Chapter 353
As typical Athena, Ophelia, Tarena, Xueyue, and Nangongfeng who only have strength but no cooking skills, they are very obedient and obedient at this time.

Tarena came to Yuan Feiwu's dormitory for the first time, she was shy sitting on the sofa and not daring to run around, and from time to time secretly looked at which closed door was Yuan Feiwu's room.The other few people had a tacit understanding, like four guards standing in two rows outside the kitchen.

"The fungus is ready, help take it out!" Alma or Nunora shouted in the kitchen.

"Okay!" Nangong Feng took the lead to answer, and immediately went in and took out a basket of mushrooms, which was placed on the big dinner table that had already been set.

"The soup is ready, take it out and continue cooking, you can eat it later." Yuan Feiwu shouted.

This time it was Ophelia and Athena Pidianpidian's turn to run in, but they were both declined by Nanxi, and Xueyue came in instead to carry away the giant pot they bought just now.It contains boiling hot water, which is indeed more suitable for a man to serve.

If it were someone else, they might have reminded them to be careful of scalding, but Yuan Feiwu reminded Xueyue when she saw Xueyue carrying them away: "Don't freeze the soup."

Xueyue was stunned for a while, and had no choice but to disperse the snow mist that was diffused around her.

Yuan Feiwu and five elementary school girls crowded around in the kitchen to sort out the hot pot ingredients, almost bumping into each other when they turned around.Yuan Feiwu gave up two of them, but the school girls were unwilling to be lazy people, and they were extremely determined to help, so Yuan Feiwu let them go.

As for whether there was any intention of eating someone's tofu, judging from the way they all flushed with excitement, it was really hard to say.

But until all the ingredients were sorted out, no one had bumped into Yuan Feiwu, and they often bumped into each other.They only discovered this phenomenon afterward, and they all felt that this senior might have belonged to a cat in his previous life, and his body could stretch and shrink!

The ingredients are all placed on the table, and they are beautifully arranged. Although they are still raw, they look appetizing.This is the difference between those who have cooking skills and those who don't. If Nangong Feng or Ophelia cooks, it must be a pile of random washing.

Athena might come up with some strange things unexpectedly. At this time, I would rather she just piled up a pile.

"How do you eat these things?" Ophelia asked first.

"Let me consider."

Eleven people sat in a group, which was indeed a bit crowded, but fortunately, the table was barely big enough.The grunting pot was in the middle of the stage, Nangong Fengjian Yuan Feiwu struggled to stand up and lift the pot lid, and thoughtfully reached out to take the pot cover away first, the pot was too far away to avoid exposing Yuan Feiwu's short hand...

When the lid was lifted, a faint fragrance wafted out.These scents are not strong, just so faintly drilled into everyone's noses, and after a while they all felt a sweet taste in their throats, and their saliva continued to secrete.

"What a sweet scent! Senior Fei Wu, what kind of water did you get, why does it feel sweet just by smelling it?" Nuo La sighed.

Others were rare and strange, but Ophelia, Athena and Nangongfeng were much calmer.The things Yuan Feiwu makes often come out with liquids that they have never heard of in other worlds, which he said is called "soup".The soup that appeared this time is obviously relatively unremarkable. Any soup that Yuan Feiwu made in the past is a hundred times more fragrant than this one.

"I don't know everyone's taste, so the soup base is simply made with shrimp heads and chicken bones, which is lighter. If you want to eat, just throw in the ingredients, and take them out as soon as they are cooked. It also has the freshness and sweetness of the soup. Then dip some of the sauce in front of you according to your favorite taste, the same, sweet, sour, bitter, spicy and salty." After Yuan Feiwu briefly introduced, he sprinkled a handful of mushrooms into it.

Mushrooms don't ripen so quickly, so put them in ahead of time and boil them hot, and the slight mushroom fragrance will remain in the soup base, making the soup base more fresh and sweet.

The others followed suit, throwing everything they wanted into the pot one after another, and then staring at the cauldron motionlessly, feeling fresh in their hearts.

"Can't I drink that soup?" Nanxi felt that he was more interested in soups that he had never heard or seen before.

"It's ok, but with so many things in it now, the smell may be a bit mixed, and it's not hygienic if the things are not cooked..."

Before Yuan Feiwu finished speaking, Wei Da on the side had already started to fill a small half bowl of soup with the spoon in front of everyone, so Yuan Feiwu simply stopped talking.

health?Are you talking about hygiene for food?This is exactly the OS in Vader's mind.

This time, there is no need for Yuan Feiwu to remind Vader that the soup is very hot.Before Xiaowanzi got her mouth scalded, it was because she couldn't tell from the outside that Xiaowanzi was very hot.But this time the soup is smoking, she is not an idiot, of course she knows it is very hot!
At this time, Vader replaced the cauldron and became the new focus on the dinner table. Everyone watched her blow on the soup for a while, took a sip slowly, and let out a satisfied "Ah..." exclamation.


He didn't drink much from the bowl, so Vinda started to fill it up again, filling the bowl until it was almost overflowing before stopping, fearing that he would suffer a disadvantage if he didn't fill up too much.

At this time, other people were influenced by her, and they all started pretending, as if they were about to be robbed if they were too slow, they didn't take Yuan Feiwu's words seriously.

Except for Xueyue and Tarena, who were more gentle and casual, everyone filled a big bowl to taste it slowly, and the huge pot immediately bottomed out.

I haven't eaten anything in the hot pot yet, what's the situation when the soup base is gone first?
Yuan Feiwu smiled wryly and shook his head, then went back to the kitchen to bring out all the remaining soup to make up for it, and went back to the kitchen to make a new pot.According to their way of eating, it is estimated that two more pots will not be enough.

A hot pot feast began with the serious emergency of the soup base and kicked off the curtain.Afterwards, everyone found that the cooked ingredients like this were very delicious with some seasonings, so they spared a little bit of the remaining soup base.

The way of eating shabu-shabu, which is mainly soup and supplemented by ingredients, is destined to make Yuan Feiwu extremely busy, going back and forth between the kitchens.

But that guy came and went quietly, and everyone realized when he was filling the big pot with soup, oh...he drank another pot?

Ophelia began to think of this while eating, and felt sorry for Yuan Feiwu.He was so busy, he basically didn't eat anything.

But she wanted to help, but she didn't know much about cooking; she wanted to help Yuan Feiwu cook some food, but she was too far away from him!
She was the first to finish her work and was the first to go to the dinner table. As a result, after everyone sat down one by one, Yuan Feiwu was the last to arrive, so Yuan Feiwu must be sitting at the closest distance to the kitchen, which is the furthest distance from Ophelia!

So far away, there is no way to take care of that guy a little bit!

At this time, when Ophelia was distressed, she filled a spoon with a lot of food and put it in Yuan Feiwu's bowl, and then put it back in front of her as if nothing had happened.

Ophelia was taken aback, but she turned out to be Tarena.

She was also late at the dinner table, and finally sat beside Yuan Feiwu.

Although she didn't like her very much, this time she did a good thing.

While thinking, Ophelia continued to eat her own food, and silently decided that she must not be so active at the dinner table in the future.Even if you hear Yuan Feiwu cooking, you can't be so positive!

(End of this chapter)

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