Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 357 Caring and not caring

Chapter 357 Caring and not caring
"Principal Douglas, please respect yourself!" Before Pullman had time to do anything, Livia said coldly from the side.

"Ahem, I've been sitting at work for a long time just now, and I'm going to relieve my fatigue." Douglas was beaming just now, but after a while, he changed back to a serious expression and sat back in the office.

But the smug smile that couldn't be concealed made Pullman furious.

Why is this bastard so needy?
But now is not the time to compete with him, what is wrong with Xueyue is the first problem that Pullman has to deal with now.

"Student Xueyue, what is there for you to stay here? There is something here, can't Xuefeng Academy provide it for you?" Pullman persuaded himself to calm down.

"I can't provide it." Xue Yue didn't hesitate.

What the hell!With such a resolute and resolute way of answering, the old Xueyue is back again!But Nima seems to come back at the wrong time!If it was the Xueyue that Pullman was familiar with, he was so stubborn that people felt that there was no cure for it. Once he decided on something, the seven sword masters would not be able to turn back!

"For example?" Pullman asked, suddenly thinking whether he had said what he asked before, and immediately reacted, "In the future, we will buy vegetables in the canteen, and we will set off after resolutely discussing tactics! Do you want to attack with three arrows or sneak attack in a roundabout way?" It’s the final decision! I really don’t believe that Landis Magic Academy’s grocery shopping tactics are as rich as ours!”

"I'll go, do we have a strategy for buying vegetables in the canteen? Is it grabbing vegetables or buying vegetables?" Douglas looked at Livia in a daze.

Livia didn't understand what the hell the two great magisters were talking about. In order to retain a talent, they had to discuss tactics when buying vegetables in the canteen, which was sick.

"Friend." After Xue Yue blurted out this sentence, she was also taken aback.

Friend... so this is called friend, the word Yuan Feiwu talked about from the very beginning.How boring and distant this word is to Xueyue's ears, but now he understands it.

"A friend? I see. Well, then I'll go back first." Pullman sighed and said in relief.

The Xueyue he was familiar with had always been aloof, and she didn't like to communicate with anyone, let alone friends, she didn't even have anyone she could talk to.If he can get friends, that might be a good thing too.

Douglas was startled by Pullman's frankness, and he subconsciously threw a healing spell on Pullman's head. The white light flickered, as if he had installed a broken light bulb on his head, which was very funny.

"Principal Douglas of Landis Academy of Magic, let me solemnly inform you that Xueyue from our Xuefeng Academy is staying in your academy as an exchange student to study, do you hear me?" Pullman thought for a while, and finally explained this again In a word, with a solemn face, if it weren't for the flickering of his head, he would have a somewhat superior temperament.

Pullman's meaning is very clear. In this way, although Xueyue is temporarily staying at Landis Magic Academy, he is still Xuefeng Academy. He is just an exchange student staying at Landis Magic Academy!
What a fucking idea!I am indeed a genius!In terms of fame, Pullman is slightly inferior to Douglas, but when it comes to personality and smart mind, I'm afraid Douglas still can't match it!
Ah ha ha ha... your sister!

Douglas over there hummed perfunctorily, and when Pullman turned around again, Douglas was already distributing school uniforms to Xueyue!
That is to say, it is impossible for this old fox not to have Xueyue's idea!
Otherwise, how could even the school uniform be prepared?And one preparation is two sets!How could two sets of school uniforms suddenly appear without a stomach full of bad water!
One set for the samurai and one set for the mage!
"Student Xueyue, there are two sets of school uniforms here, one is a samurai outfit, and the other is a magic outfit. You are special, so if you like to go to class one of warriors, then go to class one of warriors; if you like to go to class one of magic, then go to class one You can go to the magic class."

Douglas speaks earnestly and earnestly. In fact, as long as he doesn't face a few old guys at his level, he usually looks like an outsider.

In addition, he practiced light element magic, and he didn't know if he was affected, but his whole person always exudes a soft feeling that makes people want to get close, and he looks extraordinarily radiant.That's why Douglas has always been particularly admired by people. It's because he is very charming, and part of the reason is the temperament obtained from the cultivation of light elements.

Pullman simply stopped talking to Douglas, anyway, watching for a long time would only make him feel angry, so he simply walked away.

"Xuefeng Academy always welcomes you back!"

Leaving only such a sentence, Pullman left a light green glowing tail in the sky, and left in the air.

"I'm leaving if there's nothing else." Xue Yue said calmly, but her eyes were looking out of the window.

"Well, let's go." Douglas said with a smile.

Xueyue didn't refuse the school uniform, although he didn't care, but always wearing the bright red Xuefeng school uniform in the black warrior class, it was too eye-catching.Although he has always ignored other people's sights and opinions, if he can, of course he can avoid it.

At this time, he looked at the samurai class school uniform that was the same as Yuan Feiwu and the others. It was pure black and had the logo of Landis School of Magic on the chest.And beside it, there is another pattern.

That is the logo of Xuefeng College.

It is no wonder that this great magister of light has an excellent reputation and popularity in the world, and it really makes sense.

Maybe Principal Pullman didn't say anything, but he planned to do the same - he was an exchange student from Xuefeng College.

Pullman also has a wonderful friend...

Thinking about it, Xue Yue, who had experienced such a farce, seemed to just go out for a casual walk and return to her place on the third floor of the library.A few seats next to it were empty, but farther away, it was almost full of girls.It seems that the grades are still relatively low, and the books on the third floor should not be suitable for them.

But Xueyue didn't care, the book on the table was closed, although Xueyue didn't do it, she seemed to know that there would be something, so she turned to the page with the label.The label was a small bamboo stick, which Nangongfeng took from the dining hall to pick his teeth from time to time, and he often had several in his pocket.

This feeling of sympathy... sometimes it feels amazing.

"Xueyue, are you back? Didn't Principal Douglas do anything weird to you?"

A black-haired figure passed by lightly, and the basket full of books looked heavy, but he had a relaxed smile on his face and floated this sentence.

"No, just take the school uniform."

"Nangongfeng said that he doesn't want to eat dinner tonight, can you two go shopping? I'll go to the student union office later..."


While Xueyue was talking, she had already started to turn her attention back to the book, quietly, extremely engrossed, and freehand.

That's all he cares about.

(End of this chapter)

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