Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 354 Demon Lord Ranked 3rd

Chapter 354

After eating for nearly an hour, everyone had almost eaten, and the consumption of ingredients dropped significantly.

And Yuan Feiwu finally heaved a sigh of relief. The development of hot pot this time is seriously different from his expectations. How can a hot pot person consume less ingredients than the soup base?And it is several times the consumption to calculate.

"Thank you, Tarena."

Yuan Feiwu basically never cooked what he wanted to eat, but when something popped out of the bowl, he would always eat it quietly.As for who released it, he would not be ignorant, and thanked Tarena with a smile.

"You're welcome." Tarena held her own soup without looking sideways, and drank it slowly.

Although she is calm on the surface, she has started to be Spartan in her heart.

She didn't dare to turn her head to look at him... because he was too close!When she turned her head and met her upper eyes, she was afraid that she would blush!After figuring out her own thoughts, Tarena had the urge to run away!
"That's good. From now on, this way of eating will be held once a week as a routine activity of our student union!" Athena put down the bowl and suddenly announced loudly.

"No." "No." "No." "No."

Athena did not expect that Nangongfeng, Ta Lena and Yuan Feiwu voted against it together, and even Ophelia, who had always been on her side, objected.

"There are 30 to [-] students in the student union. Senior Feiwu is too tired to do this." Nunora expressed her opinion in a low voice. Although she wanted to, Yuan Feiwu kept going back and forth between the kitchen and the dining table. Later also found out.If he had to take care of dozens of people, wouldn't Yuan Feiwu be exhausted?

"That's right, let's change it to once a month! And it's only limited to the top of the student union. Everyone should work together and not be lazy, including me. I have to work. Is this okay?" Athena still understood the truth, and quickly Resubmit the proposal with slight modifications.

She can also see Yuan Feiwu's hard work, and of course it is impossible to make him tired like this when we have a dinner together next time.

"This can be!" Ophelia was the first to vote in favor.

Before anyone else could speak, Nunora said in a low voice, "Only high-level people? I, I want to participate too..."

"And us!"

Wei Da's interjection once again won the applause of Nanxi and the others. At this time, such a shameless person is needed to speak out on behalf of everyone!

"Ah, if you are willing to help Yuan Feiwu share a lot of work, that's not impossible!" Athena waved her hand, her face full of enthusiasm.

"Of course!" Several elementary school girls said in unison.

"Hey, it seems that this matter hasn't passed the proposal yet?" Yuan Feiwu finally couldn't help but talk.

It seems that he is the one who makes the final decision on this kind of thing, right?
"Oh, it has now risen to a proposal that is out of the scope of the student union, and you have no voting rights."

"Why don't I have the right to vote?" Yuan Feiwu couldn't figure it out.

"Because you are the mascot of the student union! You have the right to two votes in the student union, so if you leave the student union, you will only be my personal pet, with no half of the vote!" Athena said nonsense seriously.

Yuan Feiwu didn't bother to pay attention to her, and simply went back to the kitchen to pack things.

"Don't be angry, I'm just joking..." Athena cried from behind.

The moment Yuan Feiwu walked into the kitchen, Athena regained her elegant and majestic expression, which shocked others by her amazing acting skills.

"Let's talk about serious business. I think our new leaderboard is about to be put on the production schedule."

Athena crossed her fingers, leaned her elbows on the dining table, and pressed her hands to her nose, as if she was going to do something important.

"What leaderboard?" Ophelia asked.

"Landis Magic Academy's strength ranking list. After the exchange match, many people's strengths have been shown. I think this list can be done."

Athena said, stretched out her hand, and a piece of paper appeared in her hand from the storage space.

Let everyone circulate it.

There are many stick figures drawn on the paper, and a small circle with a few lines is considered a person, with a name on it.In the huge space in the middle, there is a portrait of a character with a fluffy cat ear hat on his head. Although the artistry is average, his face is still delicate and cute. words.

Everyone who saw it for the first time felt deeply malicious...

"Why is there me up there?"

Xueyue, who hadn't spoken all night, spoke at this time.

Without complaining, without being unable to look directly, Xueyue just put forward her opinions in such a light and serious manner.

It seems that some people still take it seriously!Several elementary school girls complained in their hearts.

It was Xueyue who was ranked first by Athena on the white paper.

"You defeated Nangong Feng." Athena said confidently.

"You have good strength." Nangong Feng was very angry.

"The second is Nangongfeng, the third is Tarena, and the fourth is..." Athena continued to explain her ranking.

Leicester and Seles barely made it to the list, ranking eighth or ninth respectively.Yuan Feiwu finished seventh because he defeated Leicester.

Nangongfeng once defeated the few people that Tarena brought to kick the gym with his own power, ranking in front of Tarena.Tarena has never fought against anyone else, but her strength is obvious to all. It is estimated that there is no other opponent in Landis Academy of Magic.

"Yuan Feiwu defeated me." Tarena said again suddenly.

"Yeah! I almost forgot, it was her, she made a move towards Yuan Feiwu, and almost turned Yuan Feiwu into meatloaf!" Ophelia yelled.

Not long after Tarena came back to Landis Magic Academy, her friendly attitude towards Yuan Feiwu several times made her really almost forget about it!Moreover, it was quite unreasonable for Tarena to do something to her teammates. Out of protection for his team and Tarena, Douglas asked them not to spread the matter.Even if Northway's audience must have seen it that day, sooner or later it will spread throughout the Landis School of Magic, but if you can try to keep this matter low-key, then do it low-key.

So this matter is not known much in the academy, and some rumors have come out, but none of the parties have confirmed it.

"Wow, so Xiao Wu is going to climb up to No.3 in one go! Is there any special information?" Athena said happily.

Everyone had an illusion that it seemed that the higher the ranking of Yuan Feiwu in the list, the more happy she would be. It was not because of Yuan Feiwu's strength, but because it was purely interesting and mischievous...

"He beat me." Xue Yue said again.

"That doesn't count, you're almost half-life left." Nangongfeng objected.


Of course it counts.

Xueyue knew it well, and started to burn her life to prepare to fight Yuan Feiwu. At that time, he was definitely much stronger than when he was fighting Nangongfeng!But, just one move... I don't know if being poured into someone else's memory counts as a move, anyway, he was defeated.

Later, under the cover of Nangong Feng, no other information about Yuan Feiwu could be found, and Yuan Feiwu's ranking was thus determined.Everyone started discussing other people's rankings again, and this kind of topic can be extended to a lot of gossip. You talk to me, the atmosphere is harmonious and a bit serious, and it is fun.

Yuan Feiwu came back to the dinner table a long time ago, resting his chin quietly, watching them discuss.

until the gate time is reached.

"Ah, I'm leaving! I haven't even found a chance to sneak into Xiao Wu's (Senior Fei Wu's) boudoir and roll around!"

When Athena and Vader were dragged away by others, they left huge regrets.

"Sorry, I didn't have time to help clean up." Nunora kept apologizing to Yuan Feiwu, who was delivered to the door. After they chatted about the school's strength rankings, they lost track of time.

"It's okay, we'll clean up. Be careful on the road." Yuan Feiwu sent them off with a smile.

The breeze was cold at night, but none of the girls felt a little bit cold, and even warm.Maybe it comes from the hot pot, maybe it comes from that warm smile.

(End of this chapter)

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