Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 362 Don't be cowardly, just do it!

Chapter 362 Don't be cowardly, just do it!
"Hurry up, the longer the time, the more uncomfortable he will be, won't it?"

Xiao Bu looked at Yuan Feiwu with one eye, and turned his other eye to Nangong Feng's direction, seeking Yuan Feiwu's opinion.In fact, he completely ignored Nangong Feng's life and death, but saw that the Demon King was a little troubled, and wanted to relieve the Demon King's worries as soon as possible.

"Let Principal Douglas take a look, maybe he has a solution."

Yuan Feiwu has lived with Nangongfeng longer than Xueyue, and of course understands how much Nangongfeng values ​​his own cultivation.Without this level of cultivation, Nan Gongfeng might lose his dignity and self-confidence.

Nangongfeng looks cheerful on the outside, but he is actually a person who is extremely closed in his heart. This kind of person also has a very low self-esteem.If he becomes a useless person, then he will choose to leave Landis Magic Academy and leave all the places where he knew him, because he knows that he and Xueyue will definitely take care of him, and he doesn't want to be someone who drags himself or Xueyue down .

In his eyes, friends are used to protect and help, not to drag.

"Well, then let's take our leave first." After Phil finished speaking lightly, he and Xiao Bu left to go back to the first and second floors.

Because Douglas has already come outside the gate of the Inhuman House, after all, Douglas also represents the existence of the highest strength in the mortal world, Phil and Xiao Bu's footsteps at this time would easily reveal their feet, so it's better to avoid it.

Douglas looked at Ophelia as if she was going back to her own home, and the door of the main room was pushed in casually, which was an eye-opener.How far has this girl and Yuan Feiwu progressed? It doesn't look easy!

Going up to the third floor, Douglas had already seen Yuan Feiwu come out to meet him, and took him to Nangongfeng's room, where Xueyue was guarding.

"What's wrong with this kid?"

Douglas had heard from Ophelia on the way here, and now it seemed that the situation was worse than expected, so he immediately reached out and grabbed Nangongfeng's shoulder, and used his mental power to search his body.

"How could this happen!" Douglas withdrew his hand in horror, pondered for a while, and soon thought of the reason, so he couldn't help cursing, "No wonder those three bastards suddenly threw Nangong Feng at me. Magic, so this is the reason! After experiencing the exchange match, this kid has gained a lot, and he didn’t expect to break through again so soon! But this is not a good thing, it is a reminder! I knew there would be such consequences, your sister Let me tell you earlier, those three bastards are really..."

Douglas scolded well, Tuo Tuoou, Mu Leiden, and San Kimbro are all outstanding players in fighting qi, and their familiarity with fighting qi is of course first-class, and they have judged the consequences long ago.

At that time, Nangong Feng advanced to the high level of Earth Warrior, and they began to look forward to the future after Nangong Feng broke through the Sky Warrior with great interest.

But with such a prospect, they also thought of the crisis that Nangongfeng would face now.

They didn't think of a solution to this crisis. In order to save Nangongfeng's life, they had to suspend teaching Nangongfeng's practice and throw him to the Landis School of Magic to let his enthusiasm for magic hinder the progress of fighting spirit.To put it simply, it is a plan to reinforce the troops, and I want to find a solution before Nangongfeng breaks through.Anyway, it will take several years to break through. If Sky Warrior breaks through so well, wouldn't it be a rotten street.

But it happened by accident.

Douglas is not a god, so how could he know the conspiracy of the three of them.Moreover, Nangongfeng's magic comprehension is so poor that there is no one before or after. Maybe God opened the BUG door for him with three elemental physiques and closed the window of magic comprehension, so as not to let him be too perfect.Anyway, Douglas finally threw Nangong Feng to Yuan Feiwu... Under Yuan Feiwu's guidance, even if there was no exchange match, the progress of practice was faster than that taught by the three sword masters!
"Aside from destroying the cultivation base, is there any other way?" Xue Yue couldn't help asking anxiously as she watched Nangong Feng gritted his teeth and struggled with the fighting spirit in his body, without any reaction to the outside world.

