Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 348 Visiting the Inhuman House

Chapter 348 Visiting the Inhuman House

It hasn't changed.

There are always people around him who guard him and cherish him... Those people are naturally the so-called "living people" he guards and cherishes...

Those people seem to be getting more and more as time goes by... so many that he is willing to swallow all the grievances and sufferings, and he can be happy to bear it alone...

And what about yourself?

All alone, from beginning to end.

I have never fought for others, I have always fought alone, for myself.

Xueyue woke up from the exchange match, and she was always curious about Yuan Feiwu, who had an amazingly similar experience with herself, and why there was such a huge difference with herself. She thought that everyone would be the same kind of person.

Perhaps there are many differences between people, Xue Yue couldn't help but sigh after understanding the doubts in her heart, anyway, he would never be able to be like Yuan Feiwu in his whole life.

"It seems that we are not the same way." Xue Yue said regretfully.

"I have a different opinion from you." Yuan Feiwu smiled, "Why don't we have dinner together?"

"No need..."

"What do you eat? Do you cook it?" Ophelia reacted quickly when she heard what to eat.

"It's great that you are willing to make a move for dinner tonight!" Athena quickly booed.

"There are so many people today, so let's eat in my dormitory." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile, agreeing to their wishes.

"Don't make a mistake, it's 'Inhuman House', it's such a cool name!"

"I don't think he's handsome..."

"You comment, isn't 'Inhuman House' cool?" Nangong Feng waved at Xueyue, motioning him to follow, because they had already started their return journey.

Xue Yue frowned.

His words were completely ignored, or in other words, no one wanted to know his wishes at all.

He has been on the road these days, eating and sleeping in the open, because he is eager to unravel the confusion in his heart.Now that the confusion is gone, although I am a little disappointed, I am no longer in a hurry, and I am not in a hurry, why don't I...follow me and have a look?

Xueyue was still struggling in her mind, but she kept up with her footsteps unknowingly, silently following behind the noisy people in front, looking at the man who was smiling wryly in the middle of the noise.

Mixed feelings.

Before he could figure out where he was complicated, he had already been taken to a three-story house.

Inhuman house?
The name that Nangongfeng asked him to judge just now came out of Xueyue's head... Why should such a simple and normal house be given such a strange name?

Of course Nangongfeng returned to his residence as he wished, he opened the door first, and several people walked into the house.

The hall door on the first floor was closed, and Ophelia was a little curious. The door was not closed here, so she pushed the door open casually.

"Don't, don't be like this, Mr. Yuan Feiwu, how dare you behave like this..."

Inside the door is the living room on the first floor, with a broom leaning against the wall in the corner, wearing a dress and a black wig on top of his head, like a dummy.A man with tawny hair stepped back while waving his hands at the broom, his brown eyes rolled around strangely, and the expression on his face was full of greed that even a fool could see. "A few words.

It's been a long time since I entered Yuan Feiwu's dormitory... so what the hell is this!When did such a strange man appear!

Ophelia's eyes widened with disbelief.

"What are you doing, Xiao Bu?" Nangong Feng asked suspiciously.

Doubts belong to doubts, but he is not surprised at all, anyway, no one living in the inhuman house is normal.

"He is a helper invited by Teacher Phil, named Xiao Bu." Yuan Feiwu smiled brightly and introduced to everyone with a very natural expression.

At this time, she can still be calm, Ophelia really wants to kneel down to Yuan Feiwu!
"Xiao Bu? Why is it so familiar, where does it sound like..." Ophelia frowned and thought.

Of course I've heard that when Yuan Feiwu told her that she had a pet named Xiao Bu, she even clamored to deworm Yuan Feiwu's dormitory.It's a pity that time has passed for too long, and I have forgotten all about it, and I only feel familiar.

"A guest, Mr. Yuan Feiwu? And you, Nangong Feng, is it your name?! If you know who I am, I will scare you to death!" The man put his hands in his pockets with a cynical expression on his face. Connect the expression of refusal and welcome just now with him.

"So what were you doing just now?"

Ophelia looked at the broom suspiciously. It was covered with women's clothes and a black wig. In addition, he was yelling Yuan Feiwu's name just now when he wanted to refuse. Ophelia felt deeply uneasy.

"I'm simulating Yuan Feiwu to reward me with good things. I should respect you." He gestured with his hands at a round, long cylinder-shaped object, and said seriously.

"Wow, so exciting?" Athena exclaimed.

That's right, that thing is the energy crystal that Yuan Feiwu sent before.Of course, it would be even better if he could be rewarded by letting him enter Yuan Feiwu's storage space to practice for a period of time.

He knows this stuff, but Ophelia and the others don't!
Watching him gesticulate a strange cylinder in the air, combined with what he said, it will be associated in a terrible direction!Moreover, the hall on this floor is full of neatly folded women's clothing, which looks even more disturbing!As Athena said, what an exciting feeling!
"Then keep going." Yuan Feiwu took the initiative to close the door, calling everyone to go upstairs.

"Come on, why don't you explain it!" Ophelia rushed up and grabbed his shoulder and shook it desperately, "The new comrades will definitely misunderstand!"

In fact, of course she doesn't care whether Xueyue misunderstood or not, it's more important to solve her misunderstanding first, okay?

"He's just a very interesting person who often does some very interesting things. I really don't know when I bought a whole lot of clothes for the living room... and I don't want to know..." Yuan Feiwu said that he had already arrived on the second floor. The pace of Yuan Wuwu on this floor was obviously quickened, leading a few people quickly to the third floor.

Of course, the door to the lobby on the second floor was also closed, and Ophelia couldn't help but want to open it.

"Hurry up and prepare things, we have to go out to buy some materials." Yuan Feiwu said without looking back, trying to repel Ophelia's impulse.

Xueyue fell behind, and when passing by this door, a low voice slowly came from inside: "You come in."

Xue Yue looked towards the wooden door, he couldn't see through what was on the other side, and even his spiritual power couldn't get through.

This is not surprising, many houses have shielding circles inside.

Xueyue never had the word fear in her dictionary, so she casually pushed open the wooden door.

I saw men lying leisurely on the sofa, holding a book in their hands, which looked a bit like a fashion magazine.

The man didn't lift his head, he tapped lightly on the table beside him, Xue Yue saw a note on the table.

"Aren't you from our school?" Xueyue was about to speak, when the other party's voice sounded again, "It doesn't matter. You look more reliable than Nangongfeng, you take this."

Xueyue walked slowly over to pick up the note, and asked blankly: "Who are you? Why are you here? What is this?"

"I'm a fifth-grade history teacher at Landis Academy of Magic. My name is Phil. I also live here, and the second floor is my residence. This is something you will pay attention to when you buy vegetables later. I spent a lot It is summed up over time, and you will be able to use it later." Phil leisurely flipped through a page of the book and said leisurely.

"Why...why do you have to write such a long note when buying vegetables?"

Xueyue is not a person who likes to ask questions, but after coming to the inhuman house, she feels that everything is very curious and mysterious.

There are too many words on the paper, right?

(End of this chapter)

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