Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 349 Magical Precautions

Chapter 349 Magical Precautions
Phil was finally willing to close the book and looked up at Xueyue.

Those were the eyes that made people flinch when they first saw each other. They were domineering and fierce, with endless hostility.

Xueyue couldn't help mobilizing her body's battle qi, the snow fog around him suddenly thickened a lot, this was his subconscious protective reaction when he felt the danger.

But at this time Xueyue frowned.

The arrogance in the other party's eyes disappeared all of a sudden, leaving only a fierce looking eye with calm inside.

It seems that what happened just now was all my own illusion.

"It's very simple, because of being poor."


Xueyue raised her eyebrows a little, but she didn't expect Phil to say such a word suddenly.

"No money, so poor."

Xue Yue has never thought about the word poor.

As soon as he came out, he found Xuefeng Academy, which was the place where he found the most powerful people nearby.Then he was taken in by Principal Pullman, and he provided all the clothing, food, and housing. He knew that these needed to be exchanged for money, but he never needed to worry about this aspect.

Thinking about it now, if he was going to buy groceries later, he would really need something like "money", and he was very sure that he didn't have a dime on him.

"You can't steal, you can't grab, of course you are poor! I think I am dignified... Sigh, classmate Yuan Feiwu has worked hard, with the meager salary subsidized by the library, and often raising this group of guys who are waiting to be fed."

Xueyue had more doubts in her heart, should expressing regrets about not being able to steal or steal something should come from a teacher?

There are also friends around Yuan Feiwu, most of whom are either rich or expensive, especially the blonde beauty just now, both in temperament and in dress, she looks like a son of a rich family.

Phil seemed to see through Xueyue's thoughts, and said: "You can't let girls pay for it, right? Wouldn't that be like a little boy? A majestic devil... Yuan Feiwu, you can't be called a softie Ah! It's all my fault. With such a small salary, Yuan Feiwu didn't even buy all the daily clothes. Oh, if that dead fly didn't burn my women's clothes, I wouldn't have to be so downcast. I'm sorry for you, Mr. Yuan Feiwu..."


Xueyue was speechless, why did Yuan Feiwu have women's clothing in her everyday clothes?There are so many terrifying possibilities to expand inside!

"Go, I think you are the best complement to the two of them." Phil waved his hand, signaling Xueyue to leave, and then buried himself in the magazine.

Best Supplement?
Xueyue couldn't figure it out, so she didn't ask any more questions. This person looked weird, and if she asked, she might have more questions.

Now Xueyue feels that Nangong Fengqi's name "Inhuman House" is very appropriate. Originally, Xueyue already felt that she was incompatible with normal people, but she didn't expect that no one living here could be more normal than him.

"Hello, Mr. Phil!" Nangong Feng suddenly ran back, "Xue Yue, why are you here? Everyone is looking for you and thinks you are lost!"

After finishing speaking, he brought Xueyue back to the third floor, so as not to hinder Mr. Phil from studying new fashion collocations.

"The task has been assigned. Athena, Ophelia, and Tarena are in charge of preparing the utensils. The three of us will go to buy some ingredients and come back." Yuan Feiwu said to Xueyue who was brought back by Nangongfeng. Xueyue was not there, so I had to tell him again.

Seeing Ophelia and Athena pouted behind Yuan Feiwu, Xue Yue seemed dissatisfied with this decision.

"It doesn't matter." Xue Yue expressed her sincere thoughts.

He really doesn't care, it doesn't matter if he goes grocery shopping or stays and trades with some girl.

But obviously no one thought about what he meant, Yuan Feiwu and Nangong Feng dragged him away directly.

Walking on the road, Nangong Feng asked: "What do we eat? Why did Ophelia and the others move the stove out of the living room? Should we move things and they buy vegetables instead?"

"Shabu Shabu. There are many people, so Shabu Shabu is more lively. The things I bought are messy and messy. I'd better come out in person."

"Shabu Shabu?"

Nangongfeng knew the answer but didn't know what it was, so he simply didn't ask, anyway, he could lick the plate clean no matter what Yuan Feiwu did.

The appearance of the three of them was quite eye-catching, and it was a good thing that there were fewer people in the campus during the meal time. When they left the campus and went to the market, there were more people on the road, and no one would not look at them.

But the three of them are also masters who can look at everything. They shuttle through the crowd like people who have nothing to do, and go to various material stores to buy what they want.

Xueyue knows that there is a market, and that he needs to come to the market to buy ingredients for daily meals, but he has never been here once.It feels that everything is very new, everything will be glanced twice, just glanced twice, his curiosity can reach this level at most.

First of all, I came to the fish and shrimp shop. I didn't care about the amazing eyes of the shop assistants. Under the leadership of Yuan Feiwu, I picked the ingredients very quickly.Just about to go to the front desk to pay the bill, Xue Yue seemed to have thought of something, and quickly called Yuan Feiwu to stop.

"What's wrong?" Nangong Feng also stopped and turned around.

"The boss is female, under the middle age, suitable for Nangongfeng to buy alone, the price will be lowered to less than [-]% off, if you can't afford it, just leave and change to another..." Xueyue said expressionlessly.

These were all he saw from the paper that Phil gave him. He glanced at it casually at the time, and he remembered this one with a deep impression.I don't know the reason, but Xueyue feels that there should be a reason for that weird-looking teacher Phil who is willing to spend energy to make such precautions.

"What the hell?" Nangong Feng felt that Xue Yue's nonsensical words were too difficult to understand.

"Just do it." Xueyue said in an unquestionable tone, this is his habit, if he thinks he has to do it, he can do it without any doubt.

Yuan Feiwu and Nangong Feng didn't really care about this kind of trivial matter, so they did as Xue Yue said.

With Nangongfeng's handsome appearance and sunny temperament, the proprietress laughed from ear to ear as soon as he came to the counter.Even when it comes to the price, Nangong Feng's expression is still very bright, making people not feel uncomfortable.As a result, under the condition that Nangong Fengpai promised to come often, the proprietress really gave them a [-]% discount.

Xueyue doesn't care about the world anymore, but she also understands how great a discount it is to get [-]% off when buying things in the market.

Teacher Phil is not lying, this is really made out of poverty!Although I have figured out the truth of the matter, such a fact does not make me happy at all, I still feel like crying, okay?
Nangongfeng came back from buying vegetables and felt that Xueyue was really amazing, so Xueyue told Nangongfeng about it, both of them said it was a bit unbelievable, so they decided to do a counter-example experiment without telling Yuan Feiwu.

The next one had finished buying chicken, and this time it was a female boss. Both Nangongfeng and Xueyue asked Yuan Feiwu to pay the bill by himself.

Yuan Feiwu was the one who didn't care the most, and walked over to the counter with a bag of chicken.Mingming Yuan Feiwu walked without making any sound at all, but the proprietress looked at him with bright eyes from a long distance away.

"Oh no, I forgot to tell him to bargain with the boss!" Nangongfeng remembered at this moment.

"According to the current situation, there is no need." Xue Yue said lightly.

What Xueyue said was right, the proprietress and Yuan Feiwu hadn't said a few words, she was already crying and shouting to give Yuan Feiwu a discount, it is estimated that if Yuan Feiwu said a little more, even the store could give it to him.

Nangongfeng rolled his eyes, then these precautions made by Mr. Phil, or the strategy of shopping for vegetables, have some use, everyone is the same!


Thanks to Brainless Book Too Much and Brother Yi for their awesome rewards!

Thank you very much for the other big rewards, I will not nominate them one by one!

(End of this chapter)

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