Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 361 The Demon God Can’t Do Anything

Chapter 361 The Demon God Can’t Do Anything

"I haven't seen it." Phil responded lightly.

You, a history teacher, have never seen a person with a three-element physique break through the sky warrior, so why be surprised!
Ophelia complained, but she also thought about it for a long time. She had never heard of such a thing as having a three-element physique. A person with a two-element physique is enough to amaze people for a long time.

Only Yuan Feiwu knew best what Phil's words meant.

Although he got the memory fragments of the ancient demon god, they were all scattered memories beyond this plane, so there was no information about such a tiny creature.Otherwise, Yuan Feiwu wouldn't even know how to store space and transform clothes with divine power, and he wouldn't even be able to remember the use of such low-level divine power. Worthy of being a memory.

Phil can be regarded as one of the great demon gods who have survived the longest in this alien world, and even he has never seen it, which can almost prove that people with three elemental physiques have never appeared in the alien world.

If it has not appeared before, it means it is the first time, it means that there is no experience, it means that what Nangongfeng is going to face is something unknown!

Unknown things always have unknown difficulties and dangers!
"The breakthrough of the three-element elemental physique, it seems, can't be said in common terms." Xueyue looked at Yuan Feiwu, who was frowning, wondering if there was any way for this guy who seemed to him to be omnipotent, "It's just why the wind So painful?"

"He can't break through Sky Warrior!" Yuan Feiwu sighed, and withdrew the hand that touched Nangongfeng's body.

Ophelia was stunned, it was the first time she saw Yuan Feiwu showing such a helpless expression.

It shouldn't be!

He should have smiled and said, it will be resolved in a while!

"What will happen if you break through?" Xueyue asked hastily.


Xueyue was startled.

"Can't you think of a way?" Ophelia asked anxiously.

"Phil, is there anything you can do?"

Facing Lord Demon King's request for help, Phil couldn't help but offer snacks, but he had never encountered such a situation, so he thought for a while seriously before saying, "We need to study and study."

"Yuan Feiwu, are you crazy? What's the use of finding a history teacher to study?" Ophelia was helpless.

"Let's go back first. Ophelia, go find Principal Douglas and come to the inhuman house!"

Yuan Feiwu ignored Ophelia's words, finished speaking in an unquestionable tone, picked up Nangong Feng and ran away.

Phil disappeared into the classroom at some point, and Ophelia was nowhere to be seen when she turned her head.And looking back, a faint white mist floated out of Xue Yue's body, and she shot out to chase Yuan Feiwu.

Ophelia couldn't keep up with them, and was very annoyed that the errand task had turned around and landed on her, but she had to do the errand.

Because Yuan Feiwu's sadness when he said the word "death" made her feel extremely distressed... Yuan Yuan Feiwu also has a sad and helpless side, although it is so invisible.

Nangongfeng was thrown back to his room, Phil, Xueyue, and Yuan Feiwu all surrounded the bed, watching Nangongfeng's complexion constantly changing.That was a manifestation of uncontrolled fighting spirit, and Nangongfeng was struggling with the disobedient fighting spirit in his body.

Not one share, but three shares!

Many of his meridians have cracks, because he couldn't stand the three rampant fighting spirits!
"Xiao Bu, do you have any good ideas?"

Beelzebub was also called up by Yuan Feiwu, standing behind Yuan Feiwu ready to flatter him at any time, but he didn't expect to be called by the Lord Demon King before he found the opportunity.

There is also a reason why Yuan Feiwu asked him. As a great demon god who has existed for as long as Lucifer, Beelzebub's knowledge and knowledge are beyond ordinary people's imagination.

"What is he doing?" As soon as Xiao Bu spoke, Phil's eyes could hardly be seen.

Xiao Bu just said that he regretted it a little. Anyway, there is a shielding circle here, so he quickly walked a few steps forward and used his divine power to sense it, and immediately blurted out a question of surprise: "Huh?"

Phil and Yuan Feiwu immediately looked at him.

"It turns out that he has a three-element physique, which is very rare!"

Nima has been living together in the same building for several months, this guy only knows now, may he be a little bit late!
Phil resisted the urge to hit someone, and asked patiently, "He's going to break through Sky Warrior, what can you do?"

"This..." Xiao Bu thought for a while, but I don't know if it was because of his habit. When Xiao Bu was thinking about the problem, his two brown eyeballs rolled around, which looked a little scary. Breaking through the sky warrior is to condense the dou qi that has settled in the abdomen, and refine it into a more pure and majestic dou qi, which is not comparable to the dou qi of the earth warrior in terms of quantity or quality. But because of his physical problems, the dou qi he cultivated has three Butts, this condensing, there is not enough space in the abdomen to store fighting energy. The abdomen can't support them, so they have to run around, but the process of condensing is still going on, and they will become more and more fierce... In the end, when even the meridians can't hold on, that's when all the meridians are destroyed and his body explodes to death."

Xue Yue was taken aback after hearing this, it turned out that the reason for Nangong Feng's discomfort was this!
Xueyue couldn't help but feel a bit of distress, the meridians were constantly receiving the impact of three inflated battle qi, the pain was very terrifying.But Nangong Feng endured it silently, probably because he didn't want everyone to worry about him.

And this servant, who was said to be invited by Phil, only took a few glances to know that Nangongfeng had a problem with his cultivation, which meant that his cultivation was definitely much higher than his own!
At least I can't see the problem so clearly!

He has always felt that Phil and Xiao Bu living in a non-human house are not simple, and from this point of view, it is indeed the case.Like Yuan Feiwu, they made Xueyue unable to see the depth. This kind of person should not be a current person and a history teacher here.

Although he was surprised, he had nothing to do with any secrets they were hiding. The important thing now was how to deal with Nangongfeng's problem.

"Do you need to say more?" Phil's eyes flashed coldly.

He and Yuan Feiwu had already figured out Nangongfeng's problem, but the problem was how to solve it.

"To save his life, of course there is a way. Just prevent him from breaking through the sky warrior. It's too late to seal his meridians now, we can only destroy his cultivation." Xiao Bu said lightly.

Compared with cultivation, life is of course more important.Besides, in Beelzebub's eyes, there is no difference between having or not having a Sky Warrior's level of cultivation, and it would not be a pity to destroy it at all.

"That's worse than killing him." Xue Yue said.

Xueyue knew that even though Nangong Feng shouted all day long to practice magic, this battle qi had also been cultivated with great painstaking efforts, and losing all of this might be worse than death for Nangong Feng.

"Is there no other way?" Yuan Feiwu sighed.

This was the only way he could think of.

"I don't have any more." Xiao Bu said quickly, and Phil on the side also nodded.

They are all demon gods with boundless divine power. When it comes to destroying or destroying, they can definitely do it with a little finger; but to solve a human's fighting spirit compatibility problem, there is really nothing they can do.Even the method that came to mind was related to destruction—destroying those life-threatening grudges.

But in this way, apart from losing his battle qi, Nangong Feng will not be able to cultivate his battle qi in the future, which is similar to the destruction of his meridians, so he can be regarded as half a useless person.

Yuan Feiwu already has the supernatural power of the ancient demon god, but it is not omnipotent, and he has no way to solve this problem.If Nangongfeng had a dark element physique, it would be fine, his divine power could sort out Nangongfeng's meridians, at least he could guarantee that his meridians would recover immediately after they were broken, just like when he was washed by the power of the ancient demon god.

Using divine power to easily restore or strengthen the opponent requires the opponent's physique to be able to cope.

So the only way he could think of to save Nangongfeng's life was to destroy it.

(End of this chapter)

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