Chapter 358 Ten Days
There are very few theoretical courses in the fifth grade, and most of them are practical training courses, for everyone to practice martial arts, or to exercise fighting spirit under the teacher's attention.

But the history class and etiquette class run through the entire Landis Academy of Magic for six years.

If the entire fifth graders were to make a ranking list, then Phil would definitely be the most lovable teacher and the most annoying teacher on the list.He takes classes as he pleases.

Of course, this freewheeling refers to himself.

And he is so domineering that basic students don't dare to be presumptuous in his class, even though he is just a history teacher who teaches theory classes, it is said that he can't fight qi or magic.

But if there is another list of teachers who want to listen to his class the most, then Phil will undoubtedly be at the top of the list.

For example, on this day, class one of the warriors was full of students before the bell rang, waiting for the bell to ring.Xueyue has been at Landis Academy of Magic for a few months. He always remembers the days when Phil is in class, but he never pays attention to what classes he has at other times. If Nangong Feng or Yuan Feiwu reminded him, he would not Know what and where to take in the next class.

Because Phil's class is really interesting.

"What do you want to hear today, Yuan Feiwu?" Phil walked into the classroom, bent over and nodded slightly in one direction.

This is the only treatment in the first class of warriors. It is said that when Phil was in other classes, the first part of his body that entered the classroom door was his chin!That look of arrogance, as if looking at people with their noses!

As for why the first class of samurai has this treatment, any fool can understand.

Someone asked "you" in the first half of the sentence, and only named one person in the second half! ?It's too perfunctory.

"Mr. Phil, you just finished talking about the part about the angel of law Uriel spending decades in ordering the heavens! Next, we should talk about the situation of the newly added force in the heavens, the Wingless God!"

A classmate who liked to listen to Phil's class raised his hand so much that he was about to cramp. Seeing that Phil didn't even look at him out of the corner of his eye, he simply stood up and grabbed the conversation.

"I'm asking classmate Yuan Feiwu, not you, classmate Beard." Phil looked over with an unfriendly expression, which made the classmate shudder.

"Teacher, my name is David..."

"Your name is not important, what matters is that you interrupted me while I was waiting for classmate Yuan Feiwu to reply, classmate Zild. Just stand and listen to this class." There was a sneer on the corner of Phil's mouth.

That's it, Phil's class is basically doing whatever he wants, with a cool and crazy tune.

"It's David..."

David can't laugh or cry, even if it's not important, please make the same name wrong!Calling wrong in a different way every time is hard to get used to!

"Mr. Phil, please continue with the lesson... Forget it, let's talk about the origin of the Wingless God."

Yuan Feiwu originally wanted to follow the courses in the history book, but not long after the semester started, Phil spent about four classes and basically finished the history of Xingluo Continent.Many of them felt that "what's the point of lowly human beings killing each other?" "It doesn't matter who is the king, anyway, there are three countries left in the end..." "I don't want to say words like 'grateful to the gods'!" The reason is that the class that was supposed to be said last semester was all deleted or trimmed by him.

The later courses turned into the history of various heavens and demons... Who is Phil? Soon after the formation of the heavens, he followed the archangel who appeared behind the king of gods. He has experienced all the history of the heavens, or directly Calling it "history" is not an exaggeration.He didn't participate in the history of the Demon Realm, but he has fought with each other for so many years anyway, and he knows many things.

Telling these stories opened everyone's eyes, as if they had opened up a new world, a mysterious area that had never been explored.

Everyone is quite repulsed by the stories of the devil world, so I don't know when it started, the theme has been set on the heaven world, and it hasn't deviated much.Now, after slowly talking about the seven archangels and the angels maintaining the order of the heavens, it is finally the turn of another new group in the heavens—the Wingless God!
This lesson is about this part, but Phil is obviously very tired of telling the stories of the heavens... or the people who tell the stories of the heavens. He would rather tell everyone the story of how delicious and rare Moon Dew is.

Everyone opposed Phil's opinion, and even the Lord Demon King tactfully expressed that he was not interested in Moon Dew, so Phil gave up.The other classes have listened to Moon Dew for two whole classes!

But since the Demon King is also quite curious about the Wingless God, let's introduce it reluctantly.

People in the mortal world know very little about the story of the Wingless God. They only know that they are only a part of people who have successfully cultivated to become Dharma Saints or Gods of War.

That is what everyone dreams of - becoming a god!
They may not be able to be angels with wings, but they can be gods too!The Wingless God is also a God!

"You all know that there are nine suns in heaven, right?"

Phil gently stroked the textbooks that were almost useless, and looked at the faces under the podium with yearning for the heavens, showing a subtle sneer.

"I know!" Davide was already standing for punishment anyway, and he was not afraid of being punished to stand again and said, "At the beginning, the God King discovered that there were ten suns in the mortal world, and the heat was so hot that the land was dry and cracked, and the rivers and lakes were all dry and waterless. Out of pity, I took nine of the suns back to the heavens..."

This time, Phil didn't blame David for rushing the words, and looked at David with special meaning. This kind of look made David feel overwhelmed, as if the other party was looking at a fool.

He has lost his name in Teacher Phil's mind, and now he has lost his IQ too?
"Did someone tell you that all ten suns look the same? Oh, no, they may look the same in your eyes. You should ask this, do you think all ten suns are extremely hot?"


Phil's words were not limited to Davide, and everyone in the class was slightly surprised.

"There are ten days in the sky, namely spring day, summer day, autumn day, winter day, fire day, water day, wind day, earth day, sun day, and cloudy day. Only the fire day always exudes fiery temperature, scorching Earth."

"Teacher, you mean..."

"That's right, what the God King left for the mortal world is the fire sun." Phil raised the corner of his mouth presumptuously, and he was always very happy to see those faces that were full of longing for the heaven collapsed, "The other nine The sun is not hot at all, and the light and energy it emits complement each other."

"I think you also know that the spiritual power in the mortal world is relatively lacking, while the spiritual power in the heavenly world is very rich. The reason is here, the energy of all things depends on the sun. The concentration of spiritual power in the heavenly world is nine times that of the mortal world."

Everyone's mouths opened wider and wider, and Phil laughed even happier, and continued: "There are nine suns in the heavens, which emit a warm light. Unfortunately, I think it's too much, and I have to wait until the sunset." Thousands of years. There is only one night in a thousand years, so you said that the Heavenly Realm Moon Dew wine that you have to wait until nightfall to make is extremely rare?"

Everyone rolled their eyes at the same time, I went, went around, and came back to Yuelujiu!We don't even want to know how difficult Moon Dew is to make!
(End of this chapter)

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