school on weekends. Of course, Livia needs to give some advice.Originally, she should have shared more of these official affairs of Landis Magic Academy for Douglas.

"Well, you're back?" Douglas raised his head and said cheerfully, "Today is a holiday, you should go back and have a good rest after traveling all the way."

"Mr. Lao is bothering you. But I came here today to report to Principal Douglas about Yuan Feiwu and Nangong Feng..."

Whenever talking about official business, Livia would switch her address to Principal Douglas, never messing up her identity.It can also be seen from here that Livia is very meticulous and rigid in doing things.

"You're really right about this matter. Those two brats haven't come back yet. They skipped two days of class. How unreasonable it is!"

"They just came back, and I brought them back myself."

"I still have to trouble you to catch it back? It's really undisciplined! Punishment, you must be punished! I promised you this matter, and I will write a punishment notice later. Don't worry, I won't take my word for it..."

Douglas patted the table and searched here and there with anger on his face. It was clear that the punishment notice was placed in a corner of his stage, but he couldn't find it.

Livia didn't expect Douglas to be so angry, and quickly said: "This is what I'm talking about, and I want to help them cancel this punishment."

"Why?" Douglas asked in surprise.

"They didn't come back on time this time, and there are difficulties."

"What's the reason? Playing truant is truancy, and you must be punished! Otherwise, what is discipline?!" Douglas was still angry.

If it were normal, Livia would be very happy to hear that Douglas valued discipline so much.But today she just wanted Douglas to turn a blind eye and let the matter pass, and she couldn't say this directly, which really depressed her to death.

"That... Actually, the younger brother and I asked for leave, and I approved it, but I didn't have time to come back to deal with it." Livia frowned, and finally lied for Yuan Feiwu.

Regarding Richardson's affairs, in fact, she also figured out what Yuan Feiwu did, which was to use a more labor-intensive method to make Richardson change his ways.At the same time, it can be regarded as helping Tarena to solve the misunderstanding and knot between her and her father.Now that the matter has been settled, it would be better to let the secret of Richardson's intention of rebellion sink into the sea. She couldn't bear to see Tarena lose her father as soon as she got her father's love, not to mention that Richardson is also a pathetic and pitiful person.

Even if Livia didn't wait to see Yuan Feiwu, she had nothing to say about this matter, and even volunteered to help him get rid of some messes.

It's just that this trick is more troublesome than she imagined. In normal times, shouldn't Douglas play tricks and play tricks to make himself lenient?

Oh oh, I'm sorry, it's a sin to use the description of being sarcastic and shameless to my teacher.

"Did you ask for leave? If you ask for leave, it's not considered truancy?" Douglas' anger came and went faster, and he regained his calm all of a sudden.

A word suddenly popped up in Livia's mind: affectation.

No, Livia shook her head again, how could she use such words to blaspheme her mentor, he is the holy great magister of light!
I don't respect my teacher more and more.Self-criticism, serious criticism!

"Yes, I asked for leave."

I didn't expect that one day she would lie for Yuan Feiwu's sake. Thinking about it now, it's as inconceivable as if the sun came out from the west.But when Livia saw that Douglas had stopped entangled in this matter, she finally put down a big stone in her heart, and got up to leave.

"Hey, you seemed to call Feiwu 'little junior brother' just now, right? It doesn't seem right, didn't you deny that you had a junior brother before?"

Douglas's sudden unreasonable words made Livia almost stagger and fall to the ground.

Was that how she called Yuan Feiwu just now?Yeah?no?

After thinking about it, it seemed that there was such a thing, and I didn't understand why I suddenly called that guy so!

After all, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he shouted: "So what if I don't admit it, I'm not your apprentice!"

After speaking, he ran away in a rage.

After confirming that Livia was far away, Douglas opened his mouth and laughed.

Of his apprentices, only Livia could be teased a little bit by him, alas, thinking about it, I feel very pitiful.

A few days later, Yuan Feiwu was dragged by Ophelia to the student union office as usual.Basically, he would come for a walk every day, which has become a part of daily life.

Originally, Yuan Feiwu was reluctant to come, but it is said that Athena put proposals such as "Yuan Feiwu's dedicated toilet" and "Yuan Feiwu's dedicated dressing room" on the agenda, so he had to clock in at work and come here every day. .

"Morning, Athena!" Ophelia opened the door of the Student Union's office and greeted her first as usual, but she was stunned for a moment after she fixed her eyes.

A tall girl in the sixth grade school uniform of Landis School of Magic, with a protruding figure and a yellow kerchief covering her face, only showing a pair of deep eyes was sitting on the sofa.And Athena hasn't come yet.

This... isn't this Tarena who disappeared for several days!
She stared at Tarena carefully, but Tarena never glanced at her.The eyes skipped over her figure with unusual firmness, looking behind her.

Who else is there, it's Yuan Feiwu!

(End of this chapter)

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