Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 356 Xueyue's Choice

Chapter 356 Xueyue's Choice
"Pretend, pretend again!" Pullman's roar broke through the sky, almost deafening Douglas' ears, "Xueyue, don't you remember? Do you believe that I will blow your entire academy away even if I die?"

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a few days, why is my personality more irritable? I'm old, and I forget many things easily, you can always remember..." Douglas gave himself a light element magic The healing technique, no matter whether the ear is deaf or not, it must be hurt anyway.

"You hypocrite, you are a villain! When you scolded us for coming to poach people, you said how serious you are, and you don't bother to engage in such small tricks! As a result, the Nima people don't know when you tricked them!"

Back then, when he and Bo Lian came to seek Nangongfeng and were forced to poach Yuan Feiwu away, they were met by Douglas and scolded him.They can only accept this under the blunder.Now that the Nima people haven't dug it up, but their own talents have disappeared inexplicably. He found them immediately, which can be regarded as his sixth sense!
Seeing Douglas's sanctimonious appearance, he immediately knew he was in the right place!

Pullman was really angry. He was clearly a magician, but he kept slapping Douglas's desk with his palms, making the solid wooden table rumble.

"Oh, Xueyue, is that ice element elf envoy from Xuefeng College? I have a bad memory, but don't swear, I really haven't talked to him, he found it by himself." Douglas said confidently road.

This is the truth, he is not guilty at all.

"Do you remember now? Did you say you slipped the tongue, hand him over! What kind of nonsense did you find out? It wasn't your fault, what did he come here for no reason?"

"Look for someone! He came to play with two old friends, Yuan Feiwu and Nangong Feng. It has nothing to do with me, okay?"

Now that Douglas was talking, he finally couldn't help but make his smile more and more complacent.

Pullman wanted to poach his people, but he didn't get one, and Yuan Feiwu and Nangongfeng tricked their super baby over here. It's refreshing to think about it!Yuan Feiwu deserves to be Yuan Feiwu, there will be surprises in everything he does!
Let him be the team leader of the exchange match, you see, is it surprising that Livia broke through the great magister?It's not enough, even Xuefeng Academy's once-in-a-thousand-year genius has been tricked, how unexpected and unexpected!
"Playing? Playing so much that no one is there? Let me tell you, if you don't hand over Xueyue, I'll never end with you!" Pullman didn't like Douglas's words. Xueyue's practice is so focused that it's impossible to ask him to play. How could he take the initiative to come here to play with the person who defeated him before?It is possible to fight with them!
Pullman still slapped the table angrily, but it seemed that his right hand hurt, and this time he used his left hand.

"All right, all right, I'll ask Livia to call someone over, don't shoot, lest you have to waste magic power to heal your palm later." Douglas was annoyed.

He did what he said, and the sound transmission asked Livia to help bring people here.

Not long after, Livia called Xueyue who was reading silently in the library, but Yuan Feiwu and Nangongfeng failed to call.Xueyue was reading the book on the third floor, while Yuan Feiwu and Nangong Feng were busy putting the book back in place!There is another Xueyue haunting the library, and there seems to be more work in the library. Many school girls like this kind of indifferent and taciturn handsome guy!
"Why didn't you call your little junior brother back? Didn't you just ask you to call him and Nangong Feng too!"

Douglas was always complacent, until Livia only brought Xueyue into his office, and there was no one behind him. Then he became a little flustered. Although he couldn't see it on the surface, he just quietly transmitted voice to Livia.

"They said they didn't have time." Livia was annoyed.

If people say there is no time, then there is no time, so why should she personally beg Yuan Feiwu and them to come over?
"Alas..." Douglas could only sigh slightly, because the most solid support was gone, and his momentum was weakened by half.

"Xueyue! You must not be used to living here, I'm here to pick you up!" Pullman was relieved to see Xueyue appearing healthy and healthy in front of him.

Xueyue is a genius in practicing magic. On the one hand, Pullman has a heart for him. After Xuefeng Academy, such a person who is sure to shake the world will have an immeasurable improvement in the reputation of Xuefeng Academy.On the one hand, he wanted to accept him as his own disciple, but Xueyue didn't seem to have such plans for the time being, so he didn't say anything.So Pullman cares about Xueyue very much, and has mixed public and private interests.

"En." Xueyue said lightly.

"Huh? Student Xueyue, are you leaving now? Don't you want to play for two more days?" Douglas's attitude of a winner just now withered instantly.

Xueyue responded so readily that Douglas was surprised!

Didn't Yuan Feiwu persuade him to stay here?
Ever since the day when Xue Yue ran over to find Yuan Feiwu, Douglas already had this premonition!The advance knowledge of the desks and chairs, Keton's head teacher and others was of course Douglas's foresight!
But now it is clear that the script is not quite right!Didn't follow the normal plot of the story!
It was because he was afraid of such an accident that he ordered Livia to call Yuan Feiwu when he brought Xueyue over!That bastard must have a way to keep him!I didn't expect what I was worried about to come true!

"Haha, let's go, if you stay in this ghost place for a second longer, you will feel uncomfortable!"

Pullman was elated. Seeing the change in Douglas' face, he was even more happy. It seems that Xueyue did not fall under his control!

It seems that the prestige of Douglas the Great Magister of Light is still not enough. After all, the personality charm is definitely not as good as his own...

"Principal, is there a shortage of people in Xuefeng College's library?" Xueyue followed Pullman for a few steps and suddenly asked.

"No shortage, what's wrong?"

"Does anyone know how to make hamburgers and shabu-shabu?"

"What, I haven't heard of it..."

"When going to the market to buy vegetables, do you need to discuss tactics first?"

"What the hell? Do people have to discuss tactics when they go shopping for vegetables?!" Pullman had to be taken aback.

Moreover, Xueyue seemed to be different from before. It was impossible for the previous Xueyue to talk so much.No matter how Pullman communicates with him, there are only answers such as "um", "no" and "yes". .

Xueyue thought for a while, and it seemed that there were still many things she wanted to ask, many things that were common to think but were inconceivable in reality, but they were so trivial, so trivial that Xueyue didn't know how to say it.

He even felt a sense of presence, of being needed.Yuan Feiwu needs a stern face when he is entangled, and Nangong Feng needs a firm opinion when he is a little hesitant when buying vegetables.Without him, perhaps Yuan Feiwu still feels annoyed and soft-hearted about all kinds of entanglements. Nangongfeng has to deal with the boss and control the level of "weapons of mass destruction" while buying's too busy.

Conversely, when he was reading in the library, there was no handsome young man carrying a book basket and visiting the library as a vegetable market; when he was practicing, there was no big boy who was full of enthusiasm and rushed into his room in the middle of the night without clothes , Said some new moves and ideas to learn from... Without these, maybe I won't get used to it.

Obviously such a day has only been spent for a few days, but it is deeply burned in my heart.

He was about to leave, and he understood that this was the daily life he wanted...

"Principal, you go back first, I... want to stay here for a while."

Pullman had already stepped out of the principal's office with half a foot. Hearing Xueyue's words was like a thunderclap, he couldn't control his trembling, and quickly shrank back.

Looking back, Pullman really wanted to watch what Xueyue had to say, but the old man behind Xueyue who climbed up on the office desk and started to dance with his buttocks was too stealthy, he couldn't focus his eyes on Xueyue all of a sudden. On the face of the moon!
(End of this chapter)

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