Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 352 Returning Triumphantly from the Market!

Chapter 352 Returning Triumphantly from the Market!
Nangongfeng's position is also particular, it gets stuck in the way the boss wants to get out of the counter, but doesn't block the line of sight that can be seen in the direction of Yuan Feiwu.

Yuan Feiwu's delicate nose and small mouth, embellished with a few black hairs brushing sideways, attract people to commit crimes.But under such a beautiful picture, the young man next to him asked a lot of disappointing questions in a long-winded manner, causing the boss to watch quietly even if he wanted to, and he was so depressed.

The boss behind the counter suppressed his desire to choke this guy who didn't know how to stop, but at the same time patiently explained to him what kinds of materials their pots are made of, which ones are heat-resistant, which ones are durable, and which ones are fast. Hot and convenient cooking.

The other source, Feiwu, was also in a hurry as he said, so he quickly picked up a wide-mouthed pot and walked towards the counter very satisfied.

At this time, Nangongfeng also shut up wisely, the boss can concentrate on preparing to talk to the beauty.

But this was just the boss's good imagination. When the boss saw Yuan Feiwu approaching the counter, he opened his mouth slightly to say hello to show his image as a gentleman. Nangongfeng suddenly turned around and took Yuan Feiwu's pot.

"You go over there for a meeting, and leave it to me here, soon."

Nangongfeng waved his hand and sent Yuan Feiwu away. Yuan Feiwu didn't know what Nangongfeng was up to, but tonight's grocery shopping was basically in such a nervous rhythm, so he didn't say much, and left with a smile, and Xueyue stood aside.

Oh, it's so rare to have a chance to speak, why did it just slip away for nothing!

No matter how patient the boss was, there was an unknown anger in his heart, knowing that the bastard in front of him did it on purpose, so he didn't give Nangongfeng any good looks.

Nangongfeng didn't care, anyway, he followed the precautions verbatim.

The boss has been able to see it from a distance, but he can't touch it until he loses his composure...

The strategic purpose is to be able to see but not to touch, if I can describe it in one word, then it would be - flirt!However, this strategy requires a lot of partners, without Nangongfeng or Xueyue, there may be problems.

This is the nirvana for dealing with middle-aged male bosses!

Sorry, we were the ones who used the WMD first...

Nangongfeng silently apologized in his heart before opening his mouth and said, "Boss, how about a discount?"

"Sorry, young man, we generally don't offer discounts here." The boss gritted his teeth.

Been messing around and want a discount?I still want to break your bones!Even if this pot is a particularly expensive one, don’t discount it to see if you can still enjoy it!
Of course Nangongfeng could understand the words hidden in the boss's words, "Generally" there is no discount!
"It's quite expensive, this pot, you see my partner likes this pot very much, can't you give me a discount?"

Nangongfeng nodded towards Yuan Feiwu again, the boss followed his gaze and almost wanted to nod along.

"No. But why your partner likes this pot, I really want to know." The boss took the matter to his own purpose as if nothing had happened.

"I don't have time to go into details. We're in a hurry. Let's just pay the bill. How much is it?" Nangong asked immediately.

"Wait, wait, let me think about it!" Why didn't this guy play his cards according to the routine? Didn't he understand that there is still a possibility of a discount if his companion comes over to talk about it!The boss panicked all of a sudden.

He didn't say his name when he was asked, and he didn't even say a word, how could he just leave like this!
The boss thought carefully about how to talk to Yuan Feiwu, not far away from Yuan Feiwu, although he was only a short distance away, it seemed that there was a natural barrier and he couldn't touch it!At this moment, he hated the counter stuck to him, and this annoying bastard in front of him!
"Your hair is a little messy."

Xueyue, who had been silent all this time, spoke suddenly.

"I'll help you tie it up again."

"Okay." Yuan Feiwu nodded obediently.

Xueyue stretched out her hand to caress, and her black hair flew down like a flood from a dam, watching the boss's mouth grow unconsciously.That beautiful hair seemed to be dancing in Xueyue's hands, after a few swirls, it slowly turned back into a neat ponytail.

