Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 346 The Demon King's Small Emotions Only Someone Perceived

Chapter 346 The Demon King's Small Emotions Only Someone Perceived
Athena put the reflection circle on the table, and everyone surrounded it.Even Tarena heard that it was recorded by Ophelia and Yuan Feiwu, so she stood up and found a place where she could see it, and watched from a distance.

Athena was very proficient in opening the magic circle, and easily triggered the magic circle. A six-pointed star array on the wooden board lit up, gathering countless beams of light to meet in the sky.

The footage recorded by Ophelia and Yuan Feiwu was projected in this way. A white snow field first appeared, and a pair of girls' high boots stepped on it, which made people feel as if they were actually there.

"You recorded such a snowy field that day for half the morning?" Nangong Feng complained after looking at the snowy field for a while.

"I want you to care! There will be a lot of good things to see!" Ophelia said angrily.

She was also a little embarrassed. This scene in the snow was recorded after she threw Yuan Feiwu out of the carriage and asked the groom to stop. She asked the groom to wait a while, so it was her feet that always appeared. ...

Then the screen flickered, and a snow scene appeared above the six-pointed star.

The cliffs beside the mountain road are covered in silver, which is too beautiful to behold.But what made everyone dazzled the most was a man in black by the mountain road, with a black ponytail tied, standing gracefully on the white snow field overlooking the cliff.The exposed side face intoxicated by the cliff, the flawless white skin and the thin cherry lips, seem to be the exquisite jade suddenly emerging from the snow, which is both abrupt and beautiful.

Everyone held their breath subconsciously, for fear that the sound of breathing would disturb the man enjoying the snow, as if this was some heinous thing.

This scene lasted for a short while, just for a short while, but no one knew how long it had passed.

The man in the picture moved, turned his head suddenly, and showed an alluring smile without warning.

Everyone was fascinated by the beautiful picture perfectly outlined by the beauty in the snow scene, and their mouths opened slightly.

Only Ophelia was different, excited.

She remembers what she was saying... thank goodness it was on tape!

Sure enough, it was recorded!

"Sure enough, Xue Jing and Hei Changzhi are the standard match, a perfect match!" Athena said with emotion.

Everyone nodded, there is nothing wrong with this!

The screen started to move again, zooming in on the man, just when the 360-degree beauty with no dead ends almost occupied the entire screen, it suddenly tilted to the side.

Then there was a burst of irregular shaking, which made Athena and Nangongfeng's eyes cross-eyed, and their heads were a little dizzy.

"What is this recording? Shouldn't we make a rotating video of the big beauty, from top to bottom and then from left to right, then make a full-angle recording, and then let the big beauty pose a few cute poses!" Athena snapped After blinking a few times to make my head less dizzy, I complained, "Forget it, don't watch it, that's it, it's already pretty good."

"Huh? There is still a snow scene I recorded later! Don't you want to see the snow scene?" Yuan Feiwu hurriedly said.

Yuan Feiwu couldn't help showing a little eager expression.Although he has a smile on his lips all the year round, in this comfortable and relaxed environment, although the smile is still there, he often reveals a trace of inner emotion that he has not noticed without thinking.

This is why Athena always likes to tease Yuan Feiwu, because these expressions are what she wants to see.

Just like now, Yuan Feiwu looks slightly anxious, how cute!
"Xiao Wu filmed it? What did you film?" Athena resisted the desire to pinch his face in her heart, and pretended to be casual.

"Snow scene!"

"Oh, you took it with your own hands, so the big beauty must not be included in the shot, it's nothing to look at. Other students, tell me what you want from the previous image, and I will make a copy for your collection."

"Hey, do you want to see the snow scene..." Yuan Feiwu smiled wryly.

It was this kind of expression, it was so great, Athena couldn't help but want to go over to admire Yuan Feiwu's pitiful look at a close distance, when a slightly tall body stopped in front of her.

Oh, who dares to prevent this princess from flirting with the little beauty of a good family!
Looking up, it was Tarena.

This lonely woman in Prince Richardson's family... Could it be...

"I want one too." Tarena said with some embarrassment.

Uh... Athena and Ophelia were stunned for a while, and couldn't help laughing out loud.Sure enough, few people can resist Yuan Feiwu's good looks and lethality!
Tarena was even more embarrassed.

"Okay, I'll give you a copy later." Athena patted Tarena's shoulder and said with a smile, then turned her head and said to Yuan Feiwu, "You don't mind, do you?"

"Do you mind..."

"I'm afraid I can't help but lick the screen, don't you mind?"

"They all say they don't mind..."

"Well, put a glass cover on it, so at least it won't lick the air, and the taste is so-so. You don't mind, do you? Or just lend me your face to lick?"

Yuan Feiwu gave up struggling, and people asked if you minded, it was just a casual talk!Don't bother with your own wishes at all, okay?
Just when the student union office was "happy", there was a knock on the door of the office.

Nangongfeng is very amazed by the beauties and snow scenes in the imaging circle, but he is not interested in collecting, and he is right next to him. Will he see real people?For a long time, he was the most boring one, and he got up very simply to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Nunora ran in, panicked, "Senior Nangong Feng! Senior Yuan Feiwu! There is a person looking for you outside the school gate, and even Principal Douglas has come out because of this incident, so let me hurry over and call you Please come quickly!"

"Well, we'll go there right away."

Before Yuan Feiwu came to the door, the voice came first. The voice seemed to have a reassuring magic power, which made Nu Nuola's mood calm down at once.

"Do you know who it is?" Nangongfeng was a little suspicious.

"I, I don't know either. I happened to be on duty today, and a teacher found me and asked me to help inform you." Nunora said embarrassingly.

The student union has members on duty every day, mainly to check the sanitation and cleaning work in the college.

"Thank you, let's go."

This was said by Athena who ran over and held her hand. After speaking, she took the lead and ran away, calling for the people behind to follow quickly.

But what Nu Nuola just conveyed is not wrong, they are looking for Senior Nangong Feng and Senior Yuan Feiwu!Why did Chairman Athena run out first?
What Nunora conveyed was correct, but how could Athena not join in the fun.

Originally, they only called two people, but several people ran out from the student union office. Even Tarena followed the group and hurried towards the gate of the college.But Nunora thought about it, the senior Nangong Feng and Yuan Feiwu she wanted to call were also among them, so the mission was completed, so it shouldn't be a problem, right?
"Feiwu, who wants to come to us, even Principal Douglas has been alarmed?" Nangongfeng asked while running.

"It's not just Principal Douglas, look, even Principal Livia was alarmed." Yuan Feiwu smiled.

Sure enough, after a while, they saw Principal Livia appearing from the corner of the school road, watching them who were about to open their mouths.


"Got it, let's go now!"

Nangongfeng answered quickly, causing Livia to open her mouth but had nothing to say, and then quickly passed by her.

"Who? So big?" Nangong Feng turned back and asked Yuan Feiwu, seeing Yuan Feiwu's appearance with such an old god, Nangong Feng knew that he must know who it was!
Although this guy usually looks like this.

"You were treated like this back then, have you forgotten?" Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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