Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 347 The enemy is coming from afar

Chapter 347 The enemy is coming from afar
"Oh? What are you looking for us for?"

"Maybe... because we are the same kind."


Nangongfeng's head is extremely clever, and Yuan Feiwu can talk to him at a glance.

The others tried their best to prick up their ears, but they couldn't understand the two of them's charade-like conversation.

Ophelia is a little impatient, but thinking that she is almost at the school gate, it is much better to reveal the answer directly than to ask Yuan Feiwu!Always ask questions, and then Yuan Feiwu answers so tactfully, and has to kill a lot of brain cells to decrypt it. The most important thing is that he often can't solve it, making him look so stupid.

There is already a circle of people around the school gate, most of them are students, discussing in whispers with a very low volume.And a little closer to the school gate, an old man with white hair and a childlike face was smiling kindly there, it was Douglas.With him here, it's no wonder the students are so quiet even watching the excitement.

As soon as Yuan Feiwu and others arrived at Douglas, of course they knew immediately, and walking towards them, the crowd of onlookers naturally dispersed.The audience looked back, I'm going, the princess, the daughter of the prince, the daughter of the head of the first army, the best student in the exchange competition, and Yuan Feiwu, the most influential person in the school, all came running, no matter how suppressed the discussion voice gradually became big.

Douglas saw that the scene was not right, and the good thing he was looking forward to seemed to be about to happen. How could this group of melon-eating audiences become shit sticks? If you don’t advance, you will retreat, everyone, don’t relax.”

The great magister of light personally taught others how it is possible not to listen. They ran away screaming as if they had drunk chicken soup for the soul, or went to the library or went back to the dormitory to practice. They were very obedient .

After speaking, Douglas came over to say hello to them and then ran away. He ran so decisively and happily that Ophelia and the others were confused.

After the crowd dispersed, Athena and the others could clearly see a man dressed in red standing at the school gate, with light blue long hair fluttering, but his facial features were blurred, as if there was a layer of veil behind him.

Athena recognized that dress, it was the school uniform of Xuefeng College, but no one had seen it before.

Ophelia and Tarena knew the man!
The captain of Xuefeng Academy's exchange team, Xueyue!
Athena was not at the scene, Tarena passed out, she didn't know, but Ophelia watched the exchange finals from beginning to end, and she knew that Xueyue and Nangongfeng fought each other in the end and were taken advantage of by Yuan Feiwu Yes, she would be unwilling to do it differently.Could it be that he couldn't afford to lose and came to seek revenge?Do you need to be so serious!
But he ran here alone to seek revenge, isn't he too stupid?Just Nangong Feng is not afraid of him, plus Yuan Feiwu and Ta Lena... well, it's fine with Ta Lena, it would be good not to help Xueyue deal with Yuan Feiwu instead.But this is Landis Academy of Magic, a few experts can help this Nangong Feng smash him out of shit.

"You came?"

Ophelia wanted to rush to the street again.

While she was thinking wildly, Yuan Feiwu stepped forward to say hello as if she was reunited with an old friend.

You've come a long way!Talk like you've been waiting for him!

"I want to challenge you, please fight me seriously." Xue Yue ignored the enthusiastic Yuan Feiwu and said coldly.

"So what if you win?" Yuan Feiwu laughed.

"..." Xue Yue really wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything.

what can i doHe defeated a master on Star Luo Continent.

so what?He didn't think that if he went back with this victory, he would be able to defeat the person he wanted to beat and snatch everything he wanted.

So he stayed at Xuefeng Academy all the time, challenging those masters of similar age everywhere, why?
To get cheers from other people?To enjoy the respect of others?

No, it was actually to prove myself.

But even if he proved himself by sweeping the entire Xingluo Continent, he still can't prove anything when he goes back... What he wants is not Xingluo Continent's approval at all, which is nothing to be proud of for him!

"But at least I want to win!" Xue Yue said after thinking for a while.

Even if winning here is nothing, it won't allow him to win everything when he goes back.But at least he had to win in the outside world, which they had never looked down upon!Otherwise, wouldn't it be more desolate and incompetent?

"Okay, I surrender, you win." Yuan Feiwu said immediately.

Ophelia covered her face helplessly. Sometimes this guy is really annoying, and I don't know if it was intentional.

People are serious about challenging you. If you want to reject it, you have to pretend to think for a few seconds, right?How perfunctory!

That Xueyue is probably going to be pissed off, right?My sympathy...

"Why, why can you go through those oppressions, but you don't want revenge at all?" Xueyue was very calm, so calm that Ophelia was surprised, "I don't believe you are a coward, but you have been a coward."

Xueyue knew all about Yuan Feiwu's life at Yuan's house.He didn't know what Yuan Feiwu did to him, but he was like a spectator of Yuan Feiwu's first half of his life, and suddenly watched his whole life.It was a strange place, he had never seen it before.But he is not surprised, the place where he came from, no one from Star Luo Continent has seen it before.

The experiences of both of them are very similar.

No, Yuan Feiwu's experience is more terrifying than his!
He was in the place where he was born, but because of his poor talent, he lost everything and was treated coldly everywhere.As for Yuan Feiwu, he also lost everything since he was a child, but not only was he met with indifference everywhere, but he was tortured and killed by relatives around him!Almost everyone wants to get rid of him and hurry up!
But after experiencing such a past, he didn't have any resistance, but compromised, and put on an eternal smile on himself as a false mask to cover up his scarred heart and soul.

Why not fight?Xue Yue couldn't figure this out.

Even now, he has come to challenge him, and he obviously has terrible strength to fight with him, but he admits defeat indifferently.

"As I said, the living should be more cherished than the dead." Yuan Feiwu said softly.

Yuan Feiwu's words made Tarena tremble slightly.

Now, she understands the meaning of Yuan Feiwu's words better than anyone else.

"Then I understand the difference between us." Xueyue closed her eyes, and found in her mind the old man who Yuan Feiwu smiled so genuinely every time she saw her, "You have someone worth cherishing and protecting, and I No."

So all that was left in his heart was anger and fighting spirit!He will regret for those who underestimated him!Including his biological parents!

"I didn't have it before, maybe I have it from now on, like friends?" Yuan Feiwu laughed.

"Friend? I'm sorry, I have to defeat those people with my own hands. It's nothing to rely on other people's strength..."

"At least on your way forward, you are no longer alone. Being alone is better than never having existed."

Seeing Yuan Feiwu's left and right and the people with firm eyes behind him, they surrounded Yuan Feiwu without hesitation, staring at her, Xueyue suddenly realized something.

The slender figure leaving the cemetery appeared in my mind again, and the reflection was stretched infinitely by the setting sun... The picture gradually enlarged and became complete... On the tree not far behind the leaving figure, a majestic man squatted halfway From above, looking at the back, his face was filled with emotion; behind the trunk under the tree, a masked man was leaning back there, with his eyes closed, he was constantly rubbing a shuriken in his hand, and there was an insignificant sigh... …

That image and the image in front of me overlapped... merged... and became one.

This seemingly cowardly boy may not have changed from the beginning to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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