Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 360 Unexpected Breakthrough Timing

Chapter 360 Unexpected Breakthrough Timing

"Yes, when Hades was still there two years ago."

Phil returned to his arrogant look with a sneer, and looked at Ophelia with his eyeballs, making Ophelia feel as arrogant as ever.

"Hades is gone? So there is no Demon King in the Demon Realm?" Ophelia asked in surprise.

"It's just that Hades is gone, and the Demon King is still there." Phil smiled even more happily, "And there is a new Great Demon God in the Demon World. I guess you don't know about it?"

Right!Ophelia suddenly remembered that Mr. Phil told her after class last school year that the devil world had changed its king.At that time, he said that he would beat up the new Demon King, but he stared at him for a long time.

Yuan Feiwu couldn't help but smile wryly at Phil's words. Phil just said these things to make the students feel fearful and uneasy, right?This kind of bad taste is somewhat similar to Athena, one likes to watch people panic, and the other likes to watch others embarrass themselves.

"What? There's another Great Demon God?!" Many students couldn't help but stood up despite being called and punished.

After Lucifer fell into the Demon Realm, he became the Seven Great Demon Gods. In terms of numbers, he was already better than the Archangels of the Heaven Realm. Now there is another Great Demon God?This is even more surprising than changing the devil!
But at this moment, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and the class of an afternoon passed by so quickly, which made the students in class [-] of the samurai feel unbelievable.

It seems that the sound of the school bell has just rang for less than 10 minutes!Even the two who were punished to stand didn't feel that they had stood for long!get out of class is over now?Has the get out of class bell broken? !

In fact, everyone is not too entangled in whether the get out of class bell is broken. The most entangled thing is that Mr. Phil is a very principled teacher.His principles are logically very pleasing to the students: come to class after the class bell rings, never delay the class when the get out of class bell rings, pack up things and leave immediately, regardless of whether you are in the middle of talking or not, the change is rapid The dexterity of the action is breathtaking.

But sometimes this kind of excellent principle is insisted on unshakably, which makes the students feel uncomfortable and want to cry.

How glad Douglas would be if he knew that there was a group of students who hated the bell!
"Okay, let's talk about it in the next class. But the part about the Wingless God has already been finished, and we should talk about it in the next class... depending on your mood." Phil announced that the get out of class was over, but none of the students were happy. wry face.

"Don't finish class yet, please answer a few questions, teacher!"

"Teacher, what kind of great demon god is there in the demon world? Where did you hear the news?"

"That's right, none of Northway's senior management has received this news!"

"What's the name of the new Great Demon God? Is it powerful?"

"Teacher, this time you can use Lucifer to describe the strength of the new Great Demon God, and we won't complain about you. Please finish speaking before leaving!"

Phil also maintained another principle. After class, he stopped discussing "academic issues" with others, and stood by the door waiting, as if he was waiting for someone.Turn a deaf ear to all questions.

Everyone knows who they are, and they also know that Phil will not answer their questions anymore. With a lot of regrets and subjective opinions, everyone reluctantly discusses the various stories in the history class with their classmates and friends who have a better relationship.

This is already a relatively common norm after history class.

"Student Yuan Feiwu, do you want to go shopping next, or the student union or the library?" Phil asked respectfully when he saw Yuan Feiwu packed his things and walked slowly.

"Student Union. I heard that some kind of strength ranking has been made, and I plan to go and see if it turns into something weird." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

Xueyue and Yuan Feiwu have different goals, he didn't join the student union, he wanted to go to the library to read books.But it doesn't matter if they walk a certain distance together, and Phil also means so.

There is a serious business going to the student union this time, of course Yuan Feiwu has to bring Nangong Feng with him, his vote is very important.

It's just that Ophelia came over silently, but Nangong Feng, who acts as fast as his name "Feng", didn't move at all.

Several people looked back, but saw Nangongfeng sitting on the seat, his face turned blue and red and yellow, and his expression was a little painful.

"What is Nangongfeng doing? Stomach pain?" Ophelia asked, frowning.

Ophelia's words made the others a little helpless.

Only Yuan Feiwu could patiently explain to her: "I think it's time for him to break through his cultivation."

"En..." Xue Yue slightly nodded in agreement.

"This guy, is he taking my class seriously..." Phil seemed dissatisfied with the timing of Nangongfeng's breakthrough.

"He's going to break through? He he he... If he breaks through again, he'll be a Sky Warrior!" Ophelia understood what they said one by one.

Even though we were all in the same grade, I thought I was a high-ranking samurai, but Nangongfeng suddenly jumped in and became a land warrior, which made me very depressed.Now it's even more outrageous, it's time to break through the sky warriors!I don't know if he will be the youngest Sky Warrior student at Landis Academy of Magic? !
Of course, that monster Jiawen couldn't bring it up. First of all, she wasn't a student of Landis Academy of Magic.Second, she is talented, and she is a key talent cultivated in the palace, which is equivalent to being cultivated with the resources of the whole country, so she cannot be compared with normal people.

But that's because Ofelia didn't know that Nangongfeng was not an ordinary person. He had been trained by three sword masters for five years. You must know that the sword masters already existed beyond the country, and there were still three in one shot. The cultivation received is more exaggerated.

Regardless of whether it is the existence of breaking the records of the Landis School of Magic or not, I will check the information later, anyway, now is the most critical moment for Nangongfeng, and it is also the most dangerous moment!
"Don't disturb him for the time being, let's stay and protect him! Mr. Phil, hurry up and tell Principal Glass or Livia to come and watch!" Ophelia said to them, and then ran to tell the others The students who stayed in the classroom for discussion drove away, trying to make a quiet place for Nangongfeng.

In fact, this is the side of Ophelia buried deep in her heart. She is warm-hearted and kind, and she does not always embarrass all male creatures in the world as she does on the outside.

"Did she mean... let me run errands for a quasi-sky warrior?" Phil sneered.

For him, the number one demon god in the demon world, there is no difference between a sky warrior and a cockroach.When the difference in strength is too large, the difference in the small value range cannot reflect the difference at all. This is the case between the Great Demon God and the Sky Warrior, and the Sky Warrior and the mortal are also existences that can be crushed to death with one finger.

Asking him to run errands for Sky Warrior is a bit ironic.

But forget it, who made him a friend of Lord Demon King.

Phil was about to move when Yuan Feiwu caught him suddenly.

"There's something wrong with Nangongfeng!" After speaking, Yuan Feiwu ran towards Nangongfeng.

Phil was taken aback for a moment, it was the first time he saw the uneasiness on Lord Demon King's face.

Nangongfeng's situation is really not quite right. Although Phil has never seen someone break through the sky warrior, he doesn't think that when someone breaks through, his expression is so painful.

The pain was worse than inhuman torture, and death was like a relief to him.

Nangongfeng was indeed a tough guy, his teeth were bleeding from biting, and he didn't even snort.

Yuan Feiwu reached out to touch Nangongfeng. Originally, this action was very unfriendly and dangerous to a person who was breaking through.But Yuan Feiwu couldn't care so much.

Xueyue on the side frowned slightly, and said worriedly: "Which one of you has ever seen a person with a three-line elemental physique break through the sky warrior?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and suddenly felt that Xue Yue's words made them aware of a key problem, but they couldn't catch it.

(End of this chapter)

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