Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 350 Magical Precautions

Chapter 350 Magical Precautions
"Let me give it to you cheaper, baby. You eat more, look at your skinny, [-]% off!"

Unknowingly, the proprietress even called the baby.

When Yuan Feiwu wasn't paying attention, the proprietress stuffed some chicken legs into Yuan Feiwu's bag. Yuan Feiwu couldn't stop her if she wanted to, and stood in front of the counter with a face full of tears and laughter, not knowing what to do.

Nangongfeng in the back was a little dumbfounded, Nima Yuan Feiwu already got [-]% off everything, and his all kinds of winks were only [-]% off!If there is no comparison, there will be no harm, so what was his performance just now, it was an insult!
"You're welcome, [-]% off is too cheap, boss."

"[-]% off, just [-]% off, baby?"

"You really don't need to be polite. How can you make a profit even if you are so cheap in a small-profit business?"

"Oh, you are so caring. If I can have such a caring little padded jacket as my daughter, I would like to live a few years less!"

"Sorry, I'm a boy..."

"Baby, [-]% off, you don't want me to stop charging you!"

In the end, Yuan Feiwu couldn't help it, the proprietress was about to cry, so she had to pay the [-]% discount, and then brought back the bag with a few more chicken legs for no reason.

"As expected, you should go." Xue Yue looked at Nangong Feng.

"Xinfeier will live forever!" Nangong Feng looked at Xueyue.

The two had to worship Mr. Phil, who looked a bit like a collector of women's clothing!It's so predictable!
It's not that Yuan Feiwu can't save money if he can't get on, but Yuan Feiwu has a soft heart and it's impossible for the other party to make a big discount!Judging from the final results, Yuan Feiwu's [-]% discount is still not as strong as Nangongfeng's [-]% discount... Everything is in Phil's judgment!

In order to save an extra discount, Mr. Phil has already figured out such a small detail, how could he not worship!
"It's a little bit of savings. We really don't have a lot of funds, and it's only from Feiwu's library subsidy!"

Nangong Feng, a child who ran away from home, of course has no source of income, has been eating and using Yuan Feiwu's food, and feels a little pimple in his heart.Nangongfeng and Phil are on the united front this time.

The three moved to other shops, Nangongfeng and Xueyue fell behind Yuan Feiwu, and quietly took out the note.This time they will not treat this note casually, they read it very carefully, and Nangongfeng felt that it was too reasonable while sending out various exclamations.Due to the habit she developed since she was a child, Xue Yue couldn't show her emotions and emotions, and after watching it with a cold face, she felt all emotions in her heart.

Next, Xueyue and Nangongfeng insisted on doing the shopping according to the precautions. Yuan Feiwu was stopped every time for no reason, and he was either not allowed to go to the counter, or not only asked to go to the counter.Female bosses below middle age are paid by Nangongfeng, the younger the age, the bigger the discount; for middle-aged and above, it is time to go to Yuan Feiwu again. At that age group, Nangongfeng is no longer used to it, so use Yuan Feiwu to get a [-]% off and [-]% off is better than nothing.

Inevitably, you will still encounter a more difficult opponent - the male boss.

Matters needing attention, or strategy is more appropriate to describe that note.It says above, when encountering a male boss, the first choice is to prepare a set of women's clothing...

Well, Xue Yue didn't need Nangong Feng to say anything, she had already skipped decisively.

The second choice is that all male bosses must use the method of teamwork.Of course, it wasn't because Yuan Feiwu didn't have enough lethality, but because his lethality was too powerful, which easily caused a lot of trouble.Girls' low initiative is easy to deal with, but boys are different.

Nangongfeng deeply agrees with this. He doesn't know how many times he saw male classmates confessing his love to Yuan Feiwu when he was working in the library, and then he was kicked away by Ophelia one by one.If it wasn't for Ophelia's action, Nangongfeng is sure that they will persevere and continue to entangle Yuan Feiwu. This has already triggered their forbidden love beyond gender. They have already made a lot of mental construction and are extremely firm. Without Ophelia With monsters like this that threaten their lives, it's nothing to refuse!

I didn't expect that the seasoning seller was a young male boss, but under poverty, you have to face any difficulties you encounter!

From the moment Yuan Feiwu was picking things up in the store, Xueyue and Nangongfeng followed very resolutely, firmly blocking the male boss's sight and preventing him from looking at Yuan Feiwu, so as to avoid annoying entanglements in advance.

When it was time to pay the bill, Yuan Feiwu was stopped by Xueyue again, and only asked Nangongfeng to pay.

"Boss, let's make it cheaper. You see we buy so much, how about a [-]% discount?"

The profit of sauces is too low, Nangongfeng will not be so ruthless in killing them all, it is almost [-]% off.

This also reveals Nangongfeng's ingenuity and agility. After knowing the general direction of the strategy, he knows how to adapt to the situation.

"Impossible, brother." The male boss smiled and refused without hesitation.

He has never given a [-]% discount in his life!Not to mention [-]% off, not even [-]% off!
"I don't think this should be a problem!" Nangongfeng sighed, everything is as stated in the precautions, we still have to use weapons of mass destruction!

If possible, Nangongfeng didn't want to use the weapon of mass destruction first, you forced me...

"Fei Wu, come here, the boss said that there is something wrong with the account of these seasonings!" Nangong Feng turned around and waved.

Only then did Xueyue step aside and let Yuan Feiwu go.


The young boss looked in the direction of Nangongfeng waving, and was first attracted by a head of black hair.Then looking down, the crystal clear skin and exquisitely carved facial features were like a gigantic city-rushing cart, which hit him hard in the heart. Not to mention the city gate, the TM steel gate would be crushed by that force. Bumped away!
"Boss, is there any question?" Yuan Feiwu walked to the counter and asked in doubt.

"No, no, no... no problem, no problem at all. Excuse me..."

"If there is no problem, just collect the money. The money is on your table." Nangong Fengqian had already prepared it a long time ago, and he quickly stuffed it into the counter without changing the money.

"Okay, no problem..." The young boss thought that Nangong Feng was very pleasing to the eye just now, but now he is very annoying. He is arguing there at this time, so he quickly collected the money so that he would not interrupt him again, and turned his head to look Xiang Yuan Feiwu, "Excuse me, is your name..."

"Let's go, Feiwu."

Still unable to get the young boss to ask a question, an arm swung out from Yuan Feiwu's shoulder, hooked him into his arms, pulled him and walked out of the shop, while Nangongfeng had already opened the way ahead with his things.

I'll go, who the hell dares to touch this beauty...

The young boss was just about to slap the table and get up, but he saw Xueyue staring at him with a sideways face, full of warning.The layer of snow mist on Xue Yue's face had been removed a long time ago, revealing handsome and cold facial features, not angry but majestic.

The young boss sat down slowly again.

That gaze was frighteningly cold.That person is also frighteningly cold!
Chu Xia, Nan Xi, and Wei Da happened to be wandering in the market when they bumped into a tall figure coming out of the shop, which startled them.

Senior Nangongfeng?
They immediately recognized that handsome face, and were about to call Nan Gongfeng, when suddenly two people appeared behind him.

A cold handsome guy hugged Yuan Feiwu with a silly smile on his face, and Yuan Feiwu, who was slightly shorter, carried many things like a small bird, so cute that they had blood all over their faces!

Three handsome guys with different styles are pressing the road together. This picture is too TM lethal for them!

(End of this chapter)

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