Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 363 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 363 The Uninvited Guest

"This kid's magic circle is set up neatly. Hey, he is still a high-end product, how did he learn it?! And where are there so many fifth-level demon cores!"

Douglas first studied the magic circle arranged by Yuan Feiwu.Intermediate and high-level magic circles generally need some energy crystals as auxiliary supplies. Like the magic circle in Nangongfeng's room, Yuan Feiwu threw almost ten five-level demon cores at once.

Yuan Feiwu used to get more than a hundred demon cores in Baihua Forest, and threw one-third of them in the Tost Empire as bait. Among the remaining demon cores, these are the most advanced five-level demon cores left.This time I took it all out and used it, which was a bit extravagant.

"Let's get started!" Athena walked over and triggered the magic circle, and suddenly many white stars slowly gathered in the room, and the faint white light was like floating dust under the light.

Douglas responded, seized the time, helped Nangongfeng sit up straight, and put a hand on his shoulder.Athena was called to do the same.

Douglas asked Athena to take a look first, then allocated part of the magic power to control the light element, and walked into Nangong Feng's body.

The three grudges immediately sensed a foreign object entering their bodies, and immediately went crazy as if they wanted to fight back. Douglas was frightened when he saw it, and quickly retracted it.

"See, this is a wrong demonstration!" Douglas wiped off his cold sweat, and turned around to teach Athena first.

"Yes, yes, teacher, you have worked hard." Athena is also very good at coaxing people, otherwise she would not be favored by thousands of people.

"It's true this time!"

Douglas liked this, and continued hastily. While speaking, he distributed a trace of magic power to control a trace of light element to invade Nangongfeng's body.

The amount he got in at one time before might have been too much, but this time he only dared to get a little bit.

This method can also be done with light elements or water elements, which is a bit similar to healing. When using light elements full of radiance and sanctity or water elements that promote restoration for healing, these elements must also enter the opponent's body.The difference is that these elements are used in human cells during the healing technique, but now, Douglas is controlling the elements to deal with Nangongfeng's grudge.

Interacting with grudge, even the water element is not allowed.

Only light elements that can blend with everything will do.

Of course, there are also things that the light elements cannot get close to, and that is the dark elements.As for the dark elements, they can't communicate with any other elements, they only know how to destroy.

That ray of light element entered Nangong Feng's body, and carefully touched the three strands of battle energy.

Another foreign body invaded, and the three vindictive qi were a little turbulent, but after feeling the affinity of the light element, they gradually calmed down.

And this mercerizing element slowly merged into the three strands of vindictiveness, becoming a lubricant to ease the friction between them.

This first step was successful, but Douglas's back was soaked with sweat.

This requires too much manipulation of magic power, and it takes a lot of effort.

The ultimate goal, of course, is not just to let the light element become a lubricant, this is only the first step.Their purpose is to let the light element help the three conflicting fighting spirits to be compatible!But it can only be done step by step, first let the light element penetrate slowly, and prevent the grudges from rubbing against each other, so that Nangong Feng's pain can be relieved a lot.

Athena has been sensing the situation in Nangongfeng's body all the time, and what Douglas is doing is clear at a glance, and immediately separates a trace of mercerizing element, and goes to a meridian to assume the function of lubricant.

Quick and accurate!
Athena quickly completed the operation of the light element and arrived at the exact position she was supposed to go, which made Douglas dumbfounded again.

As expected of an elf envoy of light elements, she commanded the light elements like her arms and fingers, as if those light elements were herself.Douglas's control of the light element is extremely precise, and he already feels a little complacent, but seeing Athena's enchanting performance, he can't help but sigh.

The future really should be the world of these young people!

"It's a good thing it's not the attribute of water element fighting qi and fire element fighting qi, which is a life-and-death relationship, otherwise it would be difficult." Athena executed it smoothly, but she was not without emotion.

Indeed, if Nangongfeng's physique is the element of water and fire, then this risk can be avoided, as it is impossible for these two kinds of vindictiveness to coexist.However, there has never been a physique with the two elements of water and fire in this world.

It would take a lot of time just to turn the light elements into lubricants, so Douglas said to Nangongfeng: "You try to start with those positions with light elements, we have to hurry up."

Of course, Nangongfeng was already prepared. Hearing Douglas' call, he immediately manipulated the part of the fighting energy in the meridians that had been embedded with light elements, and the three strands of fighting energy slowly bonded together.They are not trying to fit together, but secretly competing, squeezing each other.Because the number is three, one tail chases the other, and slowly, it starts to spin.

This... Douglas couldn't help but be attracted by the situation over there. Under the pressure of the three grudges, they were spinning non-stop!But it seems that the vindictiveness there is indeed slowly shrinking, and they will not collide with each other forcefully, reaching a delicate balance.

"It seems to work!" Athena cheered.

"Okay, let's work harder!" Douglas also became more energetic.

In this way, three days and three nights passed.

Yuan Feiwu sat outside the door without moving a step, and Xue Yue also stayed outside the door without moving.

During the period, Ophelia and Tarena came several times, but were stopped by Xueyue.

"At least eat something, you guys!"

"Critical period, please do not disturb." Xueyue didn't have the slightest room for negotiation.

If you don't want to eat, give Yuan Feiwu something to eat!
Ophelia really wanted to kick this cold-blooded guy to death, but after thinking about it, she and Tarena didn't know if she could beat him, so forget it.

Anyway, if you eat less for a few days, you won't starve to death these guys who practice grudges.

But whether the situation of Nangongfeng inside is good or bad, they have no way of knowing. Now that the situation is like this, they can only leave worriedly, and there is nothing they can do to help.

Xueyue didn't know about Nangongfeng's situation either, but he never went in to inquire even once.Because even if he knew, he wouldn't be able to help much, so he might as well resolutely implement the modest contribution he can provide.The hard-working people inside must not be harassed, this is the mission he can do!
Another day later, the courtyard gate was opened again.

Xueyue immediately stood up in a lunge, and a cloud of white mist slowly spread out.

"Oh? This is... an ice element?!"

The person who came was not Ophelia or Tarena, not even someone from Landis Academy of Magic.It was three old guys who were not young. One was hunched over and looked sloppy; the other was well-dressed, but a little fat;

It was the stooped one who spoke just now. His walking pace was similar to that of the other two, but his speed was far ahead. He walked forward like skating, and he was the first to enter the snowy fog of the snowy moon.

"Really! There are so many geniuses in that old Douglas's school!" The chubby old man also walked in and said with emotion.

"Please back down, otherwise, die!"

"Don't retreat, what's the matter?" the crooked old man sneered.

Xueyue felt heavy pressure from the three of them, it was not a good idea to let this kind of guy get close, she couldn't help but waved her staff, three ice picks appeared one by one, and smashed towards them.

(End of this chapter)

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