Chapter 359
"Moon dew wine is originally a thing in the mortal world. The ten suns set once every 5000 years. For most mortals, the dark night cannot be seen in their whole life. The most important material is fresh 'moon Dew can only be brewed, making moon dew wine even rarer. But since the guys who can brew moon dew wine went to the heaven with the king of gods, this craft has been lost in the mortal world. Even if it is not lost, there is only one sun It's impossible to make Moondew Wine with the low content of mortal spiritual power." Phil said slowly.

In the first half, Phil started talking about his moon dew again, and everyone complained, but after hearing the rest, many people finally grasped the point.

"That group of people" went to the heaven with the king of God! Who is "that guy"? !

And it was actually taken away by the God King himself!

Everyone looked at Phil with bright eyes. Under normal circumstances, Phil would start here to tell an unknown story about the heavens!Although these stories have not been verified, and there is no way to verify them, they are more like imaginary unofficial history or gossip, but this is the time when Phil is the most charming!
Saying it from his mouth always makes people unable to stop thinking about it, no matter how unbelievable the content is.

"Although the ten suns in the mortal world have no owners, they have served the people in the mortal world for many years. The god king wants to transfer them to the heaven, and he must always take into account the emotions of the people in the mortal world. Those 'guys' who are already super powerful are brought back to the heavens."

"So because of this, there is only one sun left in the mortal world?" Another student whispered.

No matter how you describe this matter, it feels like the god king is coveting the ten suns in the mortal world to steal the sun by means, and everyone can't accept it in their hearts.

But everyone has gradually gotten used to it. Most of the stories Mr. Phil told have changed people’s views on the God Realm. Anyway, just listen to it as a story, and it’s boring if it’s too true.

As for why it is consistent with many actual situations in the Mortal Realm, they subconsciously don't think about it.

"That's right. The god king and the seven archangels worked together to transfer the nine suns of the mortal world to the heaven. And those guys with extraordinary strength in the mortal world also went to the heaven, because the mortal world with only one sun is no longer It is suitable for them to continue their practice."

"Who are those 'guys'? Are they amazing?" someone couldn't help asking.

"There are a lot of people. Although the angels don't want to admit it, they are at least as strong as two-winged angels." Phil raised his head and looked into the distance, as if recalling distant things, "A few of them are not bad, even if If I do it, it will take some effort."

"Mr. Phil, have you replaced yourself as Lucifer again?"

This is already the norm, but there are always students who can't help complaining.I like to put myself into the myth, this kind of habit is no one.

"You, stand up and listen to the class." Phil glanced in that direction, and the student over there stood up spontaneously.

If you are disobedient and kicked out of the classroom, there is no way to listen anymore!Nima is hearing the most important place!

"There was no Lucifer at that time, it was Lucifer." Teacher Phil continued, "The God of Radiance, God of Fire, Goddess of Ice and Snow, God of Thunder, God of Beast, at least these five are as powerful as the big Archangel."

Everyone has heard of the God of Light, the God of Fire, and the Goddess of Ice and Snow. They are well-known among the Wingless Gods, and everyone in the world has heard of them.Thunder God of War and Beast God have never heard of it.In particular, the beast god has the word "beast", which sounds particularly surprising.

"Does the Beast God belong to the Beast Race?" A student immediately asked.

"That's right, it's the god that the orcs now believe in. That guy is worthy of being an orc. He's a full-fledged crazy militant. Even after being beaten up by me a dozen times, he's still restless."

"Teacher, it's fine if you substitute yourself, but don't you have to be ashamed to have an arrogant expression that won't make any sense?!" Many students complained.

"Why are there orcs?" Ophelia asked before Phil could find someone to punish him.

"At the beginning of the mortal world, there were two races, the human race and the beast race. Could it be that only your race can go to the heavens to become gods, and the beast race can't? It's just that you, as human races, always regard alien races as contemptible, so you care so much. "

There have been beast races and human races in the Mortal World from the very beginning. In fact, everyone has learned this in previous history classes, but as Teacher Phil said, they always treat the beast race and the demon race as different people and treat them differently.

From an objective point of view, they are also part of the mortal world, no different from human beings.

"They came to the heaven with the king of gods, thinking that they would live a life of indifference to the world in their dreams. Unfortunately, things went against their wishes. Angels are also a group. As the initial controllers of the heavens, the proud angels are even more xenophobic. Don't It is said that the orcs who have been forced to leave and live in remote places, and even the wingless gods whose appearance is almost only missing wings, often have conflicts with angels. Or oppressed by angels."

Phil licked his lips. He still remembered the days when he fought against the Wingless God. Those opponents were also very interesting.

The other students were Spartan in their hearts at this time, and the God King had no choice but to bring those strong men from the mortal world to the heaven for the sake of the sun.

Phil then gave a brief introduction to the living conditions of the Wingless God. Although it was only a brief introduction, there are still many things to say. Everyone is also very curious about the predecessors who went from the mortal world to the heavenly world. No one interrupted for a while. Just listen so carefully.

"However, after thousands of years, more and more people broke through the void and came to the heavens. The number of wingless gods continued to increase, and their strength gradually became comparable to that of angels. Before Lucifer fell into the demon world, angels and wingless gods The two sides of the gods have already negotiated peace talks, and they have won a peaceful living area for the wingless gods. Anyway, they don't have the blood feud like the demon world and the heaven world. They just have a simple relationship of contempt and despise. The angels can coexist peacefully with a little concession. .” Teacher Phil also sighed later.

In his eyes, none of this should be a problem.But Angel's innate self-conscious superiority attitude led to constant friction between the two sides.Back then, Lucifer had the same attitude towards the wingless gods. Compared to all the wingless gods, he always felt that he was superior, and his white and flawless wings were a symbol of his nobility and status.

Now Lucifer's views have changed a lot, maybe he was subconsciously influenced by the new Demon King. In retrospect, I feel that the angels' ideas are a bit naive.

When a group of people with the power to threaten their existence appear, they will have a mentality of rejection and suppression, and then implement it instead of generating healthy competition and striving to improve themselves.

Even if peace was negotiated back then, I am afraid there are still many discriminations and disharmony now.

Sometimes, Phil feels that angels and humans are essentially the same, with bad roots.

"Mr. Phil, if the Wingless God and the angels cooperate seamlessly and attack the Demon World again, will they be able to win?" Ophelia suddenly asked.

Yuan Feiwu turned his head, looked at Ophelia and smiled.He knew that Ophelia's ambition since childhood was to defeat the devil and become a great hero.This ambition... Yuan Feiwu could only smile slightly.

"If it was two years ago, it should be possible." Phil thought for a while, and finally said objectively, "Although the king of gods and the six archangels are at a slight disadvantage against the demon king Hades and the seven demon gods, As long as I add two of the wingless gods I mentioned, it will be enough to deal with it. The other wingless gods and angel alliance army are more than enough to deal with the demon army."

"Two years ago?" Ophelia caught the key word again.

(End of this chapter)

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