It's so beautiful... The boss looked intoxicated.

Originally, at this point, the note said to untie the first button of Yuan Feiwu's collar, but today Yuan Feiwu changed into casual clothes without buttons, Xue Yue is also a smart person, so she immediately draws inferences about other cases from one instance.

"Boss, take the money!"

Nangongfeng knocked on the table very ignorant of current affairs.

your sister!

Big brother, I'm calling you big brother, please don't talk at a time like this, okay!

The boss's heart is broken.

Just about to turn around to deal with Nangong Feng, that Touyuan Feiwu spoke again: "Xue Yue, you seem to be stuck crooked?"

"Oh? Well, I'll start over."

ah!Come again!Great, let’s do it again, this time we must appreciate it carefully!

The boss ignored Nangongfeng's words, and looked there intently, waiting for Xueyue to make a move.

"Xueyue don't tie it up now, the boss is not selling pots anymore, let's go! We are in a hurry!" Nangong Fengyin smiled and said towards the other side.

The fish has been hooked... no, the fish has been hooked.

"Ah?! Sell! Of course sell! Let's tie it up first, it's not too late! It must be uncomfortable if the hair is not tied up, right? Or you can let it go first!" The boss panicked when he heard that Nangongfeng was about to take people away. .

"Collect the money quickly, or we'll leave if you don't."

"Accept! I'll give you a discount! I need to spend some time to calculate the money!" It's not easy for the boss. After much deliberation, there are only so many excuses that can stabilize the other party.

"It's [-]% off, it's easy to calculate."

"Ah! [-]% off?"

The boss still has a sliver of reason, much more rational and calm than the young boss, so it is said that the middle-aged male boss is the most difficult to deal with.

Following the boss's exclamation, Xue Yue stopped her hand and looked at the boss.

Obviously, he almost let his hair down again!
"Good! [-]% off!"

"Fresh! Keep the money!" Nangongfeng smiled triumphantly, and slapped the money in front of the boss.

Seeing that Xueyue didn't move at the other end, the boss didn't care about it, and collected the money without counting, for fear that Xueyue would suddenly comb her hair unreasonably when counting the money.

Xueyue was still very kind on the other end, and helped Yuan Feiwu comb her hair again, but this time the ponytail was fast and precise, and it didn't even take two seconds.

"It's done, let's go."

Nangongfeng picked up the pot to open the way, Xueyue pushed Yuanfei who was confused, and the three quickly evacuated.He walked so crisply that the boss was stunned.

When the boss reacted and rushed out of the shop, the three of them couldn't even see their shadows, and then only the boss' empty sigh echoed in the shop.

The three hurried back to the inhuman house, the third floor was already very lively.

There were faint lights on the first and second floors, but neither Yuan Feiwu nor Nangong Feng planned to ask the two of them to have dinner together. Xue Yue was a little puzzled, but she didn't intend to meddle in this nosy matter.

"Why did you buy another pot!" Ophelia said in surprise when she saw Nangong Feng walking in with a big pot.

In fact, she felt sorry for Yuan Feiwu and spent a lot of money. This pot was expensive, and she knew the source of Yuan Feiwu's income.

If I had known that even if Yuan Feiwu disagreed, I would have followed, at least I would have found a chance to pay some money.

"Shabu-shabu, this one is big enough." Yuan Feiwu sneaked in from behind him, and put a lot of ingredients into the kitchen, "Just put the pot outside."

"Okay!" Nangong Feng said briskly.

"Senior Flying Dance! Senior Nangong Feng"

When the school girls saw Yuan Feiwu coming back, they greeted Yuan Feiwu as soon as possible. They didn't need others to talk nonsense, and went directly to the kitchen to help clean the ingredients automatically.

Yuan Feiwu lived alone in the non-human house, so many people came in, both the living room and the kitchen seemed a bit crowded.

But Yuan Feiwu's smile became more and more real.

(End of this chapter)

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