He doesn't know many things about Star Luo Continent, but he still knows the name of Douglas, the great magister of light, the strongest person in all mankind!none of them!

"There is no way! The three-line element fighting spirit warrior sounds wonderful, but I didn't expect it to be a beautiful lie, and it can't break through the sky warrior! I really don't know whether this three-line element physique is a good thing or a bad thing." Douglas also didn't Method.

Even Douglas couldn't do anything, Yuan Feiwu and Xueyue felt a little hopeless.

"I think there is another way to try."

Suddenly a voice came from the door, and everyone looked back, it was Athena.

Seeing that Yuan Feiwu and Nangong Feng hadn't come to the student union for a long time, she found the Inhuman House by herself, just in time to hear what Douglas said.

"How?" asked Douglas.

"The light element contains the power of brilliance, and has an incomparable affinity. Using the light element to help Nangongfeng integrate the three fighting qi, there should be no repulsion by the fighting qi." Athena thought for a while.

"The phenomenon of rejection may not appear. However, there are too many battle qi and the body is too big. Even if the three battle qi are willing to stay in the abdomen obediently, the abdomen cannot hold them..." Douglas said.

"In terms of battle qi, Nangongfeng needs to work hard on his own. Try to compress the three strands of battle qi into a purer and denser form, and compress them into the size of one strand of battle qi." Athena said.

"This..." Xue Yue was a little surprised, she wanted to compress the three dou qi that could fill the entire dantian into one-third respectively?It sounds simple, but it's actually incredible!
"He has three strands of vindictiveness, maybe we can squeeze each other out," Athena said.

Athena's words opened the eyes of a few people, and can they compress fighting energy in this way?

Is this opportunistic, using external force to compress the density of fighting spirit?This is indeed a trick that only Nangong Feng can use to compress each other with three different vindictive qi, which no one else can do.

"You can try it. But the risk is very high, I think it's better to ask Nangongfeng's opinion." Douglas put his hand on Nangongfeng's head and communicated with him with mental power.

Get his reply soon.

"Don't be cowardly, just do it!"

Hearing Douglas relay Nangongfeng's original words, Xueyue and Yuan Feiwu grinned with tears in their eyes.

Okay, this is very Nangong style!

"Tell him, I want to challenge the sky warrior with three elemental physiques." Xue Yue said lightly, then turned and walked out of the room.

He walked all the way outside the inhuman house, took out a slender staff that he seldom took out recently, and stood outside the door without saying a word.

Xueyue knew that the process that Nangongfeng was about to challenge would be very dangerous. At this time, absolutely nothing could disturb him.

The area outside the house is left to him to guard, no matter who it is, don't even think about stepping in half a step!

"Athena, I'm afraid I need your help."

Douglas rolled up his sleeves. He actually didn't like this decision very much. After all, the risk was too great. He had never encountered such a situation at his age.However, being infected by these hot-blooded young people, Douglas also planned to take a risk. At worst, it would not work, and he was sure that he could save Nangongfeng's life!
But this kind of operation that needs to control the light element into a person's body to help fuse the fighting spirit, if there is a light element elf to help, it will be more handy!
"Okay." Athena agreed.

Ophelia was entrusted by Douglas to tell Livia about the situation here.Because he, the principal, is going to ask for leave for a few days.

Alright, let's run some errands... Ophelia knew that was all she could do.

Yuan Feiwu helped Douglas and Athena make a light element amplification circle, closed the door and left.

He was sitting outside the door, holding the ancient sword at his waist, what he was doing now was no different from Xue Yue.

At this moment, Xue Yue changed her original opinion.

He, Yuan Feiwu, and Nangong Feng are actually the same kind of people.

No wonder he subconsciously told himself that he must find him, but now he wants to understand.

(End of this chapter)

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