Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 351 Magical Precautions

Chapter 351 Magical Precautions
"Hey, aren't you the elementary school girls who abducted Yuan Feiwu?" Nangong Feng was blocked by Chu Xia and others, and upon closer inspection, he felt familiar.

Chu Xia's skin is relatively thin, and her little face turns red when she hears it.What is kidnapping!Although I really wanted to abduct him, no... even if I abducted him, it was Nunora who abducted me back!Don't knock them down with one shot!
Or Vader was more cheeky, with a small body, he said confidently: "Isn't this taken back by you!"

Not to mention the thin-skinned early summer, Nanxi almost knelt down!
Don't speak your mind!Please explain it well!What you say will only deepen the misunderstanding and confirm the trumped-up charges!
"All right, all right, I don't have time now, let's talk after leaving here." Nangong Feng finished speaking quickly, and left first.

There are important notes in the precautions, and you must leave immediately after shopping with "weapons of mass destruction".

The reason was not explained, but both Nangongfeng and Xueyue roughly guessed that it must be carried out resolutely.

"Run? Run!"

Seeing Nangongfeng and the others speeding up suddenly, the three of Nanxi also ran away for no reason. After running several turns in a row, the cruel man signaled everyone to stop.Then I realized that I was still hugging Yuan Feiwu, and silently let go of my hand, the movement was so natural that I couldn't believe it.

"What are you running for?" Vader took a few breaths, and suddenly saw that they had big bags and small bags in their hands, and they just ran out of the shop again, "Isn't it stealing?"

"Do you think we look like thieves?" Nangong Feng almost fell down when he heard this answer, thinking that this elementary school girl is too funny, "Look, we brought out such a cute mascot, and others have taken a fancy to it. What if you run fast and get snatched away?"

"That's the treasure of our Landis School of Magic, how can it be taken away!" Vader said angrily.

Chu Xiahan, does this mean that you treat Senior Fei Wu as something?Has his right to self-determination been ignored?

"Seniors, are you going out to buy vegetables?" Wei Da was easy to be fooled, but Nan Xi was the calmer one, and of course it was impossible to listen to Nan Gong Feng's nonsense.

As she spoke, she looked at the cold handsome guy next to him. He was wearing a school uniform that looked like another school, and he was obviously not from Landis School of Magic, but he seemed to have a good relationship with Feiwu senior Nangong Feng, very curious.

"Yes." Yuan Feiwu was quiet for a long time, and then responded with a smile.

"Ah, is Senior Fei Wu going to cook!?" Even Chu Xia was not calm anymore.

"Yes, a friend came over to have dinner together." Yuan Feiwu replied.

Xue Yue couldn't help but cast a glance at him, did she cook it because of herself?Not at all.

"Ahhh, I really want to eat it too!" Vader said hastily.

Well done!

Only at this time, Nan Xi and Chu Xia felt that Wei Da's thick-skinned and honesty were very valuable, and helped them say what they dared not say from the bottom of their hearts!
They are ashamed to say such words!

"Then let's go together, the hot pot is lively when there are many people. Xueyue, don't you mind?" Yuan Feiwu said, and turned to ask Xueyue.

"It doesn't matter."

"Then I need to buy a bigger pot." Yuan Feiwu thought for a while before saying, "You go to No. 32 Senior Dormitory and wait for us first. Do you recognize Senior Ophelia, they are already there."

"It's an 'inhuman house'." Nangongfeng corrected again.

"Many people have rumored that the dormitory of senior Feiwu and senior Nangongfeng is called Inhuman House, so it is true? The name is so strange and mysterious!" Vader exclaimed.

Yuan Feiwu smiled wryly, why did this inexplicable name spread?

But forget it, it's just a name.

"Can we call Nunolai and Alma? If they know that we went to Yuan Feiwu's dormitory without telling them, a murder may happen..." Nanxi added after careful consideration.

"Hey, breaking into Senior Fei Wu's boudoir at night, I'm a little excited just thinking about it!" Wei Da suddenly laughed extremely obscenely when Nan Xi's words touched some switch.

"Call them, thank you." Yuan Feiwu replied firmly.

In his impression, it seemed that Nunora could control Vader's behavior a little bit, and Nuno must definitely be called.

"Thank you, Senior Fei Wu!!" Nan Xi was moved, and was about to leave, but seeing the three of them still standing there, she could only ask, "Aren't you going back?"

"There are a few more of you, I want to add something. We will be back soon."


Seeing the three girls bouncing and running away, Nangongfeng pushed Xueyue: "What, aren't the girls in our academy much cuter than those in Xuefeng Academy?"

"..." Xueyue only gave Nangongfeng a disdainful look as an answer.

Nangongfeng grinned, although Xueyue looked cold on the outside, but she got along with her for a few hours, and found that Xueyue was actually quite warm inside, just look at the way he just ran away with his arms around to protect Yuan Feiwu from being harassed. Know.This kind of human source Feiwu has taught a word to describe it, it is called Mensao.

"The number of people has almost doubled, and the pot at home may not be big enough. Let's buy another pot, and we need to speed up, otherwise they don't know if they can finish dinner before the door is closed."

Yuan Feiwu spoke again, Nangongfeng and Xueyue had no objections, and the three set off again to complete the last part of their trip to the market.

There is only one pot seller in the market, which has all the kitchen utensils.

After the three quickly entered, Yuan Feiwu began to look for the pot he wanted, but both Xueyue and Nangongfeng felt a little bit in their hearts: the boss sitting at the counter was male and middle-aged.

The boss of a middle-aged man is the top priority in the precautions.First of all, this kind of people still maintain the aggressiveness that men should have, but they are different from the youthful blood, they are more wise and calm.

This kind of opponent is something Nangong Feng and Xue Yue do not want to encounter.

When they were stunned for a moment, the boss in front of the counter had already seen Yuan Feiwu, he stood up after a moment of stupefaction, and planned to come over to treat him in person.

After regaining their senses, Nangongfeng and Xueyue looked at each other silently, and saw the planned decision in each other's eyes.

Anyway, when encountering this kind of opponent, the way of fighting is to let the opponent discover the existence of Yuan Feiwu.

But absolutely not let him take a step closer to Yuan Feiwu!
Xueyue and Nangongfeng played a tacit understanding that they had never thought of. Xueyue slid up to Yuan Feiwu's side like a bodyguard, while Nangongfeng moved cleverly and accurately intercepted the boss's direction.

"Boss, I have a few questions I want to ask you." Nangong Feng smiled brightly, but his heart was always smirking.

"Uh, huh? I'm a little busy, can I talk about it later?" The boss was a little anxious, but he kept his demeanor on the surface.

This is where middle-aged men are difficult to deal with!Don't be impulsive, have brains!
"It's very urgent. My companion and I want to know the heat resistance of the pot. Let's come here and talk in detail!"

Nangong Feng pointed to Yuan Feiwu who was concentrating on picking pots, and then walked straight to the counter.

He is not afraid of the boss not following him at all!

Calm, so sane!It is not only the advantage of this type of opponent, but also their disadvantage!

The boss took a few more glances at Yuan Feiwu's beautiful profile, and then reluctantly went back to the counter.

demeanor!The boss kept warning himself that he must not be rude in front of the beauty's companions!
(End of this chapter)